《this december | georgenotfound¹ ✓》𝐯. the not-so good first date.


the not-so good first date.

"Shit," George mumbled under his breath, steading Angel on her thin blades before meeting the eyes of his two friends.

Sapnap and Dream stood on the other side of the plexiglas, their eyes flickering between Angel and George.

"You didn't tell us you were going ice-skating. Did you forget how amazing Dream and I are at ice-skating?" Sapnap frowned light-heartedly before giving Angel a kind smile, "I'm Sapnap,"

George didn't want Angel to meet his friends. Not yet at least, he wanted to know her better before she was introduced to all of his friends


George also had too many secrets he didn't want Angel to know. Dream and Sapnap happened to know those exact secrets.

She needed to hear those secrets from George and only George.

"Have you bought tickets?" George questioned the two, and though it was harsh of him, he hoped they hadn't.

Dream patted the pockets of his jeans with a low hum, searching for his wallet, "How much are they?"

"Fifteen pounds per person," If Angel didn't know the price already he would've lied to put them off purchasing the ticket.

They wouldn't tell his secrets, George was just being paranoid. Too paranoid, these were his friends.

"You paid that much?" Sapnap groaned, though his annoyance didn't last long, "Unrelated question but where are your bags?"

Before the question registered in George's head, he had already gestured towards his backpack and Angel's purse on the back bench.

"Wait- Fuck," George groaned in stupidity, though he knew they'd pay him back eventually. He was more frustrated that they were joining him and Angel.

Angel kicked at the ice as she glided around George, only being able to handle short bursts of balance at a time. She was learning.

She gently crashed into the bar with a grimace, looking up at George with a smile, "Do your friends crash all your dates?"

She wasn't annoyed by Dream and Sapnap, luckily. George feared she'd end the date early because of their arrival, she was unbothered.

"Apparently only the good ones," George sighed heavily, tucking the shorter strands of hair that blocked Angel's eyes behind her ears, "I'm sorry,"

He was lucky to be on a date with someone as understanding as Angel.

"Don't worry about it," Angel took his hands in her own, swinging them back and forth, "We can still have a good time!"

Dream and Sapnap shortly reappeared, this time with a pair of ice-skates on their feet.

"You really stole my money because you didn't want to pay fifteen pounds?" George scoffed as Sapnap handed George his wallet back, this time £30 lighter, "You're an idiot,"


He stuffed the wallet into his back pocket, tugging his beige jumper down to cover it as a safety precaution.

"Sapnap promised he'd pay you back,"

"What the fuck?! No I didn't,"

They would both pay eventually him back.

Dream promised Angel he'd teach her how to ice-skate better than George, since apparently George was an amateur.

"Did we crash your date?" Sapnap kicked the ice faster to catch up with George, skidding to a stop beside him, "You haven't stopped moping since we arrived,"

He should've been more subtle with his annoyance, especially now that they were here to stay.

"I'm sorry, but yes, you did," George apologised, dragging his loosely closed hand along the support beam around the rink, "It was going really good too!"

"You should've just said! Now Dream's stole your girl,"

George's eyes flickered over to the smiling brunette, watching her flail around on the ice as Dream attempted to teach her at least the basics.

"Do you like her?" George turned back to Sapnap, a useless question, Sapnap had just met Angel.

"Are you asking if she's better than Anastasia?"

There it was. The secret.


"Shh!" George scolded, afraid of Angel overhearing their loud conversation, "Fucking hell, Sapnap, keep it down. No, I'm not asking that,"

He quickly searched the rink for Angel, she was still across the rink from him. She wouldn't have heard Sapnap.

"Have you not told her?"

George didn't know how to tell her. It wasn't something that comes up in a conversation, nor was it an easy thing to tell.

She didn't need to know yet.

"Sapnap," he warned.

The topic of Anastasia needed to be dropped before Sapnap speaks too loud on accident. Anastasia stays a secret until George is ready.

"George!" Sapnap exclaimed, coming off more judgemental than he would've preferred, "She needs to know at some point. I'll let you tell her that though,"

Sapnap lead George to the exit of the rink, tired of rolling his ankle in the skates. He wasn't as good as he claimed to be.

They dropped down onto the bench after collection George and Angel's bags, Angel's purse hung on the end of George's index finger.

"Thank you," he exhaled a sigh of relief, his secret was safe, "I really like her, I don't want to- scare her off or something,"

He'd understand if Angel wasn't understanding of it, however much that might hurt to accept.

Sapnap changed the subject, as well as changing the irrational thoughts running through George's brain, "When did you meet her?"


Sunday the 5th of December 2020, the day George fell in-love for the first time in years, a day he'd forever remember and cherish, "Sunday,"

It had only been a few days and George was already worried about losing her. He needed to control himself, not let things bother him too much.

"The fact you met her two days ago and already have a date with her, proves that she likes you too,"

"You think?" George spoke, distracted as he smiled back at Angel, who was showing him her new-found skill of ice-skating from afar.

"Mhm," Sapnap hummed, tilting his head at he glanced at the spinning brunette, "But she does look similar to Anastasia,"

"I love you, George. You were the best thing in my life,"

"Don't say that," he snapped, digging the pads of his fingers into his eyelids, "I don't want to think about her when I'm with Angel,"

"Truly, you made life worth living,"

Not now. Not now. Not ever.

"She makes you happy," Sapnap smiled, noticing how George never fails to smile when Angel is in sight, "I really hope it works out, George,"

George hoped the same.

He was still unsure if he could love again after Anastasia, he had given up on love when she left. He believed that if a relationship as passionate and strong as theirs managed to break, all relationships were bound to break.

Until he met Angel.

"What are we talking about, huh!?" Dream and Angel suddenly appeared in front of them, ice-skates tied together and hung by the string.

"Nothing," George quickly responded, startled by their sudden presence, "You still suck at ice-skating, Angel,"

How long had they been there? How much had they heard?

"You were holding onto the bar the whole time, George, zip it," Angel argued with a smile, she had been watching him despite being with Dream, "But, I've really got to be getting home,"

George would never get used to goodbyes, no matter how many he says, they'd always be something he dreaded and despised.

"I'll walk you home,"

Sherbet smiles were exchanged between Angel and George, simple walks together seemed to become something George looked forward to, "Great! It was lovely meeting you, Dream and Sapnap,"

Goodbyes didn't seem as hard, knowing they'd spend every last minute together until she was returned home.

"You too, Angel," Dream and Sapnap waved briefly before blending into the crowd of bustling shoppers in the city. Their winter coats camouflaged among hundreds of the same coats.

Darkness was already starting to plague the sky, opening the endless void above our heads. It was the only thing George hated about winter.

The sun rises earlier and sets earlier, leaving you to walk home from work pretty much in the dark.

But, everything else about winter seemed to compensate for it.

It wasn't long until Angel and George were back at Angel's front door, this time not adorned in snow.

"Before I forget," George blurted as Angel rummaged through her purse, attracting her attention instantly, "Could I get your number?"

She smiled and he melted again, the never ending cycle, "I was going to ask you the same question,"

George held out his unlocked phone to her, letting her quickly type her number and name into the new contact.

It was easier than he thought it would be, all he had to do was ask.

"I'm sorry the date didn't go as planned," he frowned, gently taking the phone back into his grasp and slipping it into the pocket of his jeans.

"It's fine! Besides, we have the library date," she was always positive, despite their date being crashed by two of George's friends.

Most girls would've seen that as a red flag, Angel didn't.

"You still want to go on a second date with me after that disaster?"

"Of course I do!" she nodded with a gentle genuine laugh, "You're a great guy, George. I enjoy spending time with you,"

As George watched Angel unlock her door, the stronger the urge to kiss her goodbye became. She turned around to say goodbye, but George took a small step forward.

He should've resisted. It's too soon. Way too soon.

You're being an idiot, George.

Before George's lips connected with Angel's, her hands gently cupped either of his cheeks. With a soft push, Angel extended the gap between their lips.

George went to apologise in fear of ruining what they had, but when Angel's lips pressed against his cheek, he froze.

The kiss was short and sweet, though the lingering sensation felt like flames. It felt as though her lips had been branded into his skin, a permanent reminder of what was once there.

"Goodnight, George," she spoke quietly, quickly unlocking her front door with cold hands.

Had he fucked it up?

"Angel," George sighed, opening his mouth to speak but her door was already clicked shut. He cursed under his breath, resting his forehead against her door as he mumbled a fond adieu, "Goodnight,"


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