《The Mysterious Ninja (A Lego Ninjago Fanfic)》Ninja of False Love
I smile as I think back to the kiss I shared with Liz. Then I think to when Sensei said we knew who tampered with Cole's chili. Could she really have done it? It probably was her. We all know that she can lose control at any moment. I sigh with exasperation.
"Shut up." Jay says sleepily.
I guess I sighed louder than I thought. My internal clock says that it is 2:30 A.M. I cannot sleep. The others will be waking up in three hours and thirty minutes. We usually wake up at 6:00 A.M. I stare at the bottom of Cole's bunk, which is what I sleep under. I close my eyes again, hoping to fall asleep. It doesn't work. I am still awake at 4:00 A.M. Two hours to go until everyone is awake. I decide to go outside onto the deck. I lean against the railing, feeling the wind against my face.
"Hello, Zane."
It turn around at the sound of my own voice. I do not see anything. I must be imagining it.
"It would be wise not to ignore me."
I turn around again. But I see nothing. I shake my head in hopes to clear my thoughts. Then i feel a blow to my head. I am nearly knocked out. Before I black out, I see someone standing over me. It is myself. An imposter. Everything grows dark.
6:00 A.M. Great, morning. I get out of bed as do the others, but Zane isn't around.
"Hey guys, have you seen Zane?" I ask.
"No." They all say.
I go out on the deck. I see Zane standing there against the railing. Why is he out here?
"Hey Zane!" I yell. "What are you doing out here?"
"I am...thinking." He says.
"Of what?"
"N-Nothing. Just...um...uh...just about...um...last night."
"Ookaay." I say.
He is acting really strnge, even for him. Maybe it's just that he found out his past is even more messed up than it was before. Cole, Kai and Lloyd come out and join us.
"Jay. Breakfast." kai says, still half asleep.
Oh, right. It's my turn to cook breakfast today.
"Uh, sure thing. I'll get right on it." I say. Then I whisper to Kai. "Zane's acting really wierd, wierder than usual. Something's up."
He nods. I continue to the kitchen. I decide to make omletes. They're good, right? I put some eggs on the frying pan and let them cook. Then I add some green onions, some cheese, a little bacon, and a few other things. I may not be as great as Zane with cooking, but I think I'm at least second best. I bring the omletes to the table, where Sensei, Nya, and the others are already at. After everyone eats, Zane goes to the bridge. He doesn't say what for.
Okay, Jay's right. Zane is deffinately acting wierder than usual. After breakfast, he says he needs to go to the bridge, but he doesn't say why. I decide to follow him. The others are a bit suspicious of him too, but don't come with me. When he enters the bridge, he goes to the main computer and types in his name. What is he doing? A bunch of information pops up for 'Zane Julien.' He stares at the screen, as if memorizing all of it. He starts to talk to himself.
"Zane Julien. Son of Dr. Julien. Had an accident as a child and was made into a robot to live. White ninja of ice. Strange. Different. Excellent cook. Kind to others." He says. This is really wierd. Why is he looking at all of this stuff? "Linking current information to the Dark Master. Information recieved. The white ninja of ice will soon be destroyed." I gasp. This isn't Zane!
I run back to the deck, where Sensei, Cole, Jay, Lloyd and Nya are training.
"Guys! There's something wrong with Zane!" I yell.
"Uh, yeah. He's been acting-" Cole says. I cut him off.
"No, I mean I just saw him looking up information about himself on the computer, then saying something about a Dark Master, then said that 'the white ninja of ice will soon be destroyed!'" I finally take in a breath, which I hadn't realized I was holding until just now.
"Wait, what?" Jay asks.
"Kai, what are you talking about?" Sensei asks.
"The Zane we've seen today isn't the real Zane. I think he might be in trouble." I say, calming down a little. Then Zane comes out. "Act like nothing happened." I whisper to the others. They nod.
"Greetings. Shall we start training?" He asks.
"Yes, of course, Zane. We will begin right away." Sensei says.
We resume training and Zane is acting more like himself. Well, the imposter is acting more like Zane. I can't believe he tricked us into believing that he's actually Zane. I wonder where the real Zane is.
"Kai, that looks more like that shocked monkey, not the swooping crane." I hear Sensei yell.
"Yes, Sensei. Sorry." I say.
After lunch, which was a microwave hotpocket for each of us, we decided to look for Zane. Only, we had to get the fake Zane out of earshot.
"Hey, Zane!" I yell.
"Yes?" He responds.
"Can you go out on the deck and look where we're at? The GPS isn't working in the bridge."
"I will go and see where we are." He says.
Good. That takes care of him. I head up to the bridge where the others are wating.
"So, is he gone?" Cole asks.
"Yeah. For now. But let's focus on finding Zane. I wonder what happened to him." I say.
"If we're going to look for Zane, then we need more informaation on this imposter." Nya says. "We don't know anything about him. Meaning, we don't know what he could have done with Zane."
"We'll find him. I know we will." I say. Everyone nods in agreement.
I wake up in a dark cell. Everything is dark. I do not see any light around. I can barely see what's in front of me. I look up to see a dark moon or sun. I do not know which. I try to move, but realize that I am bound by chains to the wall behind me. I decide it would be useless to try and break free from them, so I try to stand up instead.
"Hello?" I say.
The is no response.
"Where am I?" I yell louder this time.
I hear some snickering somewhere, but I cannot see where in the dark.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"We are creatures of the dark." I hear one say.
"You are trapped in the darkness." Another says.
"No mortal can survive here long." A third says.
The first one speaks again. "You are a mortal, and you will soon die."
"But first," The second one says, "let's have a little fun with our prisoner."
"Before he dies." The third finishes.
I swallow hard. I do not like the sound of that. I can see them now. They enter my cage. They are wild creatures. They are completely black, with glowing red eyes. They have black sharpened teeth that look like snake fangs. They remind me a little of the serpentine, but looking less like a snake and more like a wild dog. They come at me on all fours, but then stand up on their legs when they reach me. They take off the chains. Big mistake. I quickly use my ice to freeze their legs to the ground, then I try to escape. Unfortunately, when I reach the bars and grab hold of them, I feel like a part of my life is draining away. I let go of the bars and fall to the ground. The creatures come back. Two of them grab hold of each of my arms, while the third creates a black whip with dark magic. The rest is a blur. A slow, painful blur.
I have fooled them. Now all that's left to do is fool Liz. I wait until nightfall, then call for her. She will come for her beloved boyfriend. She appears on the deck. When she sees me she smiles.
"Hello, Zane." She says, her smile growing across her face. "Why have you called for me?"
"I have something to tell you." I say. I love this next part. We decided to split Liz and the ice ninja. It would break her heart and make her off balance emotionally. "I'm breaking up with you."
Her smile drops. "What?" She asks. I start to smile.
"You can leave now. That is all I wanted to say. Goodnight." I say, then head back inside. I turn my head around before I enter through the door to see Liz still standing there, stunned, hurt, shocked. Betrayed. I smile even more.
When I go to sleep, I dream about killing her, as well as her pathetic friends. I see her blood covering the ground. I see her eyes roll into the back of her head. I feel her body go limp and lifeless before it falls to the ground. I dream about assisting in killing the ice ninja. I taste his blood on my teeth. I like my lips.
"Zane!" I hear someone yell.
I open my eyes to find Jay, Cole, and Kai standing above me. "What is going on?" I ask.
"You were talking in your sleep." Kai says.
"Do you know time it is?" Cole asks.
"2:30 in the morning!" Jay yells, throwing his hands up in the air.
"Oh. What was I saying?" Have I let anything slip while I was asleep?
"We'll tell you in the morning." Kai says. I don't like the sound of that.
Zane, or whatever is pretending to be Zane, was talking about killing the real Zane in his sleep. He also talked about killing Liz. I wonder what he's already done. Later in the morning, at a more reasonable time, Falcon comes and shows us one of his memories. It's from last night. Zane is out on the deck, calls Liz, and...breaks up with her? I didn't even know they were dating! Okay, so this other Zane is screwing with Zane's social life, meaning us, but is also screwing with his love life? I mean, come on! That stuff is personal. I wonder how Liz is taking it. She could lose control again and cause mass devestation.
After breakfast, which was made by Cole, we all puked our guts out. Then we each had a slice of store bought cake.
"I love cake!" Cole says.
"We know." The rest of us say. Except for Zane.
"I did not know that. Cole, I will make a cake for you when it is my turn to cook food." Zane says.
"Uh, yeah, thanks. Uh, Kai, can I speak to you a minute? And Jay and Lloyd, too? Privately?" Cole says.
Lloyd and I get the hint, but Jay doesn't. Instead he complians about not finishing his cake. We follow Cole out the door, dragging Jay with us.
"Okay, I don't care how much info we have on this fraud, but let's just find Zane!" Jay says.
"We all want to find Zane, Jay. I think Liz wants to the most, but we don't know where to look." Lloyd says.
The others leave. Then Liz shows up. Great, what does she want?
"I just wanted to ask you," She says, wrapping her arm across her stomach and grabbing her other am's elbow. "I just want to ask you why you broke up with me. I'm not mad. I promise I won't lose control. Is it because of what I did to Cole's chili? I mean, it wasn't my fault. I mean, you know."
"What happened to Cole's chili?" I ask. Big mistake.
She gets a quizzical expression on her face and looks at me skeptically. "Don't you remember? You were there. Unless..."
She lunges at me and starts to claw at my dark flesh. The others come in to see what's wrong. When they see Liz on top of me, fighting me, they looked shocked.
"Liz, what are you doing?" Cole yells.
"Imposter!" Is all she says. She looks at me when she says it. "Who are you? Where is Zane? I'll kill you!" She screams, tears running down her face.
"I...will not...say...anything!" I manage to spit out while she's choking me. I lose the fight. Everything starts to go black, and I know she will figure it out soon. I have failed.
Okay. That may have been only slightly completely horrifying. We walk into the room to see Liz on top of the fake Zane, strangling him. She kills him, but it's more like she killed it. When the thing dies, all that's left is this wierd dark creature. It looks like a wild dog in a way.
"Hey, you okay?" Jay asks, walking up to Liz.
She spins around. We all back away at the sight of her. "I'm fine. I know where Zane is. Do not follow me, I will get him myself."
She is really scary right now! Her eyes are burning with a white light, but the rest of her is a really dark, dark, black light. She looks evil.
"Liz, calm down!" Lloyd yells. He goes over to her and puts his arms on her shoulders. "He'll be fine. I promise, but let us get him." He says, lowering his voice as Liz calms down.
The light from her eyes is gone and the dark light surrounding her fades away. "No." She says in a shaky vpice. "You can't survive there for long. It's risky even if I do it. We all know what the consequences would be. I lose control." She lets the tears run down her face. She's letting us see how fragile she really is. She brightens up a little. "Actually, I can put a spell on you that would keep you safe from the dark energies in the place that they are keeping him. It will also tell you where to go."
"Don't worry, we'll find him." Jay says.
Liz raises her hands in the air and a white light fills the room. She mumbles some strange words that I don't understand, then the light fades.
"Be back soon." Is all she says before dissapearing into thin air.
It must be hard for her. She almost had her heart broken by the one she loves. Reminds me of Jay. That reminds me of when Liz cooked dinner for us.
"Hey, Jay." I say.
"Remember when I got to go on a mission with Nya and you didn't?"
"What?! I'll get you, Cole!" He yells. I laugh. We should find Zane now.
As I said in the last chapter, I dedicate this chapter to legosensei. They came up with the idea of a fake trying to ruin Zane's relationship with Liz. I turned it into something else, so thanks! And thanks for voting so much, all of my readers!
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