《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》cookies and cream.


"Do they even sell liquor at Target?" I looked through the weekly ad paper, while Noah drove the cart around behind me.

"I wouldn't know." He scanned the aisles we passed by, his curls bouncing everytime he turned his head.

"Whatever. Let's just get stuff." I walked into an aisle and began looking at the shelves.

I looked up from the ad and grabbed a box of oreos, dropping them in the cart. I continued going down the aisle, picking up snacks that were 50% off, or had a coupon.

"Isn't this a bit much?" Noah asked, leaning his elbows against the handle of the cart.

"Never enough food." I turned on my heel, smiling at him. He shook his head, smiling back at me.

"What ice cream do you like?" I shivered as we stepped in the frozen section of the store, closing the white cardigan over my chest and crossing my arms.

I smiled, looking at all the possible flavors.

"Cookies and cream." He looked at the ad, tilting his head to read.

"No way! That's mine too." I winked at him, grabbing two tubs of cookies n' cream ice cream.

"Two?" He raised his brow at me, running his hand through his curls.

"Its two for five dollars." I snickered, biting my bottom lip as I stacked them on top of each other.

As I continued looking through the paper, I felt strong arms snake around my waist. I gasped, before smirking to myself.

I turned around, smiling as our lips locked together. I wrapped my arm around his neck, cupping his jaw with my other hand. His hands went down my back, stopping at my thighs.

He pulled away, smirking as I bit my lip again, wanting more. He pulled down the bottom of my shorts, making me flinch and jump up.

"Too high." He looked down at my lips and walked off, looking back at my frightened posture.

"You better warn me before you do that." I breathed out, adjusting the thigh of my shorts.


"The ice cream's melting." I said, scooping a small drippy piece with my finger and bringing it to my mouth.

"Its going to keep melting if you don't stop eating it." Noah rolled his eyes and took the bag with the tubs inside away from me, making me frown. He was driving, not peeling his eyes away from the road.


"Five minutes." He parked in front of the house, handing me a six pack case of beer, smiling.

"Got it." I ran out of the car, trying not to trip over my feet. I heard his laugh as I crashed into the door, groaning when the heavy case started to slip.

I rang the doorbell with my nose, using my knee to keep the case from falling.

"Bout time." My father answered, handing me a $10 bill. I sighed and accepted the cash, shoving it into my pockets.

I turned to leave, but he stopped me.

"Where you going now?"

"Out. I'll be back, father." I rolled my eyes.

Before he could respond I kissed his cheek and ran out the door, laughing.

"Start the car!" I said loudly, hopping into the passenger's seat.

I saw Noah's eyes widen as he saw my dad walk out. He turned his head and drove away, hiding from my father's judgemental gaze.

"That went great!" I exhaled loudly, leaning back in my seat.

"Speak for yourself." Noah cocked his head, smiling hesitantly.

"He probably hates me more now."


We stopped at a park, seeing how I wanted to lay down in the soft grass under the tree. There was a playground next to it, lots of children running around and screaming.

The sun was hot, the tree being the only shade we had. If we wanted to eat the ice cream, we had to do it now.

"Why do you have plastic spoons in your car?" I asked as he tossed me a white plastic spoon and sat next to me, our backs against the tree.

"I save plastic that I don't use." He smiled at me. It was funny because my mother used to do that too. Everytime we went out to eat, she would put unused napkins, straws, spoons and forks in the glove box of the car to use later.

"That's very handy of you." I said, scooping a wad of ice cream and putting it in my mouth. The familiar taste made me smile.

I scooped another one, this time waving it in front of Noah. I laughed as he opened his mouth and tried to follow the spoon, his eyes focused on it.


I almost spit out my icecream as he suddenly lunged forwards and bit the spoon, finally getting to eat the ice cream. We both laughed it off, the icecream in my mouth threatening to shoot out my nose.

We both watched the kids on the jungle gym, talking about them and what they did, just joking around.

"That one probably has a dog." He said, pointing to a little boy with ginger hair and a red shirt.

"Golden retriever." I replied with my assumption.

"I bet that one steals her mom's makeup." I pointed to a little girl in a tiara.

I gasped when another boy fell off the slide, crying uncontrollably as his mother scooped him off the floor and took him away.

Noah burst out laughing, throwing his head back against the tree. I made a face at him, telling him to stop, but he didn't even try.

"That wasn't funny you psycho!" I slapped his shoulder.

"Oh my God. Did you see the way he fell?" He snorted and leaned his head against mine, making me roll my eyes.

"A child fell and you laugh." I shook my head, rolling my eyes. I smiled as he wrapped his arm around me, making me comfortably snuggle into him.

We stayed in that position for a while, just smiling and staring at the remaining children. Not in a creepy way, of course.

I admired how the mothers took such care of them, laughing as they went down the slide, congratulating their own little accomplishments. They even played along with their fantasies and games.

I couldn't wait until I got to do that one day.

My glance turned to a father, the father of the girl with the tiara. I watched as he spun her around, playing her game with her, pretending to be a king, while she was the princess. My heart warmed. God, I wanted a kid.

Noah's phone buzzed, breaking the silence. He sat up, looking at the phone with a blank expression. He just set the phone back down, running his hand through his hair.

Not even a minute later, it buzzed again. This time he ignored it, not even looking at it.

"Buzz buzz." I said, smiling up at him.

"Who is it?" I asked, trying to not sound nosy.

"A friend." He looked back down at me, twirling my ponytail with his fingers.

"You gonna answer?" I knew I sounded annoying. I tried not to, but you can't ask that question without sounding like a nosy bitch.

"No, I'm with you." He grabbed my hand.

"Oh." I looked away, scrunching my eyebrows together.

It buzzed again, this time continuously. Someone was calling him.

I went to grab the phone but he quickly snatched it away and turned it off. I frowned at him.

"I hope you know you look extremely suspicious." I softly smiled, trying to not start anything. I couldn't handle a fight, oh no. That was the last thing I wanted.

He looked down at me, a reassuring smile on his face. "Do you want me to answer instead of spend time with you?"

"Well no, but-" I stopped myself, realizing how ridiculous I sounded. I didn't have any reason to not trust him. I sounded like I had trust issues, like I didn't have faith in him.

"Never mind." I gave him a peck on the cheek.

I decided to forget the current topic. If it didn't matter to Noah, it didn't matter to me. Besides, he hadn't given me any prior signs, and he treated me so well.

A soft breeze blew my hair, making me shake my head to get it out of the way.

"Do you want kids, Noah?" I asked, changing the subject. He looked down at me, his eyes showing confusion and a variety of other emotions.

"Uh, yeah. Eventually." He replied, tracing lines on my thigh. I breathed out, watching him form shapes on my skin.

"Same." I reclined onto Noah's chest, letting my knees fall over his legs. His arm wrapped tighter around me, making me feel secure and safe.

And we fell asleep, to the sound of scattered laughter and our steady breathing. The melted ice cream and stacks of snacks lay beside us, a sign of wasted money. At least I used my coupons responsibly.


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