《SMG4: Super Mario X Meggy Galaxy》Chapter 2: Space


Mario and Meggy opened their eyes and found out that they aren't dead, but they're floating in a different place. The rope is gone because it lost it's grip.

Meggy: Mario. Mario! Where are you?

Mario: Meggy, I'm right here. Calm down. I'm right here.

Meggy: (hugs Mario while scared) Where are we, Mario?

Mario: I don't know, but that is a weird looking planet very far away from here. Wait, planet?!

Meggy: Oh my god. We're outside our world.

Mario: We're in... space.

Meggy: Space? Didn't you tell me about this?

Mario: Yep. I can't believe this either, but we're in the only place where there is nothing around you except stars and sometimes a planet. No wrong answers here. We are definitely in space.

Meggy: Wait. Didn't you say there's no air in space?!

Mario: Let's wait and see if we have confirmation of us living.

They both wait for 10 seconds and they're still fine.

Mario: Well, I stand corrected. We can breathe in space.

Meggy: And didn't you say there's no gravity either? Because I'm feeling a little dizzy.

Meggy's headgear slowly flew off of her because of the gravity. She quickly put them back on her head, but that was easier said than done.

Mario: Come to think of it, this no gravity thing is actually kinda fun.

Meggy: Hey Mario. Look at what I can do.

Meggy did 3 continuous backflips.

Mario: That's nothing. Look at what I can do.

Mario did tons of backflips and didn't stop.

Mario: Okay, I'm actually gonna be sick. I can't stop.

Meggy: I got you, Mario.

Meggy stopped Mario in place and rotated him to the right position.

Mario: (breathing) Thanks, Meggy. I was starting to feel dizzy.

Meggy: Well, the only question to ask is how are we supposed to get back home?

Meggy pointed at Earth.

Mario: But if we get back to Earth, the gravity will pull us down, making us fall fast and hit the ground very hard, killing us.


Meggy: There's just gotta be a way back. We gotta stop SMG3 and Desti.

Mario: We gotta find some help around here.

Mario started to walk but couldn't move because of the gravity.

Meggy: (laughs) Now I'm wondering how we're gonna move.

Mario tried a swimming motion and it worked.

Mario: Meggy. Move your arms out like this.

Meggy followed him while doing this, as they are met with a ton of galaxies around them.

Meggy: Everything around us looks beautiful.

Mario: I agree, Meggy. So many planets around us.

After a few minutes of finding help, Meggy got pulled by a certain galaxy.

Meggy: Mario!

Mario: I got ya, Meggy.

Mario tried to pull Meggy out but that backfired as he was pulled in as well. They both fell on a certain planet and hit the ground hard, knocking them out.

A small creature that looked like a star came out and tried to wake them up.

After 10 minutes, Mario and Meggy finally woke up and were greeted to the creature. Mario noticed the creature and got flashbacks to that other time he went to space.

Mario: I don't wanna deal with you again, annoying star person.

Meggy: Mario, this thing might help us out. Plus, it looks so cute.

The creature then turned into a bunny with star-like ears.

Star Bunny 1: Finally, you're awake! Let's play.

The bunny hopped away as Mario and

Meggy followed it.

Mario: Excuse me. This isn't the time for fun and games. We desperately need your help. We need to get back to Earth!

Star Bunny 1: Come and chase me first.

Mario: Mama f*cker.

After chasing the bunny for a few seconds, Mario and Meggy are then greeted by two other bunnies.

Star Bunny 1: Let's play hide-and-seek! If you catch all of us, we'll tell you about where you are.

Mario: Now you're speaking my language.

The bunnies disappeared into their hiding spots as Mario and Meggy started to look for them. They both split up, each looking for the bunnies in different areas.


Mario casually looked in a patch of grass, and a bunny came out of it. After a few minutes (because Mario was out of shape), he finally caught the first bunny.

Star Bunny 2: You caught me!

The bunny turned back into a yellow star creature, scaring Mario.

Yellow Luma 1: Calm down. Don't be scared about my appearance, or transformation. I'm a Luma. (whispers) Aw, I knew I should've hidden in the crater.

Meggy was looking for the second bunny, until she came across a pipe.

Meggy: I wonder where this leads to.

Meggy hopped in the pipe and found another one of the bunnies. She grabbed it quick as she came out of the other side of the pipe.

Star Bunny 3: You caught me!

The bunny turned into another Luma.

Yellow Luma 2: Aw, I knew I should've hidden in the crater.

Mario and Meggy both knew where the last bunny is and went to the crater. They saw the last bunny inside and both at the same time grabbed him.

Star Bunny 1: I can't believe I let myself get caught!

As they all went out of the crater, the bunny turned into the same silver Luma that woke them up.

Luma: Wow! You caught all of us? Maybe you can really help Mama...

Mario: Good. Maybe this "Mama" will help us get back home.

Just then, a small base came out of nowhere.

Yellow Luma 1: Sorry about bringing you here so suddenly. We should probably tell you where you are! There's a connection here to deep space, far from your lands. We call it the gateway to the starry sky.

Mario: Oh, that's great. Now how about telling us how we can get back.

Yellow Luma 1: Just ask Mama over there. She can help out.

Mario: Thank you.

Mario and Meggy walked up the base and came across a woman with a long silver dress. Mario recognized her because of his accidental encounter.

Meggy: Who are you supposed to be?

Rosalina: My name is Rosalina. I watch over and protect the cosmos. To save your home, you'll need the power to travel through space.

The silver Luma came back and went up to Mario and Meggy.

Rosalina: Luma can give you this power. I will entrust you with his care.

Luma then spun around and went inside Mario, giving him the power to attack by spinning.

Meggy: Aww. I want that power too.

Luma: Well how about this. You two can share the power together. How's that?

Mario: Sounds good to both of us.

Rosalina: Disaster has struck us, just as it has visited you. With Luma, I hope you can rescue the Power Stars. I will meet you at the Comet Observatory where you can get to via this Launch Star beside me. May the stars shine down on you...

As Rosalina left Mario and Meggy, they are tasked with breaking the glass the Launch Star is in.

Mario spun and broke half the glass.

Mario: You wanna try it out, Meggy?

Meggy: Yes I do.

Luma went into Meggy's body, as she tried to figure out how to work this. She simply just spun and broke the rest of the glass. The Launch Star came out.

Meggy: How does this Launch Star thing work?

Mario: I think we just spin?

Meggy: Well, I guess it makes sense.

Mario and Meggy both spinned together and the Launch Star launched them into space very fast.

Meggy was too startled by this, but Mario calmed her down by holding her hand.

Mario: I got you, always.

Meggy: You know, once you calm down, it is really amazing to fly through the stars.

Mario: Especially when you're with your lover.

Meggy: This entire space trip sure is gonna be exciting.

They continued to fly their way to the Comet Observatory, not knowing that their long journey has just begun.

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