《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》official.


"Gah!" I sat up dramatically, clenching the sheets on my bed. I was startled awake, it was still dark out.

What startled me awake was a loud, high pitched squeal followed by a heavy thud. I groaned, rubbing my eyes and reaching for my phone.

I groaned louder, it was 3 in the morning!

"It is three in the morning. There better be a fire or something or else i'm-" I walked out of my room, shouting in to the hallway between all our rooms.

I stopped as soon as I saw Tiffany's door wide open. I creeped inside, looking around for Tiffany.

"Something about a fire?" Audrina yawned behind me, making me flinch. I grumbled and turned to face her, giving her a look.

"Be quiet." I whispered to her, peering around the room for Tiffany.

She wasn't on her bed, sleeping as she should be. The covers were all disheveled, and it was completely dark.

I wondered where she could be. She was in the room, but where?

"Check over there." Audrina whispered, pointing to behind Tiffany's bed. Now that she mentioned it, there was a slight illumination coming from the unseen part of her bed.

I narrowed my eyes, tiptoeing around her bed to get to the other side. Audrina followed closely behind, grabbing on to the bottom of my shirt.

I shook off my nerves, why was I so scared? It was Tiffany, what could she be doing that would terrify me?

Maybe it was the loud random squeal, maybe it was the loud thud, or maybe it was the fact that she was hidden. Maybe it was the darkness and the sounds of the night that made this so menacing.

I widened my eyes as giggles began to erupt from beside the bed. I squirmed, feeling goosebumps arise all over my body.

I could almost hear the psycho music as I confidently took the very last step to the edge of her room, beside her bed.


I curiously gasped. No, her body wasn't being chopped to pieces, instead, she was completely encased under a blanket on the floor.

I looked at Audrina, though I could barely see, I knew she was just as confused as me.

"What is she doing?" I wondered out loud, keeping my voice low.

"Let's find out?" Audrina smirked, creeping closer to the blanketed hill.

She tapped Tiffany's shoulder, lightly enough so she wouldn't be startled.

"Ah!" Tiffany lunged forwards, blindly crashing into her bedside table. She fell back, rubbing her forehead.

"What the hell, guys?" She moaned and stood up, shaking her head. Her hand wandered to the table, blindly looking for her lamp.

She finally switched it on, revealing her dark under eye bags. I swallowed my surprise, looking at her tired, goofy smile. She tore out her ear buds, narrowing her eyes at us.

"Uh..." I had trouble finding words. I pinched my arm, making sure I wasn't dreaming.

Well, this is awkward.

"There's a fire." Audrina said, grinning. Tiffany's eyes widened.

"What? No, there's no-" I noticed Tiffany's eyes grow annoyed. She shifted her weight to one leg, crossing her arms.

"Ahem, there's no fire." My cheeks reddened. I looked down, had I imagined the whole thing?

No, something obviously happened, and I had a right to know!

"We're just checking on you. I heard a noise, and I thought... y'know... s-"

"There was a fire?" Tiffany giggled.

"NO! Forget the fire! It's a figure of speech!" I shouted, rolling my eyes.

"Are you okay? Why are you on the floor? Why are you still awake? Why did you squeal really loudly?" I blurted out, just wanting answers at this point.

Audrina sighed, crossing her arms.

"You woke us up. And for what?" She blankly said.

"If it is that crucial for everyone to know my business-" she started, but was cut off by Audrina.


"It became our business too when you started waking us up at the ass crack of dawn!" Audrina waved her finger in her face, stepping closer.

"I- excuse you! It's not my fault you're all baby sleepers!" Tiffany shot back, this time looking at me.

"Hey! I didn't say anything!" I defended myself. Oh boy...

"You're thinking it!" Tiffany said, stomping her foot on the ground.

"Thinking what?" I questioned, shouting loudly.

"Just, ugh let me be happy for five seconds! I got the best news of my life not even five minutes ago and you're already on my fucking back!" Tiffany shut her eyes and clenched her fists next to her sides, her feet still stomping on her sides.

If steam could come out of her ears, it would be a sauna right now.

Her eyes twitched, and she gave us a look only murderer's give.

"Oh?" Audrina said, still completely unfazed and unbothered.

"I will have you know-" I cut Audrina off before she made the situation worse.

"Audrey, quit it." I said, giving her a stern look. She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes.

"Sorry Tiff. Your business is not ours." I apologized. I just wanted to go back to sleep before I had to get up in the morning. I needed sleep more than answers.

I smiled at her as Audrina turned on her heel to walk out of the room.

"You wake me up one more time, I will set this place on fire." She said before leaving and shutting the door behind her.

"I'm sorry I woke you guys up." Tiffany's face softened.

I faced her, making a curious face.

"It's- okay. It's fine." I smiled warmly at her and turned to leave but I stopped.

"What happened?" I asked, smiling.

Her phone vibrated in her hand, and she frantically checked it.


I frowned.

"You said you got the best news of your life a minute ago, care to share?" I grinned and did a little dance to try and defuse the tension.

"Well..." Her face tried to stay serious, but a smile broke out. Her face reddened and she laughed loudly.

"Natalie finally asked me out!" Tiffany exclaimed, running into me for a hug.

I could feel her excitement when she hugged me. She was beaming; I hadn't seen her this happy in a long time.

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" I swayed back and forth, a huge grin on my face.

All the romantic tension between them was killing me. I loved their relationship, might I say I was even a little jealous. I bet they never fought, or had second thoughts. Must be nice.

Not that Noah and I had fights or anything... but nowadays he was hard to trust. Of course, I did, but I had my doubts. Unfortunately.

"Yeah, we're going on our first date tomorrow. Well- tonight." She giggled.

"That is incredible! Tell me all about it." I said, immediately followed by a yawn.

"Sorry for waking you up." Tiffany sighed, awkwardly slouching on to her bed.

"I'd say it was worth it," I stretched and began walking to the door.

"I'll help you pick out your outfit later. Get some sleep." I closed the door, tip toeing back to my room.

"I guess 'Tatalie' is finally official." Audrina said, she had been leaning against the door frame. She clapped her hands softly and went back into her room, shutting the door behind her.

"Awesome." I said to myself as I sunk back onto my bed.


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