《The Man With The Gloves (mxmxmxm)》14. The more the merrier
"If you are made for flight, intended for it, you had better find a pursuer, fast. Otherwise, all that fleeing is going nowhere." (Dan Chiasson)
Fayez wasn't thinking about running away. He was thinking about making a dignified exit. Now, that was a very different thing.
Would it really be that bad to just leave the ISB? After all, he was already a very skilled and powerful vampire. Every prefect, Akhenaton excluded, had agreed on that point.
No. No, he had to stay. He shouldn't loose this opportunity of studing at a prestigious Institute just because he was uncomfortable with the idea of sharing a bedroom with the three men.
Plus, for some reason he couldn't bear the thought of going away from Masters Zephyr, Ashur and even Akhenaton. The idea of never seeing them again made him feel lost, like he would then be truly alone in this big and confusing world that he had yet to explore. Of course, this sounded a bit ridiculous but he couldn't help feeling the way he did.
Yet, he also didn't want to be a burden to them, and he could picture way too clearly what their reactions would be like, when he would let them know about the Headmaster's decision.
Maybe he could simply pretend he didn't really understand what the Headmaster had told him, and stay in his own bedroom. Yes, that was a clever plan. Surely, the Headmaster would quickly forget about it, as Fayez doubted they were really paying close attention to the students. Very few were those who had already met them in person.
He was so absorbed in his spiralling anxiety, that he almost bumped into someone who was running from the opposite direction.
"Oops, careful there" the person said, their voice full of humor.
"Helmut! Oh My Lord, it's been ages since the last time I saw you! How have you been doing?"
"I know it's been a while, but please don't call me 'My Lord', you're gonna make me blush" Helmut replied good-naturedly.
Fayez laughed a bit, and then, to Helmut's greatest surprise, he gave a tight hug to the smaller man. He wasn't usually a touchy person, so this was a first, but he was so happy to see his friend again that he had acted spontaneously.
"Well, someone's been missing me", Helmut commented, while patting his friend's back rather awkwardly.
Finally sensing the redhaired's discomfort, Fayez let go of him, before apologizing with an embarrassed smile for his over-excitement.
"Don't fuss about it. I'm just not used to the hugging, that's all. I don't mind at all, though.", Helmut reassured him. "Plus, it's kinda cute to see you acting all cuddly, although you do give bear hugs.My vampire friend doesn't know his own strenght! I swear I could feel my bones cracking" he added, with a wink.
"Helmut! Are you flirting with me right now?" Fayez chuckled.
"I definitely am" Helmut confirmed, but Fayez could tell he was joking around.
"Good thing I'm not taken, then" he whispered, his voice taking a falsely sensual tone.
"My good friend, I'm not that gullible. You're not taken... yet. It's just a matter of time"
Fayez raised an eyebrow, as he looked at Helmut with a confused expression.
"What do you mean, I'm not taken yet?"
"Well, it's pretty obvious you'll end up with our three handsome prefects soon or late."
"Interesting theory"
"Trust me Fayez, I've read enough romance stories to know how these things work. Lucky you, these men are gorgeous!"
"Look, Helmut, I don't th-"
"Although, between you and me: I do enjoy the slow burn, but I wouldn't mind some boyxboy action soon, if you get what I mean"
Helmut's intent was probably to take the teasing a bit further. Unfortunately, Fayez's mood darkened considerably at the mention of the three prefects he was supposed to share a room with. Noticing that his friend's expression had turned sour, Helmut gave his shoulder a comforting squeeze, before asking hesitantly:
"What is it now, Faye?"
"Nothing, really. Just me being a big crybaby, is all." Fayez muttered, hoping his friend would just drop it. Sadly, it wasn't in Helmut's habit not to press any further when someone was looking particularly unhappy.
"I'm sure it's important, if it makes you look so dejected. Come on, what's on your mind? You'll feel better once you pour your heart to me. Maybe we can come up with a solution to your problem together."
Fayez sighed, not really in the mood to talk. Maybe Helmut was right, though. Fayez had the habit of keeping everything to himself, and so far, it hadn't done him any good. He didn't think he could keep bottling up his emotions much longer. The risk of just imploding at some point was getting too high.
Not later than last week, he had been on the verge of tearing up just because Nassiba's new girlfriend had asked him the most asked question of all times: "How are you?"
Fayez knew that she hadn't mean for him to tell her about his personal problems, and that's why his unoriginal answer had been: "Good, thanks, how about you?"
Yet, this question had been enough to shake the fortress he had carefully built during these last centuries, in a castle too big to be lively.
"I've just been with the Headmaster." he started begrundgingly. "Well, I mean, he wasn't physically present but we talked about the mission I took part in yesterday..."
"Oooh, right! I've heard about it!! How was it?" Helmut interrupted, looking pretty excited.
Fayez shook his head, unable to understand why Helmut always sounded so enthusiastic about everything.
"He said that I will have to remain at Masters Zephyr, Ashur and Akhenaton's quarters at all times, that is, when I'm not attending classes. He want them to be able to keep an eye on me, as my behavior during the last mission was pretty reckless, or so Akhenaton says."
"But Fayez, that's good! Why do you look so bugged? You get to stay at the ISB, plus it will be easier for you to get into the prefects' bed. Just think about it: the closeness, the intimacy, their body warmth, their -"
"Stop this train of thoughts right now, Helmut!" Fayez protested, as he was starting to feel a bit exasperated. "Your imagination is way too wild for your own good. I can guarantee you nothing of the sort will ever happen between us."
For a short moment, Helmut looked like he wanted to argue on that, but then thought against it. Instead, his expression turned more sober.
"So, the idea of sharing a room with the prefects is what has been bothering you?"
"Yeah. It's ridiculous, I know..."
"Not at all, I get it"
"I just don't like the idea of being a burden. I'm sure they will hate this new arrangement, but won't dare disobey the Headmaster. I can already picture Zephyr's uneasy smiles, Ashur's mutism and Akhenaton's fury. God, this is going to be so embarassing!"
"I'm sure it won't be as bad as you fear" Helmut replied in a softer voice, all traces of his previous amusement long gone. "In fact, it can actually turns out to be for the best. It's okay for someone to keep to themselves, but you do seem a bit lonely. Everything from the way you stand to the way you speak screams "gives me a hug".
"Well, isn't that awesome?" Fayez commented, sarcasm dripping from his voice. "I didn't know that I inspired so much pity."
"Don't worry, I'm just very observant. I'm sure that most people think you're a very strong and independant vampire -which you are. Especially with that witty mouth of yours"
Helmut looked pensive, and it made Fayez even more fidgety. The tiny guy was very lovable, but Fayez didn't like the feeling of being analysed, especially when everything Helmut said about him was hitting too close to home.
"I'm pretty sure these guys are affectionate and caring toward the ones they love. Just give it time." he eventually added, thankfully not pursuing his analysis of Fayez's needs and personality.
That's the problem, though, Fayez thought to himself. I'm not one of their loved ones, and I never will. They are used to their intimacy, and my presence will just ruin it. Akhenaton doesn't seem to like me very much, while Ashur is pretty hard to read. Even Zephyr, the only one who actually seems to enjoy my company, might start hating me."
He looked up, to find Helmut looking at his watch with a shocked expression.
" It's getting late, I know! I'm sorry I've been taking so much of your time with all my whining." Fayez whispered. "I'm sure you have a lot of things to do. Thank you for listening to me, though. I'm glad we could talk for a bit."
"Stop demeaning yourself like that, Faye!" Helmut protested. "I've a meeting starting in about five minutes, but it's been nice chatting with you! We should hang up again soon. Maybe later in the week?"
"I'd love that" Fayez replied, feeling relieved.
"It's a date, then" Helmut declared, his usual flirtness back, before running again to his meeting with God knows who.
Fayez had a small smile on his face as he walked in the corridors, but his smile turned into a grimace when he arrived in front of his own bedroom. There wasn't much time left before all the students would be ordered to turn their lights out. He had no other choice than to quickly pack his stuff and go to the prefects' room.
Fifteen minutes later, he was standing in front of another door. He had been there once, with Ashur, but this time it was different. He was moving in with the other men, and so many things could go wrong.
How long did he stood there? Two minutes? Five minutes? When a group of girls threw him a curious look, he decided that he couldn't just stand there, and forced himself to knock on the door.
The sound was very light, but Fayez didn't knock twice, because he was sure the prefects had heard him, for their sense of hearing was probably as good as his.
He was proved right, as he heard the sound of a key being turned into a lock, a few seconds later.
Last chance to run, he thought to himself, although he was too petrified to even take a step back.
"Fayez! What a lovely surprise! What are you doing here?"
Well, I guess at least I'm lucky that Zephyr is the one opening the door, Fayez thought grimly. I'm pretty sure Akhenaton would have close the door right into my face.
Looking a bit surprised by Fayez's silence, Zephyr looked him up and down, before raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
"Why do you have a suitcase with you?"
Here we go.
"I -I. Uh. The Headmaster told me..."
"Don't tell me he wants you to leave! I told Ake that there must be a good reason why you didn't take his hand yesterday! This is so unfair! I'll have a word with him, and-"
"Master Zephyr" Fayez interrupted him softly, a bit flustered by the blondie's sudden outburst. "It's very considerate of you, but there's no need to talk to the Headmaster. I'm not leaving."
"Oh. That's good. " Zephyr declared, letting out a loud sigh. "But then, why are you carrying this luggage with you? You're sure you're not going anywhere?"
Chin up, steady gaze. Try acting confident, Fayez told himself, taking a big breath as the hands he was hiding behind his back started shaking slightly.
Zephyr saw right through it.
"What is it, Faye?" he asked with a concerned expression. "You're starting to frighten me."
"The Headmaster wants me to move into your bedroom. He said it should help you keep an eye on me at all times."
There. He had said it. There was no going back. That was the moment where Hell would break loose.
Not even a minute passed, but to his anxious mind, it seemed much longer.
"C'mon, open your eyes, Fayez. Do I look that scary to you? How mean!"
Feeling confused and a bit embarassed by the playfulness in Zephyr's voice, Fayez slowly opened his eyes. Sure enough, Zephyr was looking at him with a goofy smile on his angelic face.
"I guess I better start picking up my dirty laundry, then. Can't have someone of your quality see all of my dirty, mismatched socks."
He went back into the room, after motionning for Fayez to follow him inside.
Still stunned by the other vampire's unexpected reaction, Fayez obediently entered the spatious bedroom, which looked much less tidy than the first time he was in there, in Ashur's company.
"You- that's all you're gonna say?" he asked to Zephyr's back.
"That's right, where are my manners? Welcome home, new flatmate!" Zephyr yelled enthusiastically, without turning back to look at him. "Ake and Ash will be there in ten minutes or so."
"Actually, now that you've mentioned it, do you think they will be as pleased as you with the Headmaster's decision? I can't picture Master Akhenaton being thrilled about it."
This time, Zephyr stopped dead in his track, before slowly turning to look at him. The frown on the prefect's face was in itself a confirmation of what Fayez had feared: Zephyr would most likely be the only one okay with this arrangement.
"Don't worry" Zephyr eventually declared, with a vehement voice. "Ashur has a good opinion of you, and Akhenaton is actually a very kind person, under his cold exterior. Everything will go well."
Fayez was far from sharing his optimism, but he nodded nonetheless, before carefully taking a seat on the huge couch, as Zephyr had invited him to do.
That's when all the bells rang out, like they did every night, when it was time to turn the lights out.
Except that tonight, for the first time, Fayez wouldn't sleep alone in his bedroom.
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