《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》check.


"Who is that?" I said under my breath, moving my head to see better, but it was no use.

I could only barely see her back, but I knew it was her, no doubt.

"Stop moving!" He grabbed my hair and yanked it backwards, making my head fly back onto his chest.

I groaned loudly, it hurt a bit.

"I'm almost done." He then said, taking a rubber band from my wrist and putting it on his.

"You're so aggressive, chill out." I scolded him, still focused on my sister and her mystery date.

"That didn't hurt." He scoffed, tying the end of the braid.

With that, I turned and grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled, watching as his eyes went wide.

"Didn't hurt huh?" I smirked, watching as he rubbed his head with a scowl on his face.

"This isn't bad." I pulled down the mirror above me and looked at the braid. He didn't do horrible, at least not as bad as last time. It could use some work though.

"Thanks." He rolled his eyes, slapping the back of my head as he looked out the window.

"That could be anyone." He said, gesturing his hand at the girl who I knew was her.

"No, it's Audrina."

"Prove it."

I pulled out my phone and called her, both of us watching the girl.

I saw as she took it her phone, stared at it and declined the call.

I got a text a couple seconds later.

"What a bitch." I scoffed and put my phone down, ignoring her text.

"You would do the same." Noah smiled behind me, yawning after he did so.

"What if I went up to her?" I suggested, turning back to Noah.

I smiled mischievously as I imagined it in my head.

"How about you just not be nosy?" Noah shrugged, taking my hand.

"She didn't tell you this for a reason. Just let her tell you when she's ready."

I sighed,he definitely had a point but he didn't know her.

"Noah, Audrina has always been like this. She's never introduced her boyfriends, I've found all of them." I said, glancing back at her, hoping they would be leaving soon.

"Babe, just let them be." He put his warm hands on my shoulders, softly rubbing them.

I sucked my bottom lip, thinking to myself. I was just a fucking curious person. Nothing wrong with that.

But as they say, curiosity killed the cat, and I truly didn't want to invade my sister's privacy.

It was none of my business.

"Shit, it's tight here." He said to himself, pushing his thumbs into my neck.

I lunged forward at the rough action, snapping out of my thoughts.

"Fuck, did I hurt you?" He pulled his hands away, watching as I rubbed the nape of my neck.


"No, it felt really good actually." I laughed, staring up at him, a cooling sensation above my collarbone.

"You have lots of knots in your neck." He smirked, turning me around too look at the cloudy sky.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked him, my lips again parting at the soft movements on my shoulder.

"For one, stop being so stressed all the ti-"

"About Audrey, you idiot!" I laughed out loud.

"Your fucking tone?" He joked back, laughing with me.

"I don't just.... want to.... do nothing...about it." I said, my sentence being broken by the pleasing pressure on my neck and shoulders.

I fought myself to keep the noises in, biting my tongue and shutting my eyes.

Good thing he couldn't see me.

"She's 18. She can fend for herself." He said, sharply inhaling as he carefully massaged my muscles.

I exhaled loudly, a pop being heard from my shoulder.

"Did that hurt?" He asked, his low, against my ear.

"No. Keep going." I let my head fall back as he continued kneading my skin.

I groaned, feeling my neck pop. A pleasurable sensation released around my chest.

I shut my mouth to avoid making any other sound. I hummed to myself, feeling my stiff neck finally feel some sort of release.

Noah grew more aggressive, his hands moving from my neck, down to the lower part of my collarbone.

I felt like I could whip my neck all the way around, like clay. It felt like I was melting.

I squeezed his hand with mine, stopping him before he could go any lower.


Before he could finish I turned around, landing my lips on his.

I moaned as he put his hand on my jaw, his other hand on my thigh.

I climbed onto his lap, giggling when I felt his hand squeeze my butt.

I ground onto his hips, he groaned roughly at the contact.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, making me roll my eyes.

Noah, without breaking the kiss, took the phone out the my pocket and tossed it on to the passenger seat.

I broke the kiss to take off my shirt, staring at Noah's dilated eyes as I did so.

His eyes ran down my torso, making me suddenly want to cover up.

"You're so gorgeous. I don't tell you that enough." He smiled at me, I blushed in response.

He wrapped his strong arms around my waist, his fingers playing with the clip of my bra.

"You're too kind." I laughed, leaning into him.

"Seriously Mel."

He opened his mouth to say something else, but instead bit his lip.

I smiled, leaning in for a gentle kiss.

I ran my hand down his chest and stomach, stopping at the button of his pants.

"You're phone isn't going to stop until you answer." Noah pulled away, looking at the phone.


"Fuck who ever it is. I'm busy." I rolled my eyes, looking at the vibrating phone on the seat.

"Mel, what if someone's dying?" He laughed, picking up the phone and looking at who it was.

"Oh my God, don't jinx it." I laughed with wide eyes, looking at the phone's caller id.

"Well look who it is." I answered, crossing my arm over my chest.

Noah leaned back in the seat, putting his arms behind his head.

"You called me? Where are you?" Audrey said as soon as I answered.

"I'm out with my boyfriend, where are you?" I chewed on the inside of my cheek, looking out the window at the place where I had last seen her.

She was gone. Fuck.

"Where is she?" Noah mouthed, noticing her disappearance as well.

"Well, I just got home. Natalie's here if you guys wanna show up soon." She said.

"Home." I mouthed to Noah, he responded with a nod.

"We will be home soon, sister. Should we take anything?" I asked, leaning back against the steering wheel, careful not to make it beep.

"No, Tiffany and Natalie ordered like 5 boxes of pizza." She laughed.

"Okay bye, 10 minutes." I threw the phone back on the seat, huffing down at Noah.

"What?" He said, looking back up at me.

The moment was ruined, it felt strange to just get back into it after a phone call. Is that what people usually did? I couldn't.

"We should head back now." I grabbed my shirt and put it on, pulling the braid out.

"I agree." He thinly smiled and helped me up. He lifted my thighs up, making me squeal and laugh at the tickling feeling.


"Home!" I yelled into the house when we walked in, expecting a house full of girls.

Not only were all the ladies here, but so was Ryan, to my surprise.

"Hey! I didn't expect you." I gave him a greeting hug, something I had gotten used to doing ever since Noah.

"Well, I'm here." He laughed, his deep voice vibrating my chest as I pulled away.

I moved on to Natalie and Tiffany, who were in the middle of a game of chess.

Audrina was busy watching the tv screen, her feet in cozy, wooly socks.

I turned back around, watching as Noah said something to Ryan in his ear, eyeing me to make sure I couldn't hear.

I was about to say something but was startled by Tiffany grabbing my wrist.

"You wanna play?" She asked, clearing the board from the previous game.

"She's a cheater! Don't even bother." Natalie scoffed at her, flicking her queen chess piece at her head.

"True." Audrina shrugged, listening in.

"I am not, you're just not as good as you thought." Tiffany laughed, flicking a knight back at Natalie, sending Audrey a glare.

"Tiff, I will fuck you up." Natalie joked, raising her fist.

"Try it, whore." Tiffany leaned forward, smugness on her face.

"I'll play." I laughed, setting up the board before Tiffany and Natalie actually started wrestling each other.

"I promise I don't cheat." Tiffany glared up at Natalie, who was at the fridge, now getting a drink.

I laughed it off, sitting back, leaning against the foot of the couch. We were playing the floor, more space.

Audrey yelled at Ryan to get her a beer. I decided to ignore it, she was an adult, after all.


"Move the rook." Noah whispered suddenly in my ear, making me flinch.

I watched as him and Ryan sat on the couch with Natalie and Audrey, cold beers in their hands.

Audrina smiled at Ryan, taking the a sip of the drink.

I looked down at the board, thinking about my next move.

"Fuck." I flinched again, after hearing a bloody scream from the tv speakers.

"What is that?" I looked up from the floor to see a severed half naked female body on the screen. I scrunched up my face, ignoring her sexual groans of pain and death.

"Some dumb horror movie Natalie put on." Tiffany smiled and moved her piece.

I continued looking at the movie, seeing other female characters with their tits hanging out, in some lake.

I looked away in disgust, looking up at the couch. Ryan, Natalie, and Noah had their eyes glued to the screen, their eyes wide. Audrina was the exception, looking at the boys with a confused expression.

I slapped Noah's knee, making a face at him. He looked down, smiling when he saw my expression. He ruffled my already messy hair and looked back up, the scene was bloody now anyways.

"Boys." Tiffany whispered to me, rolling her eyes and shaking her head, noticing my expression.

I chuckled, it reminded me of that expression. 'Boys will be boys.'

It was all harmless fun. Noah knew he could get the real thing right now if he wanted to.

"Check." Tiffany sang, taking my king.

"What-" I was snapped back into it, frowning.

"It's okay. Everyone loses to me." Tiffany yawned, stretching her arms behind her head.

"Rematch." I furrowed my brows, looking up at Noah, who was looking down at me.

"Can I redo your hair?" Noah kneeled down behind me, taking the rubber band out and letting my hair flow.

"Be gentle." I gave him a warning look, turning back around to Tiffany, who was setting up the board.


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