《The Man With The Gloves (mxmxmxm)》Extra chapter: Feeling down
"Like a jar you housed infinite tenderness / And the infinite tenderness shattered you like a jar." (Pablo Neruda)
Akhenaton was in a sour mood.
He didn't want to be like that - so bitter, so angry all the time.
Too many things in this world annoyed him. There were too many dickheads, to begin with.
Why couldn't he be more like Zephyr? Zephyr was a pure ray of sunshine, and Akhenaton wasn't just thinking about his glamorous appearance.
Zephyr was always enthusiastic about everything, especially when sex was involved. He was a lively little being, who had been sent to Earth to bring joy to his entourage.
Even when he had been on the verge of dying, the cheeky vampire had managed to throw a few jokes here and there and to act playfully around his mates - who, of course, had not been fooled in the slightest.
Well, maybe wanting to be more like Zephyr was a bit unrealistic.
Perhaps he could try to be more like Fayez or, as Ake liked to call him, the little brat.
Fayez was a tormented soul. Akhenaton, Ashur and Zephyr had known from the day they had met him. Without knowing the cause of his pain, they had figured out that only time and a lot of love would heal the naive vampire.
Yet, despite the darkness that he always seemed to be carrying, Fayez had a light within him.
He was still discovering the outside world, and he could never shut up about the colours, the smells and the noises it had to offer. It was kind of cute seeing him rambling excitedly about puppies, birds and flowers.
Yes, Fayez was a very endearing little brat. Akhenaton loved him from the deepest part of his soul, but he had to admit that they were nothing alike. Compared to this innocent vampire, Akhenaton felt very ancient.
There was no point hoping he could be more like Fayez either.
What about Ashur, then?
Just like Akhenaton, Ashur wasn't much of a talker. It was hard to get to know him, as he didn't like to share things about himself.
It didn't come from a lack of confidence. Ashur was just too interested in others to hold the floor for too long. He had a very curious nature. That's why he spent so much time reading and listening to stories, that could seem boring to others.
Ashur was never bored.
He often said that there were no such thing as uninteresting people or uninteresting things - there were only people who weren't interested enough in the first place.
Yet, despite his apparent quietness, Ashur wasn't a gloomy man. There was a warmth in him that draw you in, like a moth to a flame.
You could feel it when you got close to him. The warmth manifested itself in his smile. His voice. His eyes. The way he adressed those he truly loved.
Akhenaton could never get enough of his mates, but sometimes he feared that they would eventually get bored of him.
How could they not? What did Akhenaton has to offer? He was happy with them, but he was bad at expressing his love.
Those who didn't know him believed he only had one mood: gloomy. What was the catch?
"Ake, my favorite Grumpy man! I have been looking for you!"
Talk of the devil and he shall appear.
"Don't yell into my ear, Zeph" he sighed. "It's too early for that."
"Aw, you're such a killjoy!" Zephyr pouted. "And here I was so happy to see you."
Akhenaton felt an immediate pang of guilt. Zephyr was right: he was being a killjoy. Again.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled.
"What for?" Zephyr asked with a frown.
"For being so cynical and depressing. I wish I could be more like you guys. I can't help it. I'm sure you're fed up with my behaviour."
Zephyr bit his lips. Suddenly, he didn't look so cheerful anymore.
"Come with me" he decided, taking Akhenaton's hand in his smaller ones.
"Where to?"
"Our bedroom. I'll mindlink the others. We need to talk. Now."
The needed to talk. Akhenaton had to refrain himself from asking Zephyr what it was that they needed to talk about exactly. He wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer.
Maybe that was it. They were going to tell him that three was a better number than four.
They were going to tell him that they couldn't do it anymore. They couldn't keep pretending -
"Stop worrying your mind, pretty porcupine. It's nothing bad, I promise."
Akhenaton felt so relieved to hear that, that for once, he didn't complain about the ridiculous nickname that Zephyr had given him.
However, his relief was short-lived, as they entered the room where his other two mates were already waiting.
"We have a problem" Zephyr declared, making Akhenaton stiffened.
"What problem?" Fayez asked, looking rather anxious himself.
It made Akhenaton want to grab the man and hug him to death, and he almost did it.
"This handsome sorcerer over here" Zephyr pointed in Ake direction with a soft smile "was saying depreciating things about himself. Something about being too cynical and depressing for us."
"The audacity!"
Akhenaton looked at his three mates in turn, not understanding how they could talk so lightly about his awful personality.
"Ake" Fayez eventually sighed. "I thought I had a lot of insecurities, but you might be worse than I am. Shit, how can a guy like you, who is nothing but perfect to us, doubt himself like you do?"
He stepped forward, and cupped Akhenaton's cheeks in his open palms. The confident gesture was so unlike the shy vampire, that it made Akhenaton's eyes widen in disbelief.
Look at my baby brat acting so confident, he thought. He's a grown-up now.
"We love you the way you are." Zephyr added. "You don't need to be more this or less that. You're kind, you're smart, you're hot and you're absolutely fascinating to me. I'll never get enough of you, you moron."
Zephyr patted Akhenaton's ass with a fond expression, making the sorcerer groan in embarrassment.
"Are you feeling a bit down, though, sweetheart?" Ashur inquired, with a troubled look on his face. "Please, don't keep things to yourself. Tell us how we can make it better."
Akhenaton gladly accepted the hand that Ashur was offering him. He squeezed it briefly, relishing in the warmth the shifter was bringing him with a mere physical contact.
"I- I need... I want... what I would like is..." he started hesitantly.
"Tell us, love. Don't be afraid to tell us what you want."
"I want you to take care of me. If - if you don't mind, that is. The three of you."
Fayez gave him a questioning look, but Ashur and Zephyr understood immediately what he meant.
Zephyr started dancing and singing, only to be interrupted by Ashur's stern gaze.
"Is sex involved?" Fayez asked dryly, turning to Ashur.
"Uh, not necessarily. Why?"
"Zeph being so happy can only mean one thing."
Ashur kneeled in front of Akhenaton, and whispered in his ear: "Ake, can you please go and fetch your collar?"
Akhenaton nodded, and went to his desk. He brought the leather collar, which had his name carved on it, and obediently put it into Ashur's hand.
Ashur had given him the collar years ago as a gift, but they rarely used it.
Zephyr and Fayez also had their own collars. Fayez even had a leash to go with the collar, as he was really into puppy play - although he was still reluctant to admit it.
"Good boy." Ashur humed. "Now, sit on the bed."
It was a good thing he couldn't blush, but he was pretty sure his mates could feel his embarrassment anyway.
"Fuck, that's already hot" Fayez mumbled behind him.
"Faye, language!" Ashur corrected him sharply, before turning his attention to Akhenaton again.
"Ake, sweety, do you remember your safeword?"
"I do."
"Good. Don't forget to use it at any point, if you need to."
Akhenaton nodded, and leaned backward on the mattress. He knew that if he pushed through the embarrassment, he would get the relief he needeed.
It wasn't just about sexual pleasure. He wanted to feel his lovers' hands on his body. He wanted to be held. He wanted them to put his mind at ease.
Perhaps he was being selfish but -
"We can hear your thoughts, honey. You're projecting them. I don't like the way you're talking to yourself."
Akhenaton opened his eyes in surprise, to see that Fayez had come closer to the bed.
It was rare for Fayez to call his mates "love" or "honey". He usually was too shy for that.
"Huh, Ash" Fayez added. "I think - I think I know what we are going to do. This is about Akhenaton. This is about making him feel good. Can I - Can I start?"
"You can, sweet boy." Ashur easily agreed. Thanks for asking permission."
Fayez leaned over Akhenaton, and their eyes met. This position was weird for the both of them. Usually, Akhenaton was the one taking charge, when Zephyr and Fayez were concerned. It was even more the case with Fayez, since the vampire was very submissive and had less experience than the others.
It was weird, but in a good sense.
"I like seeing you like this." Fayez teased him. "So soft and pliant under me."
Akhenaton glared at him, and he was about to tell him to fuck off, when Fayez suddenly craddled his head against his chest.
"You're beautiful." he whispered with a fervent tone, bringing tears to Akhenaton's eyes.
"Not beautiful. Handsome" he sniffled.
"Whatever you say, sweets."
Akhenaton no longer felt the need to close his eyes. On the contrary, he didn't want to miss a single moment of this. The man in front of him, who was littering his body with kisses, truly was a sight to behold.
He was leaned, but with definite muscles. He was tall, nearly as tall as Akhenaton himself, although Ashur dwarfed them all.
Above all, his gestures were a mixture of timidity and boldness that always left Akhenaton wanting for more.
"Faye!" Akhenaton all but screamed, as the vampire's lips closed around his tip without any warning.
Maybe it was because he was in a vulnerable position, but he was feeling more sensitive than usual today.
"Faye" he panted, as the surprisingly talented vampire started fondling his soft and heavy balls. "I won't last long at this rate."
"It's okay" Fayez replied against his dick. "Let it go, Ake."
Akhenaton's body complied before he could make up his mind. He had never come this fast in his entire existence, but he wasn't feeling the least ashamed about it.
He was around his mates, and he knew that they would never make fun of him. Actually, there was nothing to be ashamed of.
"You look so sexy when you finally let yourself go" Zephyr sighed dreamfully, his words echoing Akhenaton's thoughts.
His head fell back on the soft cushion, and he panted heavily.
"Thank you, little brat. You're getting very good at this."
"I studied with the best teachers."
They're never going to let me rest, Akhenaton thought, as he felt the mattress dip again with someone else's weight.
Ah, well. I'm getting what I asked for, and more. I'm not complaining here.
"Don't get me wrong: I'm a more demanding brat than Faye" Zephyr whispered in his ear, making the sorcerer shiver. "I don't often have the opportunity to have you like this under me, and I intent to take my role in this very seriously."
"Do your worst." Akhenaton replied boldly.
There was a silence, in which Akhenaton started regretting his words. It was never a good idea to taunt the little vampire. He should have known better.
He felt the other man smile against his cheek, confirming his concerns.
"Very well" Zephyr cooed. "Turn around."
Akhenaton very hesitantly turned around. The moment he was lying on his bed, a sharp hit landed on his tight bottom.
"Ouch! What was that for?"
It was quickly followed by another, on the other cheek.
"You're taking too long to follow my orders, porcupine" Zephyr explained. "Also, don't talk back."
Akhenaton frowned, but thankfully his mate couldn't see it, as his face was pressed against the cushion.
I'll make you pay, he promised himself. Just wait, Zeph, you little demon. I'll have plenty of opportunities to put my hands on you.
His thoughts of retaliation came to a dead end when a soft hand started rubbing his ass.
"Can I finger you?" Zephyr asked in his ear. "I know it's been a while, but I'll be gentle. I promise I'll make you feel good."
Akhenaton nodded, earning himself a lighter slap.
"Words" Zephyr demanded, as he resumed massaging his ass.
"Yeah." Akhenaton mumbled. "You can do it, Zeph."
"I can do what?" Zephyr asked innocently.
"You can finger me."
"Louder! I can't hear you!" Zephyr sang.
"Fuck. You know what you - Nevermind. You can finger me!"
"Your wishes are my commands." Zephyr replied in a satisfied voice.
Akhenaton would be mad against Zephyr at another time. For now, he was hot, and bothered, and needy.
His body felt heavy, and he didn't want to move a single muscle. All he wanted was to focus on the lubed-up finger that was now carefully breaching him.
"You're doing great, Ake" Zephyr purred into his ear. "That's it. Don't tense up. Breath, and feel. Just focus on my finger inside your velvety tunnel. Nothing else matter for now."
Fuck, Akhenaton thought. Zeph really had a knack for dirty words. He's good with his hands, too.
"Thanks, porcupine."
Shit. I projected my thoughts again.
Zephyr smirked, before adding a second finger. He seemed to know exactly how to play with his mate's body to turn him crazy with lust.
"Zeph!" Akhenaton yelled, when Zephyr grazed over his prostate.
"What?" Zephyr asked innocently.
"This... do it again." Akhenaton demanded.
Zephyr scissored him carefully, instead of giving him what he wanted.
"You're in no position to make demands, porcupine. If you want something, you'll have to ask for it nicely." Zephyr said in a firm tone.
"No way." Akhenaton feebly protested. "Just do what I say."
Zephyr didn't reply this time, as he resumed stretching Akhenaton's opening with his skilled fingers, carefully avoiding to touch his pleasure button.
This was sweet torture and knowing Zephyr, the guy wouldn't give in.
"Please" Akhenaton eventually said in a heavy sigh.
"You can do much better."
"Please, Zeph. I'm begging you."
"Better, but not quite good yet."
Akhenaton closed his eyes. He had been in Zephyr's position a lots of time. It felt exhilarating to reverse roles for once.
"Please, Zephyr. I'm begging you. Please make me cum" he asked softly, turning his face to look at his mate.
"Aw, look at you. How could I say no to you when you're looking at me with such puppy eyes?"
Akhenaton whimpered as Zephyr started to thrust inside him with his fingers at a very quick pace, relentlessly hitting his sweet spot. Gone was the teasing. He was a man on a mission.
"Zeph. Stop now." Ashur ordered quietly.
Akhenaton whined as Zephyr carefully removed his fingers from his very wet hole. He felt himself being turned around, and his eyes met with Ashur's brown ones.
"Do you want me to take you, sweetheart? Do you have any energy left?"
Akhenaton nodded so vehemently, that his neck became slightly painful. Ashur snorted at his obvious enthusiasm.
"Alright, then. Just put your arms around me, Ake. We'll do it looking at each others. Zeph and Faye can enjoy the show"
Perfect, Akhenaton thought, as he felt Ashur entering him cautiously.
At the same time, Zephyr and Fayez grabbed both his hands. Feeling his two mates so close while Ashur was sliding deep inside him was pure bliss.
Ashur's hot and hard member rubbed against his entrance teasingly, only stretching him with the tip.
He then surged forward in a long, calculated thrust.
It was so good that for a moment, Akhenaton choked on air. Immediatly, he felt Ashur tightening his hold around him, as the shifter licked his damp cheeks.
"No more with the self-depreciating bullshit, Ake." Ashur growled into his ear. "We love you. You know that, right?"
"I know it." Akhenaton replied, and he really meant it.
He had his moments of self-hatred and insecurities, but most of the time he was aware that his mates loved him to the moon and back.
Sometimes, he just needed a gentle reminder.
Ashur started to quicken his thrusts and all Akhenaton could do was to lay back and enjoy the ride.
The shifter came so deeply into him that Akhenaton could have swear his stomach felt swollen. He let it all out too, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he was laying in his mates' secure arms.
His hands instinctively shot up to his neck.
"Ake" Zephyr said him with a sweet voice. "Can you keep the collar a bit longer? You look so good in it."
"Okay, but only because you asked."
Akhenaton groaned, feigning to be annoyed about it.
His mates weren't fooled, though. They exchanged swift glances and knowing little smiles that the sorcerer didn't see.
Akhenaton just loved to be collared.
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