《crush imagines》internet


A/n: This was requested by @smol-human-bean, I hope you enjoy it!! It'll be first person today.

Amanda xx


Waking up early to see him wasn't easy. But it was worth it. Every morning at six I'd wake up just to see his face.


We'd Skype to see each other. We still haven't met in real life, but both of us wanted to. Badly.

I heard my computer begin to make its usual noise, telling me I was getting a call.

I read the screen which said his name, and immediately pressed accept.

"Hi." I heard his raspy voice. He must've just woken up because he had bags and everything.

It was 1 o'clock in Sydney, Australia and 6 here in Vancouver.

The only way for us to say hi to each other was for me to wake up early for school and say a quick 'hello how are you'.

It was hard because after months of Skyping I slowly developed feelings for him. I never told him though.

"Hey, y/n?" His voice a little hoarse and tired.

"Yeah?" I asked, focusing on the curls on his forehead and how his e/c eyes never left my face.

"I bought one." He says, calmly.

My eyes stop what they're doing and look right into his.

"You did?" We've always talked about meeting in real life but never got around to it.

He studies my face, looking for signs of worry or excitement.

A smile slowly appears onto his tired looking face.

"I did. For Vancouver airport, right?" He says in his Australian accent.

I smile. "That's right." I tell him.

"I can't believe this! We're actually going to meet, in real life!" I begin to slightly hop on my bed.

He stares, probably lagging or whatever. I slowly wave my hand in the camera.

"Y/n, your freez--" he begins until the screen is for sure frozen. "C/n?" I ask, to see if there's a chance he can hear me. Instead of getting an answer the screen said 'poor connection'.

I sigh and close my computer, knowing he must've too.

I glance over at the clock. And it was already 6:30.

I was in a dorm in Vancouver with my friends so I didn't feel too rushed to get ready.


I get back home after my classes and flop straight onto my bed. I open my computer and check Skype.

Then I check C/n and my conversation. It says he sent me a message. I immediately click it. "Hey Y/n,

It's right now 6 in the morning, Australia time and I thought I'd let you know I'm coming in a week from today. I'm exited and I'll Skype you tomorrow to talk about the details and stuff. Oh and would you mind picking me up from the airport? I've got a reserved hotel.


I smile at how organized he was. I could never be like that. I'm always unorganized and not ready for things. I'm late, clumsy and plain old immature.

Sure, I can do my laundry and the dishes, but once I lost all my luggage at an airport in New York.

Yep... that's me.

A week later,

Today is the day I'm picking C/n up, and honestly I'm nervous. What are we gonna talk about? Is he gonna realize how weird I am? Will he just want to leave?

I pull into the parking lot of the airport with me light blue truck.

I quickly spray myself with perfume and walk in.

I glance around looking for C/n. Even though there is a huge crowd of people everywhere, and maybe he wasn't even here yet.

"Y/n!" I hear. I look around to see where it came from.

"Y/n, over here!" I hear again. I turn and see C/n. He looks amazing and a lot less tired than usual.

He begins running towards me, leaving his luggage behind him. I get caught off guard as he embraces me, I felt warm in his arms.

Almost like home even though we just really met.

"I can't believe that you're actually in my arms..." He quietly whispers while it's being muffled by my h/c hair.

"Um you left your suit case back there." I tell him, giggling.

He slowly loosens his grip around my torso and smiles.

"It's really nice to see you when you're not on a small screen and half asleep." He says, scratching the back of his neck.

I smile and nod as he gets his bags.

I put the keys into the ignition and drive off to the hotel he was staying at; the Hyatt.


As he unpacks his things into the drawers I sit on the bed. It was a really nice hotel and I imagine he's pretty wealthy in money and whatnot.

"So are you in school or anything?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm in my first year of college." I tell him smiling.

"Oh yeah? What for?" He glances back at me.

"Language." I reply, keeping it simple.

Once he finishes packing he comes and sits right beside me.

"Hey so tonight are you busy?" He asks, with a hopeful look in his eyes.

"No, I took my afternoons off for the next week since you're here!" I say, smiling.

He relaxes.

"Sooo would you like to go for dinner with me?" He asks.

I nod.

"Like a- what do you call it- date?" I say smirking.

"I guess you could call it that..." He says, with a cheeky grin.

My phone begins to ring, breaking our moment.

"Oh I should take this." I tell him. He nods.

I press accept.

"Hello? Y/f/n! I can't tonight, I'm busy. C/n is here!" I tell her and end the call. She wanted to see if I was going to our other friend's house.

Once I finished I toured C/n around Vancouver, showing him as much as I could before I had to get ready for our dinner date. We took the skytrain back to his hotel and then I took it alone to the college.

I wore a simple striped dress with mascara and my usual makeup. I had a nude matte lipstick for my lips so that I didn't look dead.

I took the skytrain back to the hotel. I went to his room and used the key he gave to me to get inside.

"C/n? Are you here?" I walk in and look around, with no one around.

"BOO!" I jump and scream, obviously startled.


He falls onto the carpet and begins to laugh. He holds his stomach.

After he laughed like crazy he stood up and looked at me in awe.

"You look beautiful." He tells me, only looking at my face. He grabs my hand and drags me back to the elevator.

He presses the lobby button and smiles, facing me.

Once the elevator got to the lobby, we stepped out and went back to the waiting outside.

I stood shocked.

"Do you know how hard it was to get a limo." He says quietly.

"You did not..." I say, still completely shocked.

He smirks and pulls me closer and whispers, "I did." I smile, feeling incredibly comfortable in his arms.

Finally we arrive to the restaurant and go to the roof, it was one of those restaurants that you could eat on the roof, aka the insanely expensive ones.

We look over the view of the city. The sky was dark but all the buildings lit up the city.

I gaze down on it. Out all the years I lived in Vancouver I've never seen it like this.

It was incredible.


"C/n, this is amazing! How'd you afford this?" I felt bad how he paid so much on this restaurant.

"It isn't as expensive as it seems, and I'd do this everyday for you." He says, his eyes seemed to have this shine in them that never left.

"Um I actually brought you here to tell you something..." He says, his voice mellow and calm.

I smile to show him he can tell me.

"Go ahead."

His hands grab mine and he looks deeply into my eyes.

"Y/n, I think I might be in love with you. I know we just found each other now but I really do like you." His eyes jolt to the table, afraid of what my reaction might be.

"C/n... I do too. I have for a really long time now." I tell his. A smile forms on his lips and without warning, kisses mine.

Finally, the boy of my dreams was here and he wasn't on the other side of the world or in my computer screen,

he was here

with me.


A/n: sorry it took a while. It's a little long too; 1524 words. A little crazy, in my opinion. I'm sooo happy @smol-human-bean requested this, because I had so much fun writing it!

Ily all sm.

Amanda xx

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