《Tear In My Heart▷ Lip Gallagher》14


Terri p.o.v.

We waited for about ten minutes and was finally in the air. The flight is about 20 hours. I got onto my phone and got the WiFi. I went on Facebook and looked and saw one of my best friends. Aiden. I ran and hugged him.

"Aiden!!!" I scream.

"Terri!!!" He screams back as he hugged me back.

"I thought you moved?" I told him as we pulled away.

"We did and moves back because we missed you then found out that you moved and soon then found out you moving back today." He explains to me.

"Aiden you can take Terri to see your family again." Dad says to him. Aiden nodded and we went into his car.

"Meet any boys?" Aiden asked as he put the keys in.

"Yeah." I told him smiling.

"Who? It has to be someone special to get you to smile like that." He states.

"His name is Lip." I tell him.

"Show me a picture." He demands me.

I showed him finally a picture and it was when he got stoned with me and Ian.

"He ain't that bad looking." He says and looked at the road.

"Yeah...." I said to him.

Lip p.o.v.

I watched her go Into the airplane. I waited a few minutes hoping she'll run out and hug me and want to stay here....but that never came.

"She'll be back." Ian says to me.

"Come on let's go." Mandy tells us. We all followed and walked out.



Sorry its short but that's the end. I'll make a sequel if you all want me too 😛..........#pherri4life

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