《The Alpha's Human Mate》Chapter 13 Spending The Night


I was ready to collapse after everything that had happened today. I basically had to pry myself away from the girls, as they kept insisting we should all stay up and watch another movie. I managed to sneak away from them while Ivy and Cecelia were arguing over what I should wear to the upcoming announcement ceremony.

I remembered Ivy vaguely telling me where Xavier's spare room was, but this house was way too big and I ended up getting lost. I thought that it was the last door at the end of the hallway, but instead, all I found was Xavier shirtless laying on the bed.

"Sorry," I squealed my cheeks burning bright red. "I thought that this was the spare room."

"No, it's fine," Xavier coughed sitting up in bed.

"I'll just try another," I stammered going to open the door back up but Xavier jumped out of bed before I could.

"Wait!" Xavier half yelled out. "Why don't you just stay here tonight? I mean we are mates and my wolf has been on edge ever since we meet, I haven't been able to have a goodnight's sleep because I've been worried," he kept rambling on.

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly.

I had only ever slept in bed with a boy once before, and that was in 8th grade with Anthony Adams at sleepaway camp. And it wasn't even on purpose that we slept in the same bed, we both just fell asleep talking one night. But of course, I wasn't going to tell Xavier this, he had probably slept in the same bed with a bunch of girls.

"If you're not comfortable you don't have to," Xavier said softly.

"Which side is yours?" I smiled at him already walking over to his bed and releasing my grasp on the door handle.


"Right," Xavier told me. "I like to sleep closer to the door in case someone comes in then I can protect you."

This only made me blush harder.

I tried to hide my hot cheeks checks by pulling my hair over for words and making my way to the left side of Xavier's bed. His whole room smelled like chocolate and fresh linen and I could stay here forever. His walls were painted a deep blue, and his bedspread was black. He had two nightstands on either side of the bed with matching lamps and a huge window on the left side of his room that overlooked the backyard. He had some dirty laundry thrown here and there, but overall it was way cleaner than I thought it would be. There was no desk, but I remembered Audrey mentioning that he had his own office at the Packhouse that I would get to see when we went for the ceremony. Xavier had a black dresser with a flatscreen TV propped up on it. He had two doors, I'm assuming one lead to his closet and the other a bathroom.

I silently slipped under his silky sheets and flipped over on my side to see Xavier copying my actions.

"How are you feeling?" Xavier asked me softly. "I mean you just found out that the supernatural is real and you haven't passed out."

I meet Xavier's eyes and gave him a small smile back. "I can't lie and say that I'm not still taking it all in, but in all honesty, I've never felt more at home than when I'm with you guys."

"You feel at home with me?"

"After my dad passed away my mom threw herself into work and it felt alone. And then when my mom announced that we were moving I felt even more alone, I mean a small town doesn't seem like the best place to make friends. But something just felt right when I met Ivy my first day, and then my heart started to feel fuller when I meet you," I told Xavier.


"You never have to be alone again," Xavier said reaching his hand out to grab my free one that was resting on the open space between us. "I'm always going to be here for you."

A beat of silence passed between us before I could stop myself from asking, "do you think that your pack will accept me? I mean since I'm human and all?"

Finding out that werewolves were real was jarring enough, finding out that I was mated to one was another story. But to find out that I would be the luna of a werewolf pack with my werewolf soulmate and rue over everyone in it was a whole other story. Back in Arizona my biggest worry was what I was going to do in the future, where I would go to university, but now I had just learned y whole future was already laid out for me and I was scared. But somehow knowing that Xavier would be by my side through this all made me way less worried. It was weird how even though I haven't known him that long I already felt comfortable around him.

"Of course they will," Xavier answered without pausing. "Once they all see how amazing and kind-hearted you are they'll love you. You have nothing to be worried about but Ivy, Audrey, and Cecelia doing your hair and makeup."

"You think it's too late to tell them no?" I joked.

"Only if you're ok with them tying you up and doing it by force," Xavier joked back, his eyes lighting up with humour.

"Noted," I laughed.

"We should get some sleep," Xavier muttered, glancing at his phone on the nightstand that read 1:32 AM.

"Goodnight, Alpha," I teased, a sleepy smiling on my face.

"Goodnight, Addison. My perfect little mate." And just like that Xavier passed right out, small snores escaping his pink, parted lips.

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