《The Lieutenant》Five


Of course I was only willing to let him take me back because I knew there were seven other escaped Bootcamp recruits sitting blissfully unaware at the back of the beer garden.

He looked down at my arm and my heart sank when he grabbed it moving us away from the bar and back towards the bootcamp.

"I don't get it." I said as we moved down the dirt road. He huffed but then looked at me.

"I would ask what but I know you're going to tell me anyway, so why bother?" He complained in a bored tone.

"We're alone, nobody knows I'm out. I've not caused any trouble, not committed any crimes - tonight, not hurt anyone. Why does it matter if I don't get caught?" He stopped dead in the street and dropped his grip on my arm.

"That's the problem with you criminals, you think doing things wrong is fine as long as you don't get caught." He gritted his teeth, anger all over his face.

"If you hate criminals so much why do you work at helping better them? Judging by your attitude you believe there's no redemption and we all belong behind bars." He ran his index finger across his stubble and an unknown, never before seen expression crossed his face.

"I'm not discussing my private life with you." He finally pushed out. "You're too outspoken for your own good." He added, my eyebrows raised in question. "From here on out you're to become the idyllic solider. Posture straight, hard working in the field, boots shined, no eye contact and most importantly no back chat." He faced straight ahead, straightening himself and becoming more stiff, just as he was today on the field. Full of professionalism, without a trace of anger in sight.

"Your commander will have me arrested tonight so that won't be your concern." I uttered quietly.

I noted his eyes very quickly look at me from the side but only briefly.

"Unless of course you don't tell him." I added, pushing my luck.

"God, why is it that you think I will give you special treatment? You're not a diamond among the rocks."

The anger was back. It was clear he didn't like me, he couldn't control his emotions around me.


To everyone else he was a brick wall, an emotionless robot but whenever I was around he seemed to explode or walk off in a huff.

I didn't answer him, I was distracted by a roar of thunder breaking through the sky.

"Great." He muttered sarcastically as a heavy downpour hit our bodies. "This is your fault."

I laughed, genuinely laughed.

"How is the rain my fault?" Surely he must have known how ridiculous he sounded now.

"It's not your fault it's raining, it's your fault we're caught in it. If I didn't need to -" he paused his rant and pulled his eyes away from me, turning his head completely to look away. He cleared his throat. "your ... um... the rain and your top." He stuttered out quietly, almost shyly.

I looked down at my white top, it was completely see-through now that it was soaking wet and this was the one night I decided to not wear a bra.

The fabric glued to my skin making everything extremely visible, my nipples stood stiff with the coldness and the small metal bars through each one rubbed against the wet material.

Axel allowed me the privilege of seeing his back, he wouldn't look at me at all and he was acting like the devil was about to strike him down for accidentally seeing my boobs through my T-shirt.

"You're a grown man, they're just nipples." I told him casually. He pulled off his jumper and held his arm backwards for me to take it.

"Put this on, I can't take you back like that. People will see." I smirked, not taking his hoodie.

"Maybe I shouldn't put it on at all, then you will return without me, I could go back to the bar and your much beloved commander will never find out." He shook his hoodie at me, still keeping his whole body facing away.

"Put it on it now Williams, that is an order." He said with authority, his voice commanding me like we were back out on the field.

"You know, I did plan on taking your hoodie since you were trying to be a gentleman an all but now that you're basically ordering me to do it I really don't think I will." I bit down on the side of my gum, keeping my lips still so I didn't laugh.


He turned around, his whole face screwed up in distaste. He kept his eyes facing forward like a solider, not giving me eye contact. I think I heard him whisper 'so help me God' under his breath but I can't be sure.

"Williams" He growled out, almost like a warning. I stuck out my chest and he waved the hoodie at me again. "Put it on." He demanded through gritted teeth.

This time I laughed but made no efforts to move.

"Okay, fine. Say please and I will." His temples moved with the tightening of his jaw muscles.

"Harper." He said, in annoyance. I guess we're back to a first name basis. He took a deep breath and very reluctantly said "Put it on... please."

And that is how Lieutenant Axel died, by asking me nicely. It killed him.

"Well, since you asked me so nicely." I teased, "Nah."

He rushed towards me, lifted one of my arms into the air and pulled the sleeve down it before repeating the notion with the other one, dressing me.

I couldn't stop smiling at him but he wouldn't look at me, forcefully trying to keep his eyes away from my breasts.

He visibly relaxed once my boobs were safely covered up and I wondered if his fear of my body stemmed from his vow.

We entered the bootcamp grounds and he continued walking past the staff quarters where I presumed the commander would be.

"Since it's your first real day I'm going to assume you didn't know not to go off campus and instead of taking you to the commander I will just give you ten extra laps tomorrow and a warning to never leave the grounds again. But I'm serious Harper, get your shit together or you'll be thrown out."

I nodded my head, really hating on doing extra laps tomorrow but at least for now I should be happy that I was spared jail for another day.

He walked me to my living quarters and then halted outside and hovered. "Oh right, your hoodie." I remembered as he awkwardly just stood there. I reached for the bottom of his hoodie and started pulling it upwards.

"No!" He exclaimed. "Not here." He spoke frantically. "I mean, just keep it." He said more calmly now.

"I'm not keeping it" I laughed "come in and I'll change into something else." He looked at the wooden door to the shed and then back to me.

"I'm not supposed to enter the soldiers quarters without prior warning and definitely not without good purpose."

"Oh it's okay, nobody is here." I pointed out absentmindedly.

"What?!" He shouted, charging past me and barging through the door himself.

I followed him inside, cringing with myself for being so stupid. He looked around the room in silence, studying it like he expected everybody to jump out and shout 'surprise.'

"Where are they all?" He asked turning to me but he knew as well as I did exactly where they were.

I screwed my face up again, another one of my almost pained expressions. "Am I in a lot of trouble for this?"

"Twenty extra laps." He spat out coldly.

"Twenty!" I complained loudly.

"Thirty!" He roared.

I pulled off his hoodie right in front of him and his eyes widened, catching a glimpse of everything on offer. In a delayed reaction he turned away, crimson.

"I think you should leave now before I end up with no legs." He took the hoodie and turned back around, keeping his eyes focused straight ahead.

"You have no idea the mess you're making here. Never in my time has this happened. Never. I won't let it carry on, there needs to be a line drawn."

I nodded in understanding but in all honesty I didn't know what he was referring to.

Surely people had snuck out, answered back and refused to follow the stupid bootcamp rules. We are after all criminals.

Axel walked towards the door without looking back and I lay down on my bed, closing my eyes and letting myself drift off to the silence of the room.

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