《RC: Bullies, Bad Boys and Warriors》EPILOGUE


Two Years Later

"Rising From the Ashes"

A speech given by Raina Claire Hansen on behalf of the graduating class of 2013.

Not long ago, we were in class. We thought high school would go on forever, that all the ups and downs that came with it were the biggest, most important things in life.

But today, I know that it doesn't. I know that there are bigger things in life than being popular or being the nerd or being the jock. We leave now, proud graduates, each one of us going our own way to live the lives we dream, and to seek the wonders that life has in store for us.

We will be in each others memories, friends classmates students.

I found myself in high school. I had been lost for a long time, wading the murky waters of adolescence, struggling with who I was and who I was perceived to be.

High school taught me to be me, tall proud me, and as we leave today to find our places in the world, I know that I can face even the largest of hurricanes and still survive.

Some wise people I met, among you, taught me my weaknesses, and some wiser ones taught me my strengths. But the wisest of them all taught me to balance them both, to embrace them and be proud of them, because they are the essence of me.

I discovered me, and I discovered you, and now, it is our turn to discover the world. We will rise from the ashes and conquer. The world is our oyster, and we, this graduating class of 2013, are ready.

Bring it on!

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