《Essays for Blowjobs (NOT MINE)》the reveal.
"'scuse me?"
The voice was quiet (one HAD to be quiet in a library) but it still made your head hurt, a nagging pain blossoming again in the back of your skull. You glanced up at the person, blinking- you had a huge hangover from downing a whole bottle last night and your head felt like it was going to split open. The entire night was just a kinda painful blur of blue white and a deep voice saying something to you, but... that was probably the TV.
"Uh... Yeah?"
"you look like you're struggling with that."
... Wait.
Wait wait wait wait wait.
Was that...
Sans !?
You blinked another few times in case you were dreaming, but... no. It was Sans the Skeleton. The Sans . As in, the most popular, charming guy in the school!?
... He was here.
In a remote, hidden corner of the library.
Talking to you, of...of all people.
It was only when you noticed how he was patiently waiting that you remembered he'd said something and you were just gawking at him like a fish out of water.
Wow. Great first impression, (y/n).
"W-well, I always struggle with science. I'm... not very good at it." Uh... why the hell did you just admit that!? Ugh, he's going to think you're stupid... You wanted to put your head in your hands or just shrink into the table and never return.
But, instead of mocking you or laughing, he just blinked, those incredible (familiar...?), star-like eyelights focused on you.
"well... i can try and help?" His voice was considerate, and he pulled up a chair next to you. "i'm good at this stuff."
"...Why?" You immediately asked, and he blinked in surprise, but you raised your hands. "N-Not to be rude, or anything, uh..." Keep your head, y/n! "Just... confused. Why do you wanna help me?"
He grinned, then chuckled, and it made your whole face light up. It was so deep, and smooth, and charming... Your hands fidgeted in your lap. "i've got literally nothing else to do, and you looked like you needed a hand."
"Uh, well... I guess." You slid the paper toward him a little and he pulled his chair closer to yours. The proximity made you freeze, your brain forgetting how to function. He was... s-so close! You were sat next to a God !
"aha, i see." He leant forward a little to point at the paper, and your breath stopped as your shoulders brushed. "so, at this part, you've forgotten the sign at the top of the equation, see? so it means the rest of it has slid out of proportion. here..."
He reached over and gently took the pencil out of your hand, your hand briefly making contact with his, and you almost flipped your lid. Did he know what he was doing to you?! Every sense was heightened so intensely, every little contact with him sending sparks all over your skin.
He started talking again, explaining something to you, but you were too busy staring at the paper and trying to ignore how close he was. And... you were also a little caught up in the fact that his handwriting looked so... familiar?
Well, maybe since he was so good at science the teacher often called him up to the front to explain stuff to his classmates and they took photos of his explanations and used them to explain to the other kids, too. I mean, this was SANS, it was more than likely that you'd seen his writing in more than one place around the school...
He was so smart, and funny... you might even go as far as to call him perfect .
"there. done." He said, handing you back your pencil. You took it slowly, treating it with respect, since it'd just been held by a God. "i make the same mistake all the time, it's nothing to worry about. you just have to memorise."
... You blinked, then... paused. Something about his voice. He held eye contact with you for a few moments, apparently confused at your sudden curiousness.
"...Th-thanks..." You stammered, face lighting up again. "Uh... Do I... I just..." You looked away, embarrassed to be wasting his time with your ramblings like this. "Your voice sounds kinda familiar, for some reason? I feel like we've... talked, before."
... He looked you up and down, and paused. Then... his grin went a bit... funny. Off. Almost... not quite right. Butterflies in your chest that weren't the good kind started to flutter, as he stood up to leave. Had... had you said something offensive?
"hm. i dunno." His voice wasn't gentle anymore. It was... teasing? He seemed to loom over you, eyelights flickering gently, and you finally pinned his smile.
Amusement .
"though... your phone's been awful silent, hasn't it?"
H-he... winked at you, then turned, and walked away casually, his hands in his pockets. He disappeared around a bookcase, and was gone.
You blinked. What..? Why was his phone any concern to y-...
You immediately, with an element of slight panic, pulled your phone out of your pocket and turned it on, checking it.
...A look of realization washed over your face as you saw that, unlike any other situation with a guy ...
... Your stalker hadn't sent you a single message.
"H-HEY!" You stood up out of your seat, but it was too late. Sans was gone. You opened the texting app immediately, tapping your stalker's number and throwing him a sentence, pulse racing.
What the fuck
It didn't take any longer than thirty seconds for a reply to come through.
you're not very good at science, huh?
You nearly dropped your phone.
You nearly dropped your brain .
You nearly dropped your common sense .
Hell, you nearly dropped to the floor.
Suddenly, Sans didn't seem like a God anymore. You sat back in your seat, slowly, unable to believe it.
Sans was your stalker.
Sans was your stalker .
Sans, the most popular guy since FOREVER, handsome and charming and capable of doing so much better in terms of interests, was stalking you . You, of ALL PEOPLE.
You were shaking so hard. Anxiety and adrenaline rushing through you, painfully fast.
helped you with your homework and this is how u repay me
Why did you just leave like that!? THAT'S RUDE.
hand in your homework, hun
guarantee it'll be full marks
Fuck you. Why did you vanish on me like that?
Bad first impression.
so u don't get a chance to throttle me
Not fair .
did your homework
Thanks. Sans. I hate you.
oh snap u know my name
Everyone knows your name .
they do?
Don't act like you don't know that.
Fuck you.
i mean
if you want to ;D
Everyone in the school does.
including you?
... You looked down at your completed homework and remembered the way you'd been so childishly fixated on him. How he'd been your idol, how even the brush of a shoulder or the touch of a hand would make you go bright pink and want to sit in the corner because you couldn't stop thinking about what it would feel like if Sans held you tight against his big chest, even though of course, he'd never bother with someone like you...
... Except, he was too bothered with someone like you.
And now, the charm was gone. He didn't seem... quite so wonderful anymore. Like, that charming exterior, those glances he'd given you that you'd gotten so worked up over... the whole time, he was stalking you. Making you live in a state of constant panic. Always feeling the need to look over your shoulder. He was giving you nightmares, he was collecting information about you against your will. He was ruining your life, violating your space.
You sighed, but... he'd probably find this out sooner or later.
I used to. Before all of this. Now I really couldn't want anything less
oh reallllyyy now?
You rolled your eyes. Okay. Maybe he wasn't modest once you actually got to know him.
Used to. As in; not anymore.
i beg to differ
... The fuck? Your eyebrows drew together. Who did this guy think he was? Of course you didn't want to fuck him! You'd never be attracted to a stalker , for fuck's sake, let alone let him put his dick in you!
Oh yeah?
You actually felt pretty mad that he'd insinuate that.
Well you're wrong.
Groaning, you slid down the screen and changed his name from Unknown to Sans. You didn't have the energy to give him a stupid nickname.
if you want to think that ;)
You gasped, audibly, at his sheer audacity. What!? How... how dare he! You... You just... THAT ASSHOLE!
It's the truth, asshole!
Oh my GOD!! JUST fuck OFF
if you say so
but hey, if you want any homework done
i'll provide a simple service
... You paused. What?
You gonna explain any further or are you just gonna keep being a cryptic bitch?
okay damn. 1 kiss for every question i have to do
You almost rolled your eyes right out of your head. Funny how the old you would be jumping with joy. Now the thought of kissing Sans made you feel physically ill.
That's a joke, right?
what do you think, hun
Like I said, I think it's a sick joke.
Besides, why would he even want you like that? Why would he want to kiss you? You weren't even half as gorgeous as some of the women he hung out with. It was a prank, or a sarcastic quip.
alternatively, you can get a discount, and only four kisses for every five consecutive questions
Haha, so funny.
like i said, baby girl
simple service
It was so weird, knowing that it was SANS calling you 'baby girl'. Something you wanted and wished for, for so long... but now it just felt gross.
although i might charge a little more depending on the difficulty and length of the item in question
That's not how deals work, you can't change it!
well if you give me a whole essay it's not as simple as a yes/no question
i have to plan my answers, gather information, etc etc ad nauseam
Just get to the point
they'll cost a little more ;D
More as in?
we'll cross that bridge when we get there
you don't have any essays coming up for at least two weeks
You finally shut off your phone, stomping to class, feeling your heart pound with frustration. He probably wasn't even going to get good marks, anyway! He was just a ridiculous stalker who wanted to tease you beyond belief...
You fucking suck.
did i get full marks?
Yes you did. Fuck you.
aw tanks
I am so mad about this.
Because wtf I suck at school
not anymore
No, I still do, you just don't.
you can trade kisses for academic prowess bb
How am I gonna kiss you when you never even let me see you?
well i'll be there when you need the homework to be done
you can pay up then ;D
So that's the only time I get to see you?
i mean
unless u want to meet me
It just kinda feels like we're using each other, if you get what I mean.
u wanna meet up then?
It would be better than knowing you're stalking me.
well alright then
can do both
It's not stalking if you're with me.
"sounds okay."
The voice, suddenly so close behind you that your neck hairs prickled when his breath washed over them, made you shriek and jump to your feet so fast that your chair clattered back. Just at the last second, Sans caught the chair, and lifted it back into place, chuckling loudly like a complete asshole.
"Don't." You said, voice deathly serious as you turned to glare at him. "Ever. Do. That."
Still snickering, he turned and laid down on the table in front of you, shutting his eye sockets, a stupid (and admittedly, still handsome) grin on his face.
You blinked. "...Uh?"
"gonna nap here." He said, casually.
"...Why?" You asked.
He shrugged. "well, why not?"
"Why not just go nap at home?" You were so confused.
"you said you wanted to meet more often." He pointed out, eye sockets still shut.
"...We don't have to hang out here." You took a seat on the chair he'd picked back up, Sans lying on the table in front of you. One eye socket peaked open, starry eyelights looking you up and down.
"well, where you wanna go, then?"
"Why not my place?" He blinked in surprise, both sockets opening, and you shrugged. "I mean, you've literally been there like, a hundred times without permission. So."
He rolled over and reached out to you. You froze, confused, but his hand just found your shoulder. The world shifted, bringing with it a gross feeling of dizziness, and then you were back at your house.
"Ugh..." You groaned, opening your eyes. You knew Sans could teleport- all the students did. You just didn't expect it to be such an unpleasant experie-
You looked down.
... He was lying on your sofa, and had teleported you so that you were straddling his chest , his stupid grin looking up at you.
"there we go." He winked, hands resting on the sides of your thighs gently. "your place."
You smacked his mandible.
He started openly laughing as you removed yourself from his chest, red-faced and gritting your teeth together to stop yourself from screeching like a pterodactyl. You stumbled, twice, in your effort to rush to an armchair off to the side of the sofa.
He was still laughing when you sat down and drew your knees to your chest. You... you had to admit it, he was still hot. Even if you hated him for making you so lonely and scared, he was hot and popular and funny...
"I can't... I just... You are literally the last person I expected...?" You said, not entirely on purpose.
His laughing stopped, and he blinked, rolling over to face you. "what, as your stalker? ...how come?"
"B-because..." I'm worthless. "Y-you hang out with people like Chad, and Melanie, and they all hate me. Even if Chad and some of Melanie's minions tried to date me, they still think I'm a huge loser."
He blinked "what? no, i don't hang out with melanie because i want to."
You blinked too, glancing at him.
"Then, why is she...?"
"she literally just hangs onto my arm all day long." His tone took on a layer of disgust, and he rolled his eyelights. "she calls me 'baby', it's gross. and i don't have the heart to pepper spray her yet."
"I think you would need bear mace." You said, casually. "Or a flamethrower."
"i think that's illegal..." He grinned. "not sure about the bear mace though."
"Her uneven wings should be illegal." You scoffed.
"her contour makes her face look like a child trying to draw shadows on a square."
"The way she overdoes her lips looks like a toddler coloring outside the lines. So."
"she acts like a child, too..." He pursed his bony lips. "maybe she's literally a child?"
You rolled your eyes dramatically. "Maybe. Wouldn't be surprised with how much she whines."
"and she clamours for attention at every turn possible." He added.
"Okay. Yeah. She's a child." You felt... nice. Bonding over a mutual hatred of Melanie was a surefire way of getting your trust.
"you know..." He snorted. "i think her and donald trump would get along very nicely."
"Pfft." No, you did not find that funny, shush. Instead, you turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "You fucked her. That makes you a pedo."
He scowled, and rolled over, groaning. "i didn't fuck her, she made that shit up."
"She did?" You tilted your head to the side, suddenly interested.
"mhm." He was still facing the other way. "she managed to bug me into dating her for like, a day, then she got so clingy and angry and jealous that i had to dump her." He threw his arms up, more aggravation leaking into his tone. "and then she told everyone we fucked! it's ridiculous."
"Pfft." You chuckled, almost out of pity. "Wow. Everyone thinks it was the opposite."
"hm? what do they say?" He rolled back over to face you.
"That you were the clingy one, and she dumped you ." You shrugged. "She spreads rumors way too much."
"ugghhh...i literally don't understand how anyone can look at how she acts and think that's true."
"I don't get it either."
This felt... way too natural.
You were just... chilling, in your living room... with your stalker. Chatting casually, bitching about annoying people... and actually enjoying it. You suddenly felt less comfortable, drawing your legs back up to your chest when you realised they'd relaxed outwards. This guy was literally insaneabout you. You... needed to keep a closer eye on him.
- In Serial73 Chapters
Planetary Cultivation
An alien cultivator comes to Earth to claim the Heavens, only to find a world bereft of cultivators or a Heavenly Realm to claim. So Lei Zhaohui will force the planet's cultivation until a Heavenly Realm is formed. Should none defend the new realm, Lei Zhaohui will take it for his own. Nicole Firen is a young woman who would just like her world to start making sense, but finds herself thrust into a position of importance as the world begins to change. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 79 - In Serial25 Chapters
The Violet Dawn (a dark litRPG adventure)
The Central World of Grandemyr, the highest of magical worlds— limitless and inexplicable, its vast boundaries roamed by countless existences of arcane abilities and power. Experiencing betrayal and death, syndicate member Kiera Ashborn wakes up in a forest at a remote corner of Grandemyr— devoid of information, weapons, and acquaintances, with only a plain white dress covering her new small body. With her only tool being her new homeworld’s system, Kiera will learn the joy of adventure and battle, stroll through fields of death, cross colossal oceans and encounter mystical races, with a set goal driving her forward— become stronger. Note for new readers: This novel is a work of fantasy that includes magic elements, thus— I strive to implement the reality of a world where humanoids hold supernatural powers and construct hierarchies based on their power levels. Inevitably, such a novel includes many negative elements which may traumatize some readers, such as and not limited to: rape, profanity, detailed violence, and sexual acts. The Main Character is a former assassin and thus more of a villain than an anti-hero, she shall value only what grants her maximum benefits, even over the lives of others. She is antisocial and prefers to work alone, she doesn't consider others as comrades, only as means to an end, and will have zero problems discarding them herself. Schedule: two to three chapters per week.
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The world is integrated into the System. Monsters are coming through rifts, and creatures are mutating from the excess energy.
8 164 - In Serial13 Chapters
One Piece: Straw Hats Conquering the Seas
Youth from the modern world reincarnated into the world of fiction holding powerful legendary artifacts. He shall conquer the seas and became the king of the pirates
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Everythink is grey
A story of a teenage protagonist living in one of the few safe zones in a post apocalyptic world with his friends as they just try to make it day to day.
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Interactive Evolution
The world and it's species all begin with just a cell, its a game of evolution, for one to adapt to their surrounding. Where will this journey take you? How will you adapt to the surroundings?.Will you be an arachnid whose body is as hard as steel. Will you be a blind water raptor whose's strength can break through solid rock. A bird who can control the wind with just their mind. A fish who eats items whole or a plant who can grow into space. The possibilities are endless.The start of all creatures begins with just a cell. As the cell grows it starts to differenciate from each other. But from this cell you begin to form.You are a single cell.________________________________________________________________________________________---New author on this site, I have wrote before, but I have never really shared my work. This is based on a role play I would normally do with my friends. The choices are first come first serve, the faster you join the more you can influence the story. Hope you enjoy and expect short chapters, tons of time-skips, and lots.... and lots of choices.
8 95