《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》epilogue


"Get your baby bump out of my face." Audrina slapped my stomach, making me groan loudly.

"I'm not pregnant you idiot. I'm just bloated." I rolled my eyes, rubbing my stomach poking out of my top.

"I would take a test for good measure." She shrugged. Audrey was right- I even had the unopened test in the bathroom, waiting for me to use it. I guess I'm scared, scared because it would make sense that I'm pregnant.

For almost a week now, I had been bloated. I tried detox smoothies, but nothing seemed to work. We all just figured it was because of my period, but it was a few weeks late.

"I don't want to talk about that." I sighed, pulling my sweater closed.

"Audrey we need help." Ryan walked out of the kitchen, escaping Tiffany's bossing screams.

"If Tiff being mean?" Audrina stood up from her seat, furrowing her brows.

Ryan nodded, playing with his lip piercing. Audrina sighed, standing up from her space on the couch and marching to the kitchen.

Ryan snickered, following her as she angrily walked into the kitchen and began yelling at Tiffany to calm down.

I ignored it, calling Noah. He and Natalie went last minute Christmas shopping, even today was Christmas eve.

"Hey, what's up?" He answered almost immediately.

"You guys almost done? It's getting dark out." I looked outside the window, pulling my cardigan closed. The breeze from outside made me shudder.

"Yeah we just finished. Be there in a bit." He said, crowded voices behind him.

"Ok, drive safe." I smiled. We exchanged love you's and I hung up, walking into the kitchen where it seemed to be a screaming competition.

"Turn the oven off!" I slapped Tiffany's shoulder, grabbing oven mitts and pulling out a pastry she was making.

"What is the issue?" I sighed, leaning against the counter.

"Nothing." Audrina stubbornly said, shaking her head.

"Ryan I still need your help." Tiffany turned around, preparing another dish to go into the still hot oven.

"What now?" He grumbled, putting his arm around Audrina.

"I can't reach the shelf! You're the tallest person here. You stay until I'm done." She waved her finger in his face, making him mumble under his breath and go to help her.


"She can be such a bitch sometimes." Audrina said, stomping out of the kitchen. I laughed, watching her flip onto the couch and look through the presents for the thousandth time.

My stomach grumbled at the smell of food. I tiptoed into the kitchen, sneaking a taste of the whipped cream on the fresh pastry. It seemed to get harder everyday to control my cravings.

Minutes later, the doorbell rang. Tank jumped out of the couch, barking wildly at the door.

I went to open the door, but he pushed past me, almost throwing me off my feet.

"Watch out Tank!" I scolded him, grabbing on to his collar so he wouldn't run out the house.

"We have presents!" Natalie's teeth chattered as she walked in, holding bags of gifts, followed by Noah holding more. The cold air felt nice against the blasting heater.

"Hey boy!" Noah but the bags down, greeting Tank, who was jumping wildly. He was almost as tall as Noah standing on his hind legs. Noah gave him aggressive pats in the head. Tank happily whined, jumping in circles.

"Smells good!" Natalie's nose was upturned, smelling the air.

"Your wife is in there creating a mess." Audrina exclaimed from the couch, her voice still angry.

"What did you guys get?" I tried to peek in the red and green bags, but he blocked my sight.

"You'll find out later." He smirked, pulling me into a cozy hug.

"Okay." I smiled mischievously at the largest bag, I wonder who that was for.


"Mom! Hi!" I smiled widely as I opened the door for my parents.

"Hello sugar buns!" She tightly embraced me, her signature perfume burning my nostrils; in a good way.

"You're glowing! Should I be expecting little ones soon?" Her eyes lit up as she ran her hand on my face sweetly.

I scoffed, swatting her hand from my face. "I am not pregnant! Everyone keeps saying that." I said.

"Mhm." She cocked her head to the side, going to greet Noah.

"Noah! Did you get taller or am I just shrinking?" She laughed wildly, embracing Noah.


He laughed, holding the dog down before he jumped on my mom. I saw her whisper something into his ears, making him glance over at me before looking back at her with a smile.

"How've you been?" My father patted my back as he gave me a greeting hug. I shook my distracted head, focusing on my dad.

"How have you guys been? I know it was probably tough driving through the snow." I walked through the house, talking to my dad.

"Nothing I haven't done a million times before." He joked, petting Tank. Tank wagged his tail, hitting my thigh. I grabbed a little bag of dog treats and began giving Tank a few.

"What have you been feeding this dog? He gets bigger everytime I see him." My father said, laughing.

"Noah buys him that expensive stuff." I said, sitting down on a barstool next to the kitchen.

Noah appeared around the corner, giving me a cup of warm liquid. I tasted it, smiling when I recognized the familiar taste if hot chocolate.

"Thanks love." I took another sip.

"Almost done guys." Tiffany smiled at us, going back into the kitchen to finish cooking.

Noah and my dad began talking, away from me. I huffed, looking down at Tank who has staring up at me.

"What's up baby?" I bent down, giving him belly scratches.

My mom and Ryan set the table, chatting amongst themselves. They got along well, despite their personalities being direct opposites.

"All ready!" Tiffany passed my me carrying all the food, followed by Natalie and Audrina helping out. Both Tank and I turned our heads at the scent of the fresh food.


After we ate, we went to the christmas tree and decided to open presents early.

"Open one and leave the rest for tomorrow." My mother told us all as we ran to the tree and picked out presents.

"Open mine first." Noah smiled, handing me a small box with a bow on it.

We all exchanged gifts, excitedly opening them. The big bag that Noah brought ended up being for Tank. I let out a disappointed huff, watching Tank jump excitedly as Noah opened the bag for him.

In it were at least three bags of treats, a coat for winter and dog boots. Along with a large bone that Tank could knaw on. I jealously turned away from Tank and Noah, turning to everyone else.

Audrina opened Ryan's gift, a pair of limited edition knee high boots from some brand she liked. She loved them, giving Ryan a big hug. Ryan opened my gift, a set of rings, piercings and jewelry I found at Hot Topic. He gave me a reassuring smile and thanked me, making me proud of my decision.

Tiffany and Natalie opened each other's gifts, squealing at the sight. Natalie gave Tiffany an expensive eyeshadow palette, one she had been looking at for months. Natalie got a charm bracelet from Tiffany, she grinned as she put it on.

I was about to open my gift, when everyone turned to me.

"What?" I nervously said, everyone had a mischievous look on their face.

"Open it!" Audrina giggled, crossing her arms.

I laughed, unraveling the red ribbon and opening the box. Inside was a ring, a beautiful diamond resting on it.

My eyes widened, I felt my heart drop.

"Is this-" my voice cracked. I have never seen an engagement ring before but this sure looked like one.

Noah nodded, nervously fidgeting with his hands.

"It's just I can't imagine my life without you. You mean so much to me-" he started, everyone watching in anticipation.

I shakily took his nervous hands in mine, my face growing redder every second.

Before he could continue I nodded my head. His face lit up, watching me struggle to keep it together.

"Yes. Yeah, let's get married!" I laughed, crawling into his arms and tightly hugging him.

Everyone cheered, even Tank barked loudly in excitement.

"I love you." He said into my ear. I smiled, sniffling.

"I love you more."


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