《this december | georgenotfound¹ ✓》𝐱. goodbyes said too early.


goodbyes said too early.

Everything seemed to be perfect in Angel's life, she had met a boy who she was completely and utterly in love with.

And he loved her back, impossibly more.

But, everything looks perfect from far away.

Angel had gotten too wrapped up in love, she had forgotten about everything else in her life. Her family hadn't heard from her in days, nor had her close friends.

It had been nearly a week since she had gone to the library to see Abigail, she used to visit her daily.

The book Angel had finished the other day laid on her coffee table, stacked upon various other books she had forgotten to return.

Beside these books were ones that George had given to Angel, books he had taken out from the library and finished. He had given them to Angel before returning them himself.

She carefully piled the books into her bag, it was an excuse to visit Abigail.

When Angel arrived at the library, the 'Open!' sign had been turned around, presenting the 'Closed!' side through the glass door.

Was it later than Angel thought?

She pulled her phone out from her coat pocket, pressing the home button to check the time. It was 4pm, Abigail closes at 8pm every day.

An uneasy feeling appeared in Angel's stomach as she assumed the worst, drumming her hand gently against the glass window.

No response.

A couple of the lights inside of the library were still turned on, casting a gentle yellow hue upon open cardboard boxes.

Before Angel could identify anything else which was unusual in the library, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice spoke from behind her, "Can I help you?"

When she turned around, she was greeted with a tall brunette with recognisable features. She held two folded boxes with an envelope balanced on top.

The strangers face twisted with confusion, though it quickly turned into sudden surprise as she spoke, "Wait- Are you Angel?"

"I am," Angel nodded, fearing that she had forgotten the name of the stranger before her, "I'm sorry- Who are you?"

The stranger disregarded Angel's question pushing the keys attached to one of the belt loops on her jeans into the library's door.

Once the lock was open, she pushed the door open using her hip since her hands were occupied, "Thank goodness! We were worried we would never get ahold of you,"

Angel knew she should've visited, the only time she breaks routine something happens.


"We? Who are you?"

She gestured for Angel to follow her inside of the library once she had placed down the boxes, "I'm Abigail's daughter, Eve,"

Angel remembered Abigail mentioning Eve once or twice, though she wasn't mentioned often.

Eve started to rummage through the drawers beneath Abigail's desk, placing photo frames and small notepads into the box.

"Where's Abigail? I came to return a book," Angel questioned, reaching her left hand across her body to pull out the books, "Well a few,"

"Oh," Eve's expression softened with distress, carefully folding each of the cardboard flaps in, "You don't know,"

Angel placed the pile of books into the 'returns' box, looking up at Eve with a concerned glance. What had she missed?

"She died in her sleep, four days ago," a lump formed in Eve's throat as she spoke, watching Angel's smile fade at her words, "I'm sorry, Angel,"


Angel hoped to see Eve start to smile, laugh hysterically whilst telling her it was just a joke. That Abigail had gone on a vacation.

That smile never appeared.

Abigail had died.

She had told Angel repeatedly that her heart was getting stronger, that she was getting better. Angel should have seen through her lies.

"I'm so sorry, Eve,"

Despite the agonising pain in her heart, Angel didn't cry. Her hands trembled around the final book, shakily placing it down onto the hard-oak table.

It felt as though someone had reached into her chest and ripped her heart out. Yet she didn't cry, she stood stiff.

"But, there was something she left for you," Eve's voice cracked as she spoke, patting her coat's pockets until she pulled out a folded piece of paper, extending it out to Angel, "This,"


I hope that this letter finds you well, I am deeply sorry I could not hand it to you in person. I knew that I would not be able to bear the expression on your face when you read it.

It was a selfish decision of mine and I am terribly sorry, Angel.

My heart condition has gotten worse than I have expressed to you, in your eyes I am perfectly well. These are my final days which I have chosen to spend with my family.

I wish that I could have heard about your date with George, I hope that it all went well.

Since I will no longer be around to look after the library, I have decided to pass it down on to you. That is, if you will take it.


This decision has been clear to me ever since you first arrived at the library, I always knew that the library would be yours one day.

I just wish it would not have been so soon.

I made a promise to Martin that I would pass the library onto someone who cares about books just as much as he did. You are that someone.

When I look at you and George, all I see is Martin and I. You two have something special which you should both cherish.

I hope that you and George can pass this library down to your children one day.

Best wishes,


Angel's eyes started to feel red and heavy as she folded the letter back up, sliding it onto the counter with trembling hands.

It hadn't even registered in her that this was now her library. Though, however much she had dreamt of owning her own library, this wasn't the way she wanted to get it.

She couldn't decline the library, Abigail trusted Angel with it, trusted her with her husbands library.

Angel fell apart like brittle sticks of candy, shattered into tiny pieces which would be impossible to put back together.

Eve had already left before Angel could say anything else, leaving only her number on a torn piece of paper and a singular key atop.

She'd consult Abigail with a problem like this, bring her a coffee from down the road and just talk.

Feeling hopeless, Angel pulled out her phone to call George.

Though, when she turned it on, George was already calling. He had been trying to get ahold of her since she arrived at the library.

"Angel? Are you okay?" his voice was muffled slightly by the wind crashing against his phone, "You haven't been answering my calls,"

It was comforting to hear his voice, to know that she still had George.

Angel lolled her head backwards, holding her phone close to her ear, "Where are you?"

"I left Dream's house a couple of minutes ago, why?"

"Are you close to the library?" Angel questioned, slipping the letter off the table to read it once again. It didn't feel real.

The call ended suddenly, flashing Angel's background screen of her and George at the ice rink together. Both flushed cheeks with grins plastered on their faces.

It reminded her of what she does have. Despite losing someone, she can't forget about the other people in her life she loves.

George walked through the library door, dusting the snow off from the top of his hood. He had ended the call because he was walking past the library.

"What happened, Angel?" his voice was soft, slowly crouching down in front of Angel. His hand delicately reaching forward to wipe the lone tear from her cheek.

Despite his hand being ice cold, Angel leant into his touch, mumbling against his palm, "Abigail's dead,"

"Angel I'm so-,"

Angel cut him off before he could finish his sentence, holding her finger gently to his lips. He instead pressed a kiss to her forehead, sitting down beside her on the floor.

She really was too wrapped up in love.

She stopped visiting because she was being selfish.

She missed Abigail's last day because she was too busy making gingerbread houses with George. She had chosen spending time with George over seeing Abigail.

But she couldn't distance herself from him, he meant too much to her.

"You couldn't have known. You can't blame yourself either, Angel," George's hand carefully wrapped around Angel's waist, pulling her closer to his side, "It was natural causes, you couldn't have prevented it,"

George was right, of course.

But Angel would forever feel guilty for not spending more time with Abigail. What if she thought Angel had grown bored of her?

"I know," Angel frowned, letting her head fall onto George's shoulder as she sighed heavily, "I didn't even get to tell her about you. I promised I'd visit the library more, that I'd tell her all about you,"

And there was a lot to say about him.

"I'm sure you can still tell her," he shrugged gently as to not knock her head too much, "She has to look over her library, doesn't she?"

"Our library," Angel corrected, passing George the letter Abigail had written, watching his eyes scan over the calligraphy.

His eyes started to shine with salty tears, burying his head into Angel's hair to hide the tears that rolled down his cheeks.

"Our library, huh?" Angel laughed weakly, more tears starting to collect in her eyes, gently threading her fingers through the curls at the back of George's head, "Unless you want to run a library with another girl,"

"You're an idiot," George pulled himself from her gentle grip, revealing candy red cheeks which matched his lips and eyes. He pressed a kiss to her temple, "I'd love to work here with you,"

ANGST ,3 <3 <3 kinda

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