《Meggy X Reader: Endgame》Chapter 20: I Am... Inevitable.
Robot 1: Man, we're losing now!
Robot 2: Yeah... But no matter, Wario-man will defeat all of those rodents!
(Y/N): Excuse me?
Robot 1: Ah, crap! You want to fight?!
Robot 2: We'll kick your ass!
Infinite went behind the two robots, and shot them in the back of the head with a 1911 Pistol.
Infinite: This is America!
Crystal: *Giggle* Good one, honey.
(Y/N): What's next?
Infinite: I say... It's time we finally go after Wario-man.
Machito: This is going to be our biggest challenge yet.
Angelina: Defiantly.
ReaderFromWR: Hopefully we don't suffer anymore casualties...
(Y/N): Yeah... Too many of our friends have died.
Luna: And we'll avenge them all.
Lost: Guys?
Blackfang: We got company.
Sapphire: Huh?
You turned around, and saw Wario-man, who had a Double Bladed Sword and armor.
(Y/N): Well, it all comes down to this.
Wario-man: I only want to fight certain people... The others and your armies can fight...
A lot of portals opened, as monsters ran out of them and started to brawl with the Blood Ravens and Jackals.
Wario-man: Them.
Infinite: Wario-man, it ends here.
G.O.L. Crystal: Everything you've done... We'll make you wish you had never messed with us.
Meggy: Yeah!
Antasma: It's time for you to die.
Wario-man: Wahahahaha! Very well. Bring it on, you insects. I am going to bathe in your blood.
(Y/N): Let's go!
You charged at Wario-man with everyone else, as he lifted his Double Bladed Sword.
Blackfang: Bring it on!
Antasma and Risky Boots began swinging their Lightsabers, while Smoke and Lucy threw shurikens at the Ultragod.
(Y/N): Wow!
Wario-man: I'm sorry... Is this supposed to hurt?
Risky Boots: Oh, come on!
Smoke blinded Wario-man with a cloud of ash.
Meggy: There's your chance!
Antasma and Risky Boots combined their attacks, sending Wario-man flying into a building.
(Y/N): Ha! Awesome!
Wario-man: Not bad... But you two stand no chance against me.
Infinite: Watch out!
Wario-man fired a laser out of the Power Glove, as Antasma blocked it with his Lightsaber.
Antasma: Shit! He's strong..!
Risky Boots: Antasma! It's gonna-
The Lightsaber shattered into pieces, as the laser hit Antasma and Risky Boots.
Antasma: GAH!!!
Comet: Antasma! Risky!
The two crashed into the ground, and groaned in pain.
Lost: Our turn! Ready, Blackfang?
Blackfang: Hell yeah I am!
Wario-man: Hopefully you two are more of a challenge than those two weaklings.
Lost threw punches at Wario-man, while Blackfang prepared for a heavy attack.
(Y/N): Antasma? Risky? You two okay?
Antasma: Yeah... We'll manage... Skreep...
Risky Boots: That laser packed quite a punch, though...
Meggy: It's best to rest for now.
Antasma: Very well...
Wario-man grabbed Lost's hand, and twisted it.
Lost: AGH, SHIT!
Blackfang: I got your back, Lost!
Wario-man: Wah?
Blackfang grabbed Wario-man from behind, and did a suplex.
Wario-man: Ow!
Lost: Thanks...
Blackfang: You're welcome.
Wario-man punched Blackfang in the pingas.
Blackfang: ARGH, FUCK!
Lost: Blackfang!
Wario-man slashed Lost with his Double Bladed Sword, and threw him aside.
(Y/N): Crap!
Francis: I'll treat their injruies! Little buddy, have this!
(Y/N): Oh?
Francis threw his Trident, you grabbed it and smiled.
Meggy: Ready, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Yeah! Let's kick this fatman's ass!
Smoke hit Wario-man a few times with hisNunchucks, as Lucy turned into her Super form and threw Wario-man into the air.
Lucy: Give up?
Wario-man: Not at all.
Smoke: Huh?
Wario-man used the Weegee Stone, which cloned the Ultragod.
Meggy: Oh, god!
The clones started to beat up Super Lucy and Smoke.
Smoke: RRRGHH!
Super Lucy: AAAHHHH!
(Y/N): Enough!
Wario-man Clone: Huh?
You threw the Trident, as it impaled a few of the clones.
Wario-man: Ah, (Y/N). And your wife Meggy.
(Y/N): This is also my chance to get you back for what you did all those years ago. You turned me to dust... And I didn't get payback. But now? I will.
Meggy spun her Splat Dualies, and pointed them at Wario-man.
Wario-man: Come at me.
You flew at Wario-man and hit him a few times with the Trident, he blocked one of the attacks with his Double Bladed Sword and kicked you in the face.
(Y/N): Argh!
Blood started to drip from your nose, you wiped it away and continued to fight Wario-man.
Meggy: Eat this!
Wario-man: Shut your pie hole, Squidface!
(Y/N): Meggy!
Wario-man fired another laser at Meggy, as Infinite got in front and deflected it with his sword.
Meggy: Phew... Thanks, Infinite!
Wario-man: Stupid Jackal-
You impaled Wario-man with the Trident, as all of the clones disappeared.
G.O.L. Crystal: Good work, (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Thanks! Now, time to-
Wario-man ripped the Trident out of his chest, and stabbed you with his Double Bladed Sword.
(Y/N): UGH!!!
Meggy: (Y/N)!!!
Wario-man kicked you off the Double Bladed Sword.
(Y/N): C-crap...
You held the wound, and coughed out blood.
Meggy: Francis! Get over here!
Francis ran over to you, and started to heal your wound.
Infinite: Our turn!
G.O.L. Crystal: Prepare yourself! I will avenge my brother!
The power couple flew at Wario-man, and kicked him into a building.
Wario-man: Damn it!
Infinite: Ready, sweetheart?
G.O.L. Crystal: Let's go!
Infinite: Jackal Fiiiiiiist!
G.O.L. Crystal fired red lightning at the giant red Jackal, which powered it up.
Wario-man: What the?!
The giant red Jackal punched through Wario-man, as he let out a scream of pain.
(Y/N): Hehe... Nice...
G.O.L. Crystal: Did that do it?
Wario-man: Nope...
Infinite: What?!
Turlandb: Infinite!
Super Jen: Let us help you!
Angelina: Me too!
???: And me three!
(Y/N): Huh?
A fusion of Machito and ReaderFromWR levitated down to the ground.
Readito: I am the fusion of Machito and ReaderFromWR! Call me Readito.
Wario-man: A fusion? *Chuckle* This should be good.
Angelina grabbed her Dread Slice, as Turlandb and Super Jen kept Wario-man distracted.
Readito: Angelina!
Angelina: Yes?
Readito: Double Wind Slicer!
Angelina: Got it!
Meggy: Get him, guys!
Infinite grabbed Wario-man from behind.
Wario-man: Hey!
Infinite: Do it!
Readito threw his Wind Sabers and Chainsword into the air, as Angelina flew up to the weapons and started to spin.
Wario-man: Let go, you fool!
Readito: Take this, you heartless god!
The three swords and Angelina dashed at Wario-man, and slashed at his chest rapidly.
Wario-man: Ragh...!
Turlandb: Not bad-
Wario-man used the six Meme Stones, and fired a laser at Super Jen.
Super Jen: Ah!
G.O.L Crystal: Jen, look out!
Turlandb took the hit, and was sent flying through multiple buildings.
Super Jen: Turco!
Wario-man: Wahahahahaha!
Readito: Just die already!
Wario-man grabbed Angelina's tail, and started to spin around.
(Y/N): SHIT!
Wario-man threw Angelina, sending her flying at the... Camera? Wait... NO FUCK-
Angelina hit the camera, making it fall to the floor.
Director: Goddammit!
Readito: Sis! You'll pay for that-
Wario-man grabbed Readito by the leg, and started slamming him on the ground.
Readito: OOF! OW! OH, MY ASS!
SmeshBras123: Dammit!
Cristina punched Wario-man's head a few times, as he turned around and kicked her in the stomach.
SmeshBras123: Cristie!
Cristina: Ow...
SmeshBras123: Wario-man...!
Wario-man: You're all going to die!
SmeshBras123: Not on my watch!
Hyper Clark headbutted Wario-man, and tore the left side of his mustache off.
Luna: Clark!
Wario-man threw Hyper Clark at SmeshBras123, and slashed at both of them with his Double Bladed Sword.
Hyper Clark/SmeshBras123: ARGHHH!!!
Wario-man: Wahahahahaha... Is that it?!
Infinite: Not at all!
(Y/N): Holy shit... He took everyone out... And he's still up...
Meggy: He's a monster...
Infinite charged at Wario-man, and prepared to slash at him.
Wario-man: How about NO?
G.O.L. Crystal: Honey, watch it!
Wario-man kicked Infinite in the pingas, and fired a laser at him, sending Infinite flying into a building.
Luna: Dang it... I'm the only one left...
Wario-man: Bring it on, daughter of Infinite and Crystal!
Luna threw a few punches and kicks, the Ultragod dodged them easily and grabbed Luna by the neck.
Hyper Clark: Luna... I can't move...
Infinite: Crap...
Luna kicked Wario-man in the face, and grabbed the Power Glove.
Wario-man: Hey! Let go!
Luna: Come on... Get off-
Wario-man punched Luna, sending her crashing into the ground.
Meggy: We've lost...
(Y/N): This is bad...
Wario-man lifted the Power Glove, and smiled.
Wario-man: I am... Inevitable.
Comet: No, don't!
Wario-man snapped his fingers... And nothing happened.
(Y/N): Wait, what?
Wario-man: Huh?! What the?!
Luna: *Giggle* Sorry, do you want these back?
Wario-man turned around to see that Luna had a Power Glove of her own, and the Meme Stones went into their slots.
Infinite: L-luna...?
Wario-man: G-give those back!
Luna: No... And I... Am... Luna.
Wario-man: W-wait... Do not-
Luna snapped her fingers, as everything went white.
(Y/N): Gah!
Meggy: Blinded again!
The light dimmed, as Wario-man opened his eyes to see that his army started to turn to dust.
Francis: Whoa...
Readito: W-we did it...
Wario-man: W-what... Did you just...?
All of the robots turned to dust, as the creatures that emerged from the portals started to turn to dust as well.
Antasma: Heh heh...
Infinite: Victory... Is ours.
The last of Wario-man's army turned to dust, he started to back away, as everyone got up and slowly approached him.
(Y/N): You lost.
Meggy: Now...
Lucy: Die along with everyone else.
Wario-man sat down on a pile of bricks, and slowly started to turn to dust.
Infinite: Have fun in the Void with your wife, because that is where you are staying for eternity.
Wario-man: I... Accept defeat... You... Win...
Everyone smiled, as Wario-man fully turned to dust.
Comet: WE WON!
G.O.L. Crystal: Wait... Where is Luna?
Infinite: Luna?! Where are you?
You heard crying, and saw Clark sat down.
(Y/N): Clark? What happened-
You then saw the horrible truth. Luna's body was sitting on a rock.
Meggy: Oh no...
Infinite: Luna...?! LUNA!
Comet ran over to his sister's body, and held her hand.
(Y/N): Shit... She sacrificed herself so we could live...
Comet: Luna! Can you hear me? It's Comet, your little big brother!
G.O.L. Crystal started to cry, as Infinite hugged her.
Comet: You did it, sis! Because of you, we won... Sis... Please don't leave us... P-please...
Antasma: Not Luna...
Risky Boots: Shit...
Infinite wiped away his tears, as he felt a very strong amount of negative energy.
(Y/N): Is something wrong?
Infinite: Chaos...
A loud roar echoed over the Mushroom Kingdom.
(Luna... 😭😭😭)
Anyways, lata!
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