《Meggy X Reader: Endgame》Bonus Chapter 34: An Arrow and Whistles
Infinite: Holy fuck! Why are we getting so overpowered?!
G.O.L. Crystalonetta: Damn that Egghead!
Cristina: We're barely doing anything against these robots! They're heavily armored and are WAY more powerful!
SmeshBras123: Well, crap...
Antasma: If I die here, than I shall die along my good Jackal buddy!
Risky Boots: Same here!
(Y/N): We just gotta try and fight our way out of this clusterfuck!
Meggy: Right on!
Lost: Alright everyone, get prepared!
Francis: Bring it, you metal bastards! Let's see what Baldy Nosehair's creations are REALLY made of!
The robots marched closer towards you, as a loud whistle was heard in the distance.
(Y/N): Umm... Did anyone else just hear that?
Meggy: Yeah, I did...
Francis: Wait, guys... Do you... See something coming towards us?
Infinite: Huh?
Blackfang: What the fuck is that?!
An arrow suddenly flew past everyone, and started going through all of the robots.
Comet: Whoa!
Luna: What the actual fuck?
Clark: Who's doing this?
(Y/N): Whoever is doing it, thank you! We could of possibly died!
Robot 1: OH FUCK!
Robot 3: OOOOFFFF!
???: Hahahaha! Man, that's a lot of fun to do.
Everyone turned around to see a blue man with a red fin on top of his head.
(Y/N): Whoa...
Yondu: What's up? Name's Yondu.
Infinite: Yondu?! From Guardians of the Galaxy?! That's freakin' cool!
Yondu: Huh! You kinda remind of Rocket.
G.O.L. Crystalonetta: Thanks for the help, Yondu!
Yondu: No problem.
(Y/N): Ah, crap!
Meggy: Guys, more of them are incoming!
Antasma: Get ready to-
Yondu: Hold on a sec... Let me deal with this.
Lost: Huh?
Yondu started to whistle, as the Yaka Arrow slowly levitated.
Lucy: Oooooh...
Smoke: A levitating arrow? Interesting.
Robot 4: Dafuq is that?
Infinite: What is it? Well, it's your DOOM. FUCK EM UP!
The Yaka Arrow started flying towards the robot crowd.
Robot 4: Wait, what the fu-
Yondu: BOOM!
The Yaka Arrow went through Robot 4, and started speeding it's way through multiple robots as it left behind a red streak of light.
(Y/N): This is awesome! What a way to kill an army so quickly!
Robot 5: No, this isn't fair! I call hax- GAHHHHHH!!!
Machito: Yeah!
ReaderFromWR: That's how you kick ass!
After a while, the robot swarm was defeated, as Yondu whistled again and grabbed the Yaka Arrow.
SmeshBras123: Spectacular work, Yondu!
Cristina: Defiantly!
Yondu: We're not done yet, boys and girls! I know there's more of those fellas around!
(Y/N): What are we waiting for, then? Let's do this!
Meggy: Yeah!
Jen: Time to kick ass!
Wario-man was playing Super Mario Maker 2 on his Nintendo Switch, as Xeggy and Dark Squid burst into the room.
Xeggy: Sweetie!
Wario-man: WHAT IS IT?! I'm trying to concentrate!
Dark Squid: No time for games! We have some bad news! Actually, VERY bad news!
Wario-man: Uh oh...
Xeggy: All those powerful robots Eggman created are all destroyed!
Wario-man: EXCUSE ME?! Are you serious?!
Xeggy: We're not joking! Weird thing is, all of the robots had a hole in them!
Wario-man: A hole?
Dark Squid: Something powerful managed to take all of the robots down at once... But what could it of been...?
Xeggy: No damn idea...
Wario-man put his Nintendo Switch down, and growled.
Dark Squid: Uh oh...
Wario-man: Send Sahelanthropus 2.0 out!
Dark Squid: SIR, YES SIR!
(Back with you...)
🎵 Come a Little Bit Closer - Jay and the Americans 🎵
Thief: What's with all of the screaming- OH MY FUCKING GOD!
The Yaka Arrow pierced through Thief's head, and flew back to Yondu.
Angelina: Hahahaha! That's what you get, asshole!
Yondu: Seems like you really hated that guy...
Angelina: Dang right I do! Glad he's dead!
A bunch of Helicopters suddenly appeared in front of everyone.
(Y/N): Huh?!
Robot 8: You're dead, big boy!
Robot 9: Your puny arrow cannot kill us now!
Yondu: ...You serious?
Robot 10: Yes, we're serious-
The Yaka Arrow flew towards the Helicopters and started going through the glass.
The Helicopters spun out of control, and crashed.
Yondu: And that's how it is done!
SB123 Mario: YEAH! Suck my pingas!
Viger: *Laughs uncontrollably*
Sahelanthropus 2.0 landed on top of a building, and let out a mighty roar.
(Y/N): Ah, shit. Here we go again.
The cockpit opened, revealing Orange Angel who was sticking both her middle fingers up.
Risky Boots: You better stop that, or I'll cut your fingers off!
Orange Angel: Hmm... Nah! I'm gonna kill all of you!
Infinite: Just try it, Orange Bitch!
Orange Angel: Hahahahahahahaha! You will never defeat-
The Yaka Arrow suddenly flew through Orange Angel's hand.
G.O.L. Crystalonetta: OOF...!
Orange Angel: *Instant realization* AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
(Y/N): Whoa!
Orange Angel: AGHHH, MY HAND!!!
The Yaka Arrow then went through Orange Angel's throat, as she started to choke and gag.
Meggy: Oh, wow!
Sahelanthropus 2.0 fell off the building, and exploded.
Infinite: *Presses button* That was easy.
G.O.L. Crystalonetta: Defiantly...
Orange Angel: *Choking*
SB123 Mario slapped Orange Angel across the face.
Orange Angel: I am ded. Not big surprise.
SB123 Mario: Well, another job done!
ReaderFromWR: That arrow is OP as hell...
Angelina: Yeah...
Yondu: Uh oh, I see another one of em coming.
(Y/N): Huh?
Meggy 2.0: Well, hello there!
Yondu: Seriously?
(Y/N): Ah, the fake Meggy.
Fishy Boopkins: Hey, Meggy 2.0! Do you like anime?
Meggy 2.0: Yes I do. Hentai too. HAHAHAHAHAHA!
(Y/N): *Facepalm*
Yondu: Can I kill this person-
A spear came out of nowhere and went into Meggy 2.0's leg.
Sapphire: *Laugh*
Deathwind: Nice one, Sapphire!
A few Jackals started to chuckle.
Jackal Spearman: Oh, sure!
(Y/N): Oh, wow.
Meggy: Turns out the faker is dumb...
SB123 Mario: Dumber than me!
The Jackal Spearman gave a Spear to Sapphire, as she threw it, and it went into Meggy 2.0's other leg.
Meggy 2.0: *Marx Soul Earrape Death scream*
Deathwind: *Laughs uncontrollably*
(Y/N): Meggy 2.0, you are so stupid!
Meggy: Yeah!
Jackals: *Markiplier laugh*
Meggy 2.0 fell to the ground and died.
Doc: Well, that was something!
Yondu: I feel like that was a reference to something... But I'm not sure what.
(Even more later...)
You sliced Xeggy in half, as she screamed loudly and died.
Wario-man: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Turlandb: Yeah, Xeggy is down for the count!
Yondu: Oi, Wario-man!
Wario-man: W-wah... What is it?
The Yaka Arrow went through Wario-man's arm.
Wario-man: *Head shrinks* OOOOOOOOHHHHHH!
Yondu whistled again, as the Yaka Arrow went through Wario-man's pingas.
(Y/N): Oh, shit...!
Wario-man: *Homer Simpson scream* MAH DICK FELL OFF!
Antasma: Well, no babies for you when you meet Xeggy in the Void!
Everyone started to laugh.
Wario-man: IT'S NOT FUNNY!
Yondu: Of course it is!
Cristina: *Giggle*
Lost: Jesus... All this laughing has killed my lungs...
Infinite: Mine too, god this day has been beautiful.
Wario-man slowly lifted the Power Glove and disappeared.
G.O.L. Crystalonetta: Damn.
Risky Boots: What an unfortunate situation for Wario-man.
Infinite: Indeed...
(Y/N): So, what's next apart from dying from laughter?
Meggy: Not sure...
Yondu: Oh?
Infinite: AH, SHITE!
Turlandb: A Shadow Jackal!
Everyone's legs suddenly got frozen.
(Y/N): Uh oh!
Cristina: Crap, we're stuck!
SmeshBras123: I can't move!
Ice Jackal: Time to freeze to death, biotches!
Yondu: Uh uh uh!
Ice Jackal: Wait, who the fuck is that?
Yondu whistled, as the Yaka Arrow levitated and flew through Ice Jackal's eye.
Meggy: Oh!
SB123 Mario: DAMNNNN!
Ice Jackal: MY POOR EYE!
SmeshBras123: Shit...!
G.O.L. Crystalonetta: Cristina, fire the Phoenix Bow!
Cristina: Sure!
Yondu: Go on ahead, he's distracted!
Cristina fired the Phoenix Bow, as one arrow went into Ice Jackal's leg, one went into his arm, and the other went into his chest.
Ice Jackal: OOOFFF!!!
SmeshBras123: Awesome shooting!
Infinite started stabbing the ice, which broke it.
Ice Jackal: Well, shit.
Infinite: YEET!
The Jackal threw his sword, which went directly into Ice Jackal's head and killed him.
Doc: Another one bites the dust!
Yondu: Guys, we ain't done yet!
(Y/N): What- HOLY SHIT!
A massive swarm of robots charged towards you.
Meggy: Get ready to fight!
Infinite: Multiversal Heroes, fight for the future!
Everyone started to fight the robots, while Yondu sat on a rock and began to read.
(Y/N): Yondu, we need help!
Yondu: I GOT YOU, FAM!
Yondu started whistling again, as the Yaka Arrow started going through the robots.
(Y/N): Thanks!
Everybody got surrounded by robots, and began to fight their way out.
Yondu: Woo!
(Y/N): This is so much fun!
Luna: Defiantly!
Clark: Yeah!
Machito: You tin cans stand no chance against us at all!
Comet: Give up now, or suffer the consequences your friends did!
Robot 11: Never- OW!
Robot 12: GAH!
Robot 13: ARGH! D-damn... Arrow...
Machito stabbed the ground with his Wind Sabers, sending a few robots flying backwards. Clauds turned into a Kraken and started flattening robots that got in her way.
Meggy: Die, freaks!
SB123 Meggy: Fire!
The two Meggys fired their Inkzookas.
Robot 14: I blame this on number 16.
Robot 15: We're dead.
The missiles exploded, sending ink and metal flying.
(A while of fighting and robot genocide later...)
Yondu: HA! You guys stood absolutely no chance at all!
Wario-man appeared again, this time with armor and a Double Bladed Sword.
Infinite: Ah, here we go. A real challenge...
Wario-man: I'm so annoyed... But that Yaka Arrow is the cause of all this! More than fifty percent of my army has been destroyed because of that damn thing!
Cristina: I sense some salt!
Wario-man: Oh, be quiet!
Yondu: Come on, everyone... Let's finish this.
Everyone charged at Wario-man, as Yondu whistled and the Yaka Arrow began to levitate again.
Yondu: Prepare to die horribly, Wario-man!
Wario-man: Wahahahahaha!
Infinite: Let us bring peace to the Multiverse once more!
Wario-man threw a punch, as the Multiversal Heroes prepared to attack.
(And that is TRULY it! I hope you enjoyed these three bonus chapters! Man, I love Yondu so much. His character development is a ten out of ten for me.)
(Let's get an F in the chat for Yondu!)
Anyways, lata!
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