《Tear In My Heart▷ Lip Gallagher》9


Terri p.o.v.

After that day I woke up from my mum and dad shaking me awake. I groaned.

"What the hell you both want?" I asked them as I looked at the clock. It was 8 am. 1.) I was late for school and 2.) They should be at work.

"You're dad got a great job offer back in England and they said they'll pay him 100k a week." Mum tells me as her smile grew bigger. My eyes widen.

"What?!" I shout as I got out of bed. "I just started school and now you want us to move?" I ask as I look at them.

"We tried to be nice about it." Dad says quietly but I still heard him. "WE NEED THE MONEY THATS WHY I TOOK IT! WE NEED TO PAY FOR KIAN! AND YOU! WE NEED TO PAY FOR THE HOUSE AND CARS,SO YOU HAVE TO FUCKING DEAL WITH IT!" he yells at me.


"HOW IS THE FUCK MY FAULT!" He gets closer to me.

"LETS SEE....YOUR SPERM IN HER VAGINA! NOT USING PROTECTION OR BUY A BETTER CONDOM!" Mum then came between us as she saw the tension between us.

"Honey come on and let's pack." She tells dad then looks at me. "Start packing. I already got you out of school." Her and dad left the room. I then screamed at the top of my lungs.

"I HATE ALL OF YOU! I HATE MY FAMILY!" I shout from my room. I went on my bed and started to think and tears down my face.

*2 hours later*

After a few hours after I started to pack there was a knock on the door. I went to get it but my parents beat me to it.


"Oh hi Ian....and Philip." Mum says to them.

"Shouldn't you two be in school?" Dad asked them.

"Terri wasn't in school,we got worried about her." Ian says.

"Well she's busy packing up. Terri is also happy to be leaving because a boy who broke her heart won't be there and some gay boy also won't be there." Dad says rudely to them. I was about to go out and say something but they closed the door on them.

"You guys are rude as fuck." I said to them pissed.

"We're only stating the truth sweetie." Mum says to me smiling.

"I fucking hate you guys." I told them and went to the door to see them but before I can I was thrown to the ground. It was my dad.

"You're not going after them." He says as mum handed him his gun. "If you do they won't see the day of light again neither will you." He smirked.

"Now go and finish." Mum says and I got up quickly and went to my room.

"I HOPE YOU ALL DIE!" I shout to them. Ian or Lip won't talk to me anymore. Hell...the two people I care about won't talk to me....because of those two so called 'parents'.

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