《A Blind Ninja's Tale》Mission Complete


Lying wasn't in my nature so I told Shikamaru the truth. He was very shocked that I had met the S rank criminal but was happy I was ok. I told him about the scroll and after a small conversation we decided to open it. The Intel we found inside was the final piece of the puzzle. We now knew who was raiding our villages trade routes and why. So me and Shika decided to infiltrate the targets manor tonight. If all went well we would have our suspect in chains tomorrow.

So according to all our intel and the information Shurui obtained the Suguoi family were the perpetrators to all the trouble here. It seemed they were expecting trouble as their were armed guards. Shurui was simply staring in the direction of the manor. "Their seems to be more security than needed for a minor merchant family. How you think we should approach this?" I sighed as I took advantage of our location. We were on a cliff overlooking the compound. "We could go in and eliminate the security but I don't want to kill anyone. I say a direct aproach. We present ourselves as here to interrogate the clan head. And then we accuse them. They'll likely not expect us to be this blunt but it should minimislze any damage." She looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding in approval.

We had entered the compound pretty safely. We were escorted to the clan head and I could tell he was nervous. "You know why were here Renshi Suguoi." His voice sounded old but I could sense his nervousness. "I figured you would find out eventually. Why you Konoha nin interfered in this I don't know but because of you everything is ruined!" With that his guards all drew their weapons only to not move. "What are you fools doing? Attack!" I chuckled as I spoke. "They can't move cause my partner has them in his jutsu. Its time to face facts and surrender peacefully." He sighed as he told his men to stand down as Shika restrained him. "Lets go to the village leader and then well turn him over to Konoha when we get back to the village." I nodded as we lead our target back to the village.


It had taken the rest of the night but we had made it back to Konoha safely. First we turned in our target over to the police force then headed to the Hokage tower.

"Excellent work you two. Seems that we won't have to worry about our trade routes anymore. The village head insisted that you two receive a bonus for your work so here. Now get out of here and rest. You earned it." I bowed and turned to leave with Shika. I was to tired to tell Shika bye so I gave him a kiss and waved lazily as I made my way home.

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