《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》handprint.


"What the fuck?" Tiffany dropped her spoon in her bowl of cereal and looked at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I rubbed my eyes and poured myself a bowl of cereal and sat next to her.

"I thought you and Noah were with your parents yesterday." She examined me up and down, taking in a big spoonful.

"Yeah, we were." I re-ran yesterday evening's events in my head. He dropped me off, I took a shower and went straight to bed. Audrina and Tiffany were watching a movie, to invested to even look at me when I walked through the door.

"Then when did you two have the time to fuck?" She said, her voice muffled by the food. Her hand gestured to my neck, her face still in awe.

"What?" My eyes widened. I gulped down the spoonful of cereal and ran to the bathroom. I took a look in the mirror, and of course. There were dark prints all over my neck and collarbone.

Clear fingerprints and a dark handprint were extremely noticable. More than they were last night, when they were red.

"So? You gonna explain to me what happened in full detail? Don't leave anything out." She smiled, holding her bowl and leaning against the doorway.

"No. I will not be doing that." I scoffed and touched my neck softly.

No amount of concealer was strong enough for this. Scratch that, I didn't even have enough concealer for this.

"What the hell am I gonna do?" I took a deep breath and turned to face her.

"I dunno." She shrugged and gulped down the remaining milk in the bowl.

"He's got some big hands." She stepped closer and measured her own hand with his, lightly bending it around my neck.

"Um..." Audrina appeared around the corner, her eyebrow raised.

"Look what Romeo did to Juliet." Tiffany smirked and spun me around to face my little sister.

"Oh shit." She gasped, breaking into a laughing fit.

"Gonna be hard to explain that one to mom and dad later." She said smugly, laughing out loud.

"No fucking way." Tiffany laughed along with her.

"They already did it in front of them." Tiffany added to the joke, making Audrina gasp.

"Wait that's right! You guys went out with mom and dad!" Audrina covered her mouth with her hand in shock, hiding her witch-like laughter.


"If you two really must know," I began, rolling my eyes.

"We went to the bathroom and had to do it silently." I brushed past them and went to the kitchen, sitting down in front of my bowl of cereal.

My eyes widened as I realized what I had just heard come out of Audrina's mouth.

"Audrey, what the hell did you say? Mom and dad are visiting?" I asked, chewing my food slowly.

"Yeah, they called earlier and said that we could invite friends for lunch." Audrey sat down, smiling widely.

"Oh my god." I groaned and put my bowl in the sink, not even half eaten.

I shut the door behind me and called Noah, staring at my bruises in the mirror.

"What?" He answered after three rings.

"Did you know I would wake up with your fucking handprint around my throat?" I scolded him through the phone.

"Well duh. That's what happens when someone chokes you." He responded calmly.

"Noah, my parent's are coming over, they're going to see it!" I said, throwing my hands up in the air.

"They're going over again?" He questioned.

"Yes, again."

"Why? You already saw them yesterday." He yawned mid sentence.

"That's not important! I need to get rid of this before noon."

"It can't be that bad, put makeup on it or something."

"You have no fucking clue." I winced as I pressed down on a big purple spot.

"Alright, hold up." He said then hung up abruptly. I tore the phone away from my ear, staring at it, confused.

Suddenly I got a facetime notification from him. I panicked, throwing my phone on my bed and taking my hair out of it's messy bun. I ran my fingers through it and took a deep breath before jumping on my bed and answering.

"Took you long enough." He had an annoyed look on his face, his dark hair messily flopping everywhere.

I rolled my eyes, the camera still pointing at my ceiling fan instead of me.

"Okay, show me." He excitedly ran his hand through his hair and smirked.

I flashed my whole neck at the camera, sighing as I did so.

"Oh shit." His eyes widened.

"Pretty gnarly isn't it?" I exhaled and looked at him.

"Well, what do want me to do about it?" He shrugged and turned his attention to something else, not looking at his phone.


"What do mean 'what do you want me to do about it?'" I scolded him again in a mocking manner.

"You're acting like I don't have a chunk of my arm missing because of you." He joked, holding up his bruised bite mark.

"I thought a dog did that." I tried to hide my laughter, but it came out like a snort.

"Oh, fuck off. What am I supposed to do about your little situation?" He looked at me with annoyed eyes.

"Don't you have experience or something? Getting rid of bruises and hickeys and shit?" I bit my lip and furrowed my brows.

"Woah, what are you implying?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I'm not wrong, am I?" I stared deeply into his eyes, initiating a staring contest.

My eyes began to burn, but no way I was letting him win. We both wanted to laugh, I could tell. I fought back a laugh, making his smile grow wider.

"Alright, listen up." He smirked when I finally blinked and rubbed my watering eyes.

"Get ice." He said. I took him with me to the kitchen and got a cup of ice, ignoring Tiffany and Audrey's jokes as I did so.

"Now what?"

"Press it on the bruise for a minute." He said, his voice low and raspy. He was looking at something else, his eyes glued to some sort of movement.

I pressed the ice cube on my neck, flinching when I felt a drop of water run down my chest.

"58, 59, 60." I whispered to myself and removed the ice.

"Now get a blow dryer," He instructed me, resting his head against his hand.

"How is that going to help-" I looked down at him with a confused expression before he interrupted me.

"Just fucking do it, I know what I'm talking about." He groaned and buried his head in his hands. He had a slight smile that assured me he was only joking.

"Shit." He said under his breath and leaned back in his seat, furrowing his brows.

I just looked away, extremely distressed and confused. What was he doing? Was someone there? I needed to get negative thoughts out if my head. If someone was there would he had called me? No. I didn't dare ask. Signs of frustration were clear on his face.

"Yes sir." I hurried away and brought back my blow dryer, connecting it to my wall silently.

"What next?" I said, kind of scared that he would get mad again.

"Blow it on your neck. Two minutes." He curled his lips inwards to hide a smile.

I nodded and started the blow dryer, blowing the hot air against the now lightening hand print. It burned a bit, making me scrunch up my face.

"The heat helps the blood circulation, and the ice helps with inflammation." He said after a while. I turned off the dryer and examined the bruising. It was almost gone, just some red marks that would be gone by tomorrow.

"Thank you babe." I smiled, feeling satisfied with the end result. Concealer could definitely fix the redness now.

"Baby learned a new word?" He said, his eyes focused on the mystery object before him.

"Oh, shut up, spur of the moment." I said, still admiring how good my neck looked in the mirror. I decided to ignore the fluttering in my stomach when he said that, with his raspy morning voice.

"So, do you wanna come over? They said we could invite some friends for lunch." I asked, changing the subject.

"Not today, sorry. I gotta run errands. Hate to miss it." He said, pursing his lips in concentration.

"I'll tell them you'll be there for the next one." I looked at the camera and frowned when he wasn't looking back.

"What're you doing?" I asked him, curling my lip up curiously.

"Playing a game." Both his arms occupied with something. He was probably holding a controller or something. I heard him fumbling with the buttons, I assumed I was right.

He bit his lip, focused on his dumb game. I enjoyed the sight, his messy, sleepy eyes and hair. His side profile was amazing, hot even. I exhaled harshly as his tongue slowly ran over his top lip.

"Alright, well I'll let you game in peace. Call you later." I smiled, shaking my head and getting a quick glance from him.

"Alright babe. Tell your dad I miss him." He joked, his lips curling into a smile.

"Bye." I laughed softly and hung up. Something was off, I didn't feel good with how we ended the call. Oh well, I had bigger things to worry about.


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