《The Alpha's Human Mate》Chapter 4 Electric Shocks


"Umm," I said out loud completely confused by everything happening.

Right now Ivy was practically bouncing up and down in her seat, Grayson was trying to keep her quiet, which may I add was not working at all. Audrey and Brad were both looking at me with their jaws slightly dropped and Cecelia was basically beaming in her seat.

"I knew it, I just knew it!" Ivy kept proclaiming over and over again. "There was just something about you that I couldn't put my finger one, but-"

Grayson gently slapped his hand over Ivy's mouth to keep her from talking. "Babe, shh."

"Does someone want to fill me in on what the hell just happened and why Ivy is so happy all of a sudden?" I asked confused.

That seemed to shut everyone up fast. Ivy immediately stopped bouncing and went stiff in her seat, Brad and Audrey snapped their mouths shut and the random guy that was standing behind me seemed to snap out of whatever trance he was in.

"Xavier is always a no show to lunch, but Ivy bet me that he would show up today and I didn't believe her." Grayson rushed out all in one breath.

"Yeah!" Brad cut in. "We were just so surprised to see him that we were a little stunned." Audrey and Cecelia nodded their heads in agreement.

"Ok," I said but it came out more like a question.

"I'm Xavier," he introduced himself, holding out his hand.

"Addison," I smiled shaking his hand. But just as soon as I grabbed his hand, I let out. It felt like a million little sparks ignited through my body.

"Electric shock I guess," Xavier smiled plopping down in the only empty seat left beside me. "It's really nice to meet you."


I just smiled, still confused about what just happened a few minutes ago. But before I could ask any more question Grayson butted it. "So Addison, what other classes do you have?"

"Uh," I stalled pulling out my schedule from my backpack. "After lunch I have history and then my last class is gym."

"That's awesome," Audrey gushed. "We all have gym too for our last class. We'll all except Cecelia because she's a year longer than us."

"You would probably guess that Brad was though," Cecelia laughed looking over at him as he crammed the rest of his sandwich into his mouth.

"And Ivy and I have history next with you, too!" Audrey cheered looking over the table at my class list.

"Yay!" I smiled.

"So Addison," Xavier started. I felt shivers go down my back when he said my name. "What brings you to Midnight Creek?"

"Oh, my mom got a job promotion so we moved out from Arizona."

"Well, I really hope that you like it here," Xavier said softly, looking into my eyes the whole time.

Xavier was by far the best-looking guy I have ever seen. He had to be at least over six feet tall, and his eyes were a deep brown, that was almost black. He was wearing a pair of dark wash jeans and a night grey long sleeve that did absolutely nothing to hide his body. I could just make out the faint lines of his abs and was drooling internally. His hair was a short, chocolate brown that looked messy and put together all at once. In short, Xavier was beyond hot.

"Well, obviously she's love it now that she's met me," Ivy flicked her hair behind her shoulder and snorted.


I rolled my eyes playfully at her. "I don't know, Grayson made quite the introduction today and you can't forget how exciting my biology class was."

And that's how the rest of lunch went. Ivy tried to act fake offended at my comment but you could see her smiling the whole time. Everyone was laughing at us and chiming in with small comments that made us all laugh harder. It was weird though, the whole time Xavier didn't take eyes off of me, I swear he was staring at the side of my face every time I looked away.

The bell rang letting everyone know that lunch was over and we had a few minutes to get to our next class. Since Ivy, Audrey, and I all had history together next we waked together. But not before they each gave their boyfriend's a quick kiss which made my cheeks go red and I quickly averted my eyes.

"Come on, You'll literally see them next period," I half-joked to Ivy and Audrey.

"Just you wait," I swear I heard Grayson mumble under his breath before rolling his eyes at me playfully and relating Ivy.

As we started walking towards our history class I heard Brad comforting someone by saying, "I know. I wast the same when I found out Audrey was my mate."


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