《ROSE.IS.MINE (Completed)》Chapter 6


Rose's POV

Before I finished my sentence he kissed me gentle and sweetly soon the kiss became more passionate he slipped his tongue into my mouth and we made the kiss deeper wow I wouldn't thought that my first kiss will be like this.

After a few moments he pulled back and we were breathing heavily he pressed his forehead against mine and he looked into my eyes

"When I first saw you in my club I couldn't take my eyes of you I was like I finally found my other half of my soul I don't know how but I feel like I want to protect you and take care of you I never felt like that ever I always feel like missing something in my life but when I saw you I found what I missing in my life and that is a partner to love and care about me but that day I lost you when I was ready to come and speak to you my right hand man distracted me.

when I finished my conversation with him I turned around and saw that you were gone I searched everywhere but couldn't find you I was so disappointed that I missed you but when I went to the same place where you where sitting I found your purse when I opened it inside I saw your credit card I found your name.

With your name I found out your informations but some of the information are told by your best friend without her I wouldn't have known about what your aunt and her daughters doing to you also she told me about Andrew was harassing you so I made a plan to destroy all his property and made him to come to your aunt's house when he arrived at your aunt house I immediately came there to take you from there and to get all five motherfunkers but I was too late if I didn't wait for that asshole I would have saved you from this hurtful moment.


when I asked them where are you they told me lies but eventually they told me you were in the basement when I saw you in that condition I was heart broken I immediately bought you here and treated your wounds"

I looked at his eyes it was full of pain and regards " I am so sorry my little Rose will you forgive me I will protect you and take care of you I Love You so much"

my eyes widened he loves me before I could say anything he kissed me again "You don't have to say anything right now we will go on dates and you can meet my family they will love you and take care of you like their own daughter if my mom meets you she will be in cloud nine" I giggled

"Okay but I don't know your name what's your name?" He looked in shock "I thought you already know me so only you disappear at that night in the club" I shake my head" No I don't know who you are I am not allowed outside normally I only go out to buy groceries and work at super market & bakery or to get some dress or shoe from shops for my stepsisters. I hear all gossips from my best friend Jeena so I don't know so many people " I say to him shyly " Okay my name is Benjamin Franklin Viper".

I heard his name before Jenna told me about the Russian mafia boss before I was scared when she told me he was so arrogant and rude but Benjamin was so loving and caring not at all arrogant or rude " You are the Russian mafia boss right?" He nodded " Yes that is me but don't worry I will never hurt you my little Rose you are my life from now on" he kissed my forehead I blushed whenever he call me by nickname he caressed my cheek "When you blush you look adorable " I think my face will be like a tomato now "Do you have any other questions to ask me?".


I nodded I took a long breath and asked him "Where are my aunt and my stepsisters? Will they come again and take me from you ?" I started to shake from that though of going back to my aunt's house " sweetheart take deep breaths you are not going back anywhere you are safe this is your new home you wil never see your aunt and her daughters or the Andrew guy again I promise" I relaxed against him he rubbed my back in comforting manner.

"Okay it is time to sleep do you want to use the bathroom " I nodded he got out of the bed and took me to the bathroom and he waited outside.

I finished my private business and brushed my teeth after in finished I called Ben he again carried me like I weigh nothing and placed me in the bed and he lay next me and cuddled it was soo good and warm I didn't think i was a cuddle person.

He kissed my cheeks " goodnight my little Rose" I hesitated but I shyly kissed his cheeks " goodnight Ben" he chuckled "Don't be shy you can kiss me whenever you want" I nodded and cuddled even closer I am so exhausted I think the medicines will make me sleepy I closed my eyes and drefted to sleep.

A/N: Hello flowers,I hope you like my story please don't forget to vote and comment I will update soon bye guys.🙂❤️

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