《The Silver Ninja (A Lego Ninjago fanfic)》The Sadness, the Anger.



I sighed, watching the guys and Brielle climb over the rail of the deck and down to the ground below. I knew I couldn't go, as this was a 'ninja' mission, and that I couldn't come in my Samurai Mech suit because it wouldn't fit in the cave.

Lloyd was about to follow them when Sensei stopped him. "No Lloyd," he scolded, "You're not going."

"But why nooot?" Lloyd whined obnoxiously.

"Because," Sensei explained, "This mission doesn't concern you. Besides, you aren't fully trained."

"But Uncle Wu! I'm better trained than Brielle!"

"Again," Sensei repeated, "This mission does not concern you."

Psh. I'm sure Lloyd thought that just about everything concerned him, because he was the Green ninja and he had his prophesied destiny and crap like that. Maybe now Lloyd would understand how it felt to be left out, never participating in the action without the help of a huge, mechanical, robotic suit that did all the work for you.


I leaped off of the ladder and my feet pounded the soft earth with a quiet thud!

"So, where to now?" Kai asked.

"I dunno," I shrugged, "I was in a sack coming here, and unconscious leaving. I have no idea really, where this place is."

"Brielle is right, she could not have known directions to the Temple of Spiders," Zane said, "But fortunately, I have put our exact steps from when we last arrived in my memory database, thus I shall again lead the way."

"Well at least you know where you're going!" Jay said.

We put on our ninja hoods and started off for the caves.

After about 20 minutes or so, we reached the entrance. I gaped at it, for I had never seen it before, taking in the semi beauty of the structure. There were two, tall marble pillars that held up a rather large slab of granite. The granite had unfamiliar markings inscribed on it that must have been in the ancient Arachneion glyphs. There were garlands of ivy winding up the pillars like leafy green snakes, and the mouth of the cave itself had strands of ivy coming down from the top, and reaching the dirt, forming a curtain of vegetation. All around the cave was tons of bushes and plant life, to camouflage the place.


"Woah..." I gasped.

"It's cool, isn't it?" Jay agreed.

"Alright guys, let's go in quietly, we must be shadows. It is vital that we are not seen or caught. Our main mission is to find Brielle's father and get out of here safely. Got it?" Cole explained.

We all nodded.

"Good. We'll stick together-- it'll be harder for the spiders to take us on if we are all together. C'mon, let's go." Cole beckoned, going inside.


I lead the team into the cave's entrance, keeping close to the rough stone walls. We traveled in the shadows, trying our best to not be seen. We were silent until we came across a forked path.

"Which way?" Jay asked, motioning to the three different tunnels.

"My radar tells me that there is a large gathering of Arachneions in through the middle tunnel, the cells through the right tunnel, and foreign quarters through the left. All tunnels, however, come to the place with the gathering that I sense," Zane explained.

I weighed our options. I decided on a plan. "Okay, I think we should go through the right, to check the jail cells for any particular prisoners, meaning Brielle's dad, and if no one is there, we'll continue on to the place with all the Arachneions, which, if not in a cell, Brielle's dad would most likely be kept."

"Good plan," Brielle said.

"Yeah," Kai agreed, "Alright, let's go!"


As we ran along through the twists and turns of the right hand tunnel, we strangely came across no Arachneions. We checked every jail cell we passed for signs of inhabitants, but they were all empty.

Finally, we approached the final prison. Brielle, being in front, slowly peered inside the metal bars. I summoned a bit of lightning to light up the space, but again, no one was there.


We then crept along the narrow corridor until we saw a patch of light at the end of the hallway, aside from the dim firelight from the wall sconces placed here and there along the passageways. There was a loud din echoing from the light source. This had to be the place.

"This way," Brielle whispered, tip-toeing to the doorway in which the light and sound was emitting from.

I followed her, the others behind me. As we turned the corner, the sight that I saw left me speechless with shock.


No, no. No no no no. No.

This couldn't be happening.

My father was in yet another hanging cage, above the same pit that I was just yesterday. The acidic lava sizzled from below, I could already feel its intense heat. My dad was passed out, his leaning to one side a bit. His glasses were broken, and there was a large gash on his forehead. From what I could tell, it was fresh, as blood was oozing out of it.

He was in just a tee shirt and jeans, his thinning hair a mess. There were various bruises and scrapes on his arms, and a blood stain on his pants.

"Daddy," I whispered, tears in my eyes.

There were no words to describe how I was feeling right now. Small beads of salt water were cascading down my freckled face now, and there was no holding them back. I was upset beyond comprehension. I put my head in my hands. Saddened and afraid, I felt as if I were going to drop onto the hard stone floor and curl up into a state of depression. But then I realized who had done this to my father.


Cole put a strong, comforting arm around my shoulders. "Brielle," He asked, "Are you al..."

"I'm fine," I said through gritted teeth. I pushed Cole's arm off of my shoulder and lifted my head up.

I clenched my fists, the sadness now turning into anger, frustration, and pure, boiling, hatred. I straightened my back and began to walk toward the doorway.

"Brielle, what are you doing?" Kai hissed.

"Are you mental?" Jay asked.

"No," I replied flatly, "Just infuriated." I took my fans out of my sash and whipped them open, ready to fight.

And with that, I stormed into the semi-middle of the Arachneion filled cavern. I looked up, where spider people were now gazing down at me, in shock.

"Is that the silver ninja?" I heard some say, "What is she doing here?" "Should we attack?" "No, wait for the queen's orders!"

I glared at them all. They shut up. Arachne was staring at me now, her 8, beady, red eyes staring hungrily at me.

"You want me?!" I shouted to them, "Then come and get me."

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