《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》burning


Part one.-

"Come on, we need to get there faster." Tiffany shouted as she dodged people in front of us to get to the front of the crowd.

It was almost 6:00pm. We had been at the protest since 4. Tiffany wanted to desperately get to the front and see the cops for herself. I was extremely worried, had she forgotten what weapons they had? Batons, guns, mace, tear gas, rubber bullets, etc. It was extremely dangerous. Not that they would actually use it, that was just to people that got out of hand.

"Tiff, what if they start shooting." I held her wrist and loudly said.

"Those bitches won't do shit." She narrowed her eyes at me and wiped sweat from her forehead.

"No justice, no peace!" She started chanting, everyone in the large crowd chanted with her, including me.

We were in the front lines, people were shouting at the police and had their signs up. The line of cops stretched far onto a nearing street, we couldn't get around them.

"Woah. Look at him." Tiff laughed softly, pointing at a tall figure towering over a group of police. He was dressed in all black armor, a helmet covering his face. He was leaning over them, having to crouch slightly to be face-to-face with them.

The cops shrunk, obviously scared, but they're faces were straight. He went along the line, shouting various things at each cop. I bit my lip, wondering what he looked like under his black mask.

Tiffany pulled out her phone and started recording as soon as she saw the police starting to mace people. She ran in and started pouring water on their faces. I could never blame Tiffany for wanting to help, it was in her nature. She was putting herself in a very dangerous position.


The police started whispering to each other, saying things in to their radios. I knew something bad was about to happen.

"Hey Tiff, I think we should g-" I was cut off by a black ball clattering on the ground in front of me. I didn't know what it was. Everyone around me started to run, but before I could run with them, it exploded.

I screamed as I felt the hot gas hit my face. The small sparks hit my ankles, leaving small burns on them. My face was on fire, It felt like it was about to peel off. I tried to look around, but my vision was cloudy. My throat was closing, making me cough violently. I heard catastrophe all around me, and I covered my face with my arm. I walked away, not knowing where to go.

I felt my face getting red, I needed water, or something to relieve the pain.

I wandered aimlessly, crying uncontrollably and covering my face from the gas all around. I was coughing, my throat was itching, I was practically clawing at it. When I couldn't take it anymore, I fell to my knees, desperately rubbing my eyes. I wanted to die, it felt like I was going to.

I cried and used my hair as a shield from the surrounding gas, it was long and fell on to my thighs. The area seemed to be cleared out, but I still heard panic and screaming. People were crying, like me. I was wheezing on the ground, lifting my shirt up and covering my mouth and nose with the dry cloth.

I heard another ball of steel clattering towards me, but it stopped when It approached me. I expected another explosion, I couldn't move without feeling hot needles stab into me. The explosion never happened though.


Instead, I heard shuffling besides me and felt large hands on my waist. The hands touched the skin on my stomach, and I could tell who ever it was had leather gloves on.

They lifted me up, carrying me with my hips on their shoulder. I was trying my best to open my eyes, what if I was being kidnapped? I heard it happened often at these protests. I rested my head against the cool leather and plastic on this person's back. They were wearing a backpack, I noticed it had cool liquid in it.

When we reached a place far enough away, I couldn't hear the screaming anymore. They set me down against a wall. Tears were still streaming down my face, I knew my mascara was running and I probably looked crazy.

My face was now itching, still burning to the touch.

"Stay still." A deep voice said to me, I recognized his voice as being a man. His leather fingers tilted my chin upwards, so he had a clear view of my red, steaming face.

He started letting a steady stream of cold water fall onto my face, it felt really good. He gripped my chin, holding me steady. When the water eventually finished falling on to my face, he replaced it with a stray bottle and began spraying some sort of soothing chemical on my face. The burning didn't leave though.

"Are you wearing makeup?" He sounded urgent and was still spraying the chemical only face.

"Yeah." I croaked, I was barely able to speak without feeling fire gush down my throat. I was only wearing concealer and mascara, despite Tiffany saying it was a bad idea. I thought the protest would stay peaceful, I didn't know I would actually get tear gassed in the face.

"Fuck." He whispered to himself and began wiping my face with what I assumed was a makeup wipe. I finally managed to get a clear look at his face, the tears stopped momentarily.

He was the guy in all black that I saw earlier, the almost 7 foot tall figure that was yelling at the police earlier.


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