《Her Calling》F I F T Y - F I V E


quinn lewis, only everything (acoustic).

Khalil approaches with Tshiamo hot on his heels the two conversing and laughing as one. My heart clenches at the sight, they had instantly made up in Dubai. Whilst Amanda and Lerato had taken their conversation outside the two held their own away from prying eyes.

Which translates to away from Lindokuhle and I.

Reconnecting with the two of them feels good and it feels even better seeing how well they have bonded with Lerato. At first it was clear that there was a piece missing when I saw their interactions together and it wasn't hard to realise that the piece was Motheo.

It didn't take long at all though until the three of them found a way to minimise the gap. When they're together and you throw in us - the mates - as well as Danica and Asanté you can hardly tell that there's a piece missing.

Even though erasing him isn't the goal — minimising their hurt is.

The pair reach me and start rattling off some story that Lerato is immediately pulled into, laughing along with them and adding in her own flavour.

I smile and pull her in closer, our tango foxtrot has been quite the dance but I've loved it. I hadn't lied when I said that I've felt the way she does around her. I do, it just wasn't as strong until I returned to her.

The distance and complete shut off from either side must have added to the bond, enraged it, doused it in paraffin and thrown it back at us more powerful than it has ever been.

Lerato and I move around the clearing speaking and laughing along with anyone who stops us. Until I finally spot the pair I've been silently looking for. I squeeze her hand twice and she looks up at me, a smile still on her precious golden face.


"I want you to meet someone," her eyes brighten and begin trying to sift through the crowd to find the culprit, "Come."

We make our way toward the couple and I can't help but smile fondly as my mother uses a serviette to wipe away some cake off of my father's face. He gently swats her hand away and I can faintly hear him say 'I've got it, Khadera' to which she responds, 'Suleiman, just let me help you.'

I've never heard my parents use a single pet name in my life, saying that their names were given to them for a reason. 'Your mother isn't Babe, Raheem, she is Khadera what is wrong with Khadera? What makes Babe better than Khadera? Nothing. Khadera is perfect.' He had said before kissing my mother's temple much like he did just as we got within eyeshot.

My mother's eyes screamed with joy as her legs hurriedly brought her towards us much faster than we were going towards them.

"Oh Moon Goddess!" My mother smothers Lerato in a hug as I greet my father with a hug too.

"Hello, Baba." I say as we step back from the embrace, "How was your flight?"

"Pictures don't do you justice, you're stunning. I'm Khadera, Raheem and Khalil's mother. This is my husband, Suleiman." I hear my mother rattle off as she speaks at the speed of lightning.

"It was peaceful until your mother started snoring."

My mother immediately jumps into our conversation, "I think you should remember who you're sharing a bed with tonight. Or else it might just be that son of yours." As quick as she jumped into the conversation, she jumps out now that she has put my father 'back in line.'


"If this son of mine ever gets out of line, you need to put him back. Don't be afraid..." she begins to tell Lerato.

My father and I laugh knowing that he had said those words on purpose, always loving to get a reaction out of my mother. My parents never leave the others side, they are very happy being around one another twenty-four seven. I couldn't have grown up with better examples, their mateship was the greatest bond to witness.

I find Lerato half asleep on her bed when I exit the bathroom, "I couldn't have been in there that long, love."

She chuckles, "You weren't, I'm just so tired. My goodness, it was an amazing day but it really did a number on me. I just wanna cuddle with my King and watch Netflix until it starts watching me."

I shake my head at her words, "Well, who am I to deny my Queen?"

I slip into the bed with just my pyjama pants on. I always appreciated the irony of how she hates how restricting pants are whilst sleeping, therefore preferring shorts or nightdresses. While I completely disagree, loving and appreciating the comfort of the pants.

When my eyes reopen the birds are chirping their songs and Lerato is buried deep into my side. Removing any kind of thought that requires movement, especially that of my left side.

Her bonnet wrapped head placed right on my shoulder whilst her left leg crossed over my abdomen and her other kneeing my ribs in the least painful way. Her left hand across my chest.

I decide to shut my eyes again, knowing I'll awake when she does.

My eyes reopen only to find Lerato making her way to me with a tray in her hands, an assortment of breakfast options sitting haphazardly on the tray. She places the tray on the bed before climbing on.

"You were really knocked out so, I've made us — even though it's more you than me — I've made breakfast." She gives a silly full teeth showing smile that I return before kissing her cheek.

"Thank you, my stunning."

She smiles until it falters when I place a piece of bacon in my mouth, "Stunning what?"

My brows furrow as I decide to have some of the fruit before tearing into the toast, eggs, bacon, sausage and mushrooms.


She rolls her eyes as she gently swats my hand away from the pineapple, "You said your stunning, babe, your stunning what? Angel, queen, love — what?"

I can't help but laugh at how genuinely curious she is, her face has contorted into her dazed and confused face.

"No my love, I'm sorry to break it to you but you can't just end it like that. I deserve the rest of the sentence." She places her hands at her sides.

My eyes narrow as hers glare at me expectantly, "Did my mother put you up to that swatting thing? In fact, did she put you up to all of this?"

Her melodic laugh fills the room and I'm almost certain that my mother did.

Lerato rolls her eyes, "Guess I'll complete the sentence myself." She mutters plopping a piece of pineapple into her mouth.

"You're still there!?" My eyes widen as she nods, "Well, not anymore. I settled on angel so I'm done now."

I circle my arm around her shoulders and bring her closer to me, kissing her forehead, "You're definitely my stunning angel."

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