《Dream's And Nightmares (Discontinued)》Chapter 3 SwapDream
oonlight's/SD Nightmare's pov
I was chatting with OG Dream or just Dream because he is from the Original AU as I was waiting for my brother who is on his room going to get something
"Yep that's me and you must be Solar's brother Moonlight am I right?"
Dream chuckled when OG me came in the conversation
Thinking of how many people are here made my head feel dizzy
And then there i heard shouting I looked up and saw Another Nightmare who looked like me well as normal looking as me and he is holding someone with bright Golden wings he has a bright golden jacket and down is a Yellow colored that looked or shape like a fire looked around at who was creaming and saw Solar my brother screaming at them I saw him fly to them and help the other unconscious bird or skeleton bird i dunno I looked and saw my other self he looked a bit sad as I saw Solar fly away to the house probably to go and get Hanah, he seems good with flowers he even gave me a flower that doesn't wilt when I touch it it made me happy
i saw OG Nightnare behind me and I instantly blushes he is soo tall than me he looked so hot. Wait- what am I saying?! You just met this goopy thing I covered my face and felt my face get hot from Blush in pretty sure if my brother was here he would tease me but he seems to be healing the other Dream must admit I was a little jelly not because he was carrying the other Dream no it's because I haven't seen him do that to me wich made me jelly he is my brother but why didn't he showed me effection and gave them to other people rather than me...
"Hey Mr. You looking a little Purple" I heard a child like voice then I looked down to see a child version of Dream and by the look of OG Night he seems as shock as me
"Im not anyones kid my name is TK Dream TK short for Timekid but you can call me Light."
"And that's what happened I hope Dely is alright" he frowned and I aswell felt bad
"i-.. He would be sad and ask me what is wrong with me.."
He looked up at me and smiled he also hugged my leg and by looking down at him he seems so cute I picked him up and gave him a small smile he beamed more and reminded me of myself back then I would smile as bright like this he is so cute
I felt my face explode when OG said how cute I am when I'm like a mother and I should be like that more
he said
I emediatly grabbed Dream and ran to the house leaving the 2 with the small child confusion on there faces
"Woah, woah easy there Moonlight why do you look like someone just lit you on fire?"
I let go of him and took a deep breath and also explained things to him he just blinked his eyes and smiled at me
"So your in love? With my Nightmare"
"and your in love with Solar aswell am I right?"
"Every Dream knew there Nightmares have small crushes on us and frankly we don't mind it at all we do fell for eachother aswell and some of our Nightmares or other Dream's"
"Could be but in the end most of us Dream's don't care if you can't fight it join it and it's not like the first time we knew about this"
"Yeah and My Nighty too maybe even you at some point" he said to me and I blushed well looks like I have 3 crushes now..
I said Dream Smiled pulled me in a hug I hesitated a little but hugged back its a little weird because I haven't had good contact with other people before maybe this will be a start we pulled back I kinda missed the contact tho.. I felt something warm on my forehead and blushed when I knew Dream was kissing my skull it felt nice i remembered my Dream doing this to me when I was sad I really missed it
"Don't worry you and Solar will have a good bonding here, I'm sure of it" i smiled at him and hugged him again thanking him.. We all went back to the firecamp near the house in the stars I haven't seen Solar or Midnight's Brother and Midnight got up to go and Check on his Dream Delusion and me and the OG's where having fun with Light he was pointing at the stars and telling us what Delusion said to him about the stars and the constalations he is a litteral ball of light I guess that's what they call him here I was having fun with the 3 of them until
I felt a small hand in my shoulder and look up to see Damien he looked at me with red and yellow fading lights on his eyes he smiled at me showing his fangs wich is kinda dangerous but cute at the same time
"Hai~" he said to me if only I knew what was happening tho I gently said a hi back to him and he sat on my lap wich I gently pulled him away from there he seemed to give me a Confused and sad look I looked at Nightmare but he seemed to be confused until Dream spoke
"Damien stop seducing every Nightmare and Dream you see new for the first time."
"But he looks so cute Dreamy~"
I was caught off guard by what he said 'Seducing?..' I looked back at Damien to see him starring at me his lips are pursed like he was having a great urge inside him a sweet innocent face was on but under that is a very sinister urge that was about to bubble inside of him I kept starring at those eyes off his and found myself stuck in a trance as if I can't look away anymore I can hear my soul beating from inside my ribcage as my whole body began to feel a sudden heat
I panted and pursed my lips I was looking more intently on his figure he wasn't too masculine nor feminine just a perfect shape for both body's his bones where a little pale of white but I seem to find a shade of black on the tip of his fingertips I starred down near his thighs I felt an urge to touch him in a seductive way as it is I can't seem to stop myself as I didn't stop thinking of him under me that I didn't notice he had already inched forward making me look up at those eyes.. the same one that had fixed me into a trance... He cupped my cheek and giggled as he was pulling our faces together I opened my mouth a little as we where merely inches apart...
I saw how Moonlight was fixed by Damien's seducing as they where about to kiss until I stopped them by pulling Damien away I looked at Moonlight to see him only blinking and trying to process what he did I looked at Damien and grabbed him teleporting him to Solar's room as I left the Nightmares there confused I dropped Damien on his bed as Solar looked at me with a questioning look
I of course explained everything to him and he was calm but I can see a bit of shock on his face after explaining I then left them be after saying to Solar to don't be harsh on Damien since he is still a young vampire and left I really hope he didn't do anything bad poor kid..
"......" I looked at Damien as he looked anywhere except my gaze I moved to him and put my knuckle's on his chin he got a little nervous I lifted his head up and I met his eyes he was terrified of me
"I'm sorry..."
"......" I rubbed his cheekbones with my thumb he was trying not to relax and lean in to my touch wich he was failing miserably
"What did i said about Seducing other People Damien..."
"Not to.. Seduce them.."
"and what did you do?" I asked him as I pulled him to my lap and rubbed circles around his back as I can see a bit of tears on his sockets
"I- I'm s-sorry Solar.. I wanted to but I can't stop it you know how much I hated being like this.. I- I can't control it, its coming back to me!" he held his hand's on each side of his skull as if blocking every noise that is in the room even though it was silent I sighed and took both of his hand's and kisses them to get his attention wich it did as he blushed a deep color of his eyes I smiled and kisses his forehead
"I know.. If I was in your state I would feel the same.. Im not angry at you Damien you know the reason why anyway.."
"i know... Im sorry though I'm kinda scared of what might the seducing do to him wich is why I'm scared you might get angry at me.."
"Well even if we can do anything we can't do anything about it so you and I will help if Moonlight did get intranced with your seducing alright?"
"Yes Solar" I patted his head as he began to purr at me I grinned and pulled his hood off tugging at his clothes taking off his cape fully I began to trail kisses at his Neck, Damien gasped at the sudden feeling on his neck I used my other hand to rub his spine and make him arch his back
"Mm~ Solar"
I pinned him to the bed and kissed him in the lips as my tounge went inside his mouth a few minutes later I pulled out with a panting Vampire under me I grinned and saw the Lust in his eyelights and form a heart shape I grinned and gently pulled him to me to hug him giving him all my affection as he hugged back and returned the affection with a lovebite as i felt him bite my neck and started to suck on my own blood and I knew this will be a long day
I went back to where Nightmare and Moonlight are and see them hugging eachother I blinked a few times to try and process what I have seen and grinned at the both of them and how cute they are together
"am I interrupting something?"
"Oh ok then come on he should go to my room because we haven't fixed room's yet Nighty"
He got up and carried Moonlight in his arms im sure Solar wouldn't mind I teleported us in my room and luckily my bed is enough for 3 people I motioned For Nightmare to go and lay him in the bed I went to my changing room and wore my Pj's I came out and yawned I chuckled when I felt someone goopy hugging me from behind and kissing my neck I giggled and gently pushed Nighty off and kisses his cheek I felt him gave out a Purr as I patted him turn's out Nighty loves head pat's I smiled and pulled his head on my chest to give him more head pat's I pulled away gently and he growled at the loss of attention
I got to the bed and hugged Moonlight I patted the other part of the bed for Nighty to come he huffed and got in the bed nuzzling and using his tendrils to pull the both of us into a trap of cuddles I smiled and patted Moonlight's head when he was squirming on the tendrils Nightnare told me the tendrils have a mind of there own and would sometimes love affection especially if its new ones who are joining the both of us or some of us when I told Nighty that we are well like in a Poly relationship or a Herem he lost his mind and nearly flipped the whole castle luckily I was there to stop him
when we where here in the Lucid realm he lost his shit again and tried to choke Shattered but luckily shattered new of this and instead tranquilized Nightmare he was unconscious for like a whole hour or so a few days passed and he seems to get comfortable with me hanging with shattered well not as much when I kiss or Nuzzle shattered just because I want to show him some love and affaction he'd lose his shit again.. And pull me in his embrace all while his hissing and growling at any Dream there even was this one time when he threatened King/EV Nightmare to stay away all while me and Emperor are in Nightmares embrace hugging us both
Yeah it didn't end well both of them lost there shit and nearly tackled, Killed and drowned themselves me and Emperor where not happy with that so we just had to get there attention by teasing them and doing a good lap dance for a good hour and left them confused and hard we both chuckled and made out together in Emperor's room I chuckled at the memory that was the most fun me and emperor had in year's when me Emperor, Solar and Delusion had fun with Shattered, Shattered was very angry and punished the 4 of us I do miss the others tho I wonder what they are doing in there own universe
"Yeah Nighty?"
"No I'm fine I just remembered the time when you and King played with us because we stopped you from fighting~" I chuckled when I heard Nightmare growl at my neck looks like he still remembered
"Aw mad Daddy~"
I blushed and pursed my lips when he spoke in that tone I turned to him and kisses his nostrils I giggled again when I heard him huff and nuzzle me and eventually fell asleep I smiled and pulled Moonlight close to my chest and sighed
"Goodnight you two~"
It was late now and Delusion still hasn't woken up yet Light fell asleep and now he's in my other tendrils keeping him warm and trying not to let him fall off I looked at Hanah to see if there is any news but sadly there isn't yet Midnight tel asleep shortly after leaving me and Hanah watching over delusion
"He's drained a lot of his power it's good thing he is recovering his magic is needed to treat his wound so I took half of my magic to restore some of his magic loss in short he will be fine" I sighed and thanked Hanah who left shortly after and I was the one to watch over the 3 of them well atleast Dream won't have to worry or Solar
I was swimming in the ocean catching some crustaceans in the ocean this ocean has a lot of populating signs of life soo much that there are no predators around to keep check of ever since Fable told me that he needs my help I was a little skeptic when Fable said that until he shower me this place it was buetiful but the population of life here in the ocean are nearly too much to fit wich is why I'm here me and Fable where having fun eating some shrimps fish and many more crustaceans
it's kinda stupid that there's an ocean full of life but no predators it's like someone put a joke in another joke to create this well atleast it's a good thing tho I haven't eaten in days and I'm starving there are also many moon jellys here maybe exemplum would like to have some if he even knew this exist even my boys haven't eaten in awhile maybe when I get back I'll give these leftovers to them I started to one by one put the food in the beaches and keep them from rotting Fable helped me tie them up and I get to toss the foods in the den and one for exemplum atleast they will have a great feast without me.
Have you ever thought what it was like To fall down from grace? Feel your wings be stripped away from you and torn apart betrayal? No well I sure did I was looking at one of my snakes that where slithering around me I Fell from heaven because of the Curroption in my being I was always treated worse than .. He was always the light in the darkness and I was the shadow I was a great being once but great beings always has its worst when you fell from grace you aren't seen as a good being instead you where seen as a monster.. A
I spread my wings and started to flap them as I glide through all over hell the screams of the firstborn sinners that fell from the earth, the laughter and moans of the other beings in hell as they watched everything suffer or either had fun and fuck eachother.. The hot temperatures of this neverending place yes this is Hell full of the cruel and violent monsters that had roam heaven or earth fell down and this is what we get.. I finally had reached my destination and landed on the balcony of Prince Error I got inside and gave the letter to him he looked at it and took it
"Well looks like he finally came to his senses and decided to do Suicide then" I gave him a glare as if I'm telling him this isn't a joke Angels can't die sure they can die when fighting us but and even if they would they would just come back in existance when She spoke there names back but when we die I believe we all turn to dust just like trash we will forever fuel the darkest pit of this hell
- In Serial11 Chapters
The Angel System: Outer Heaven
"Outer Heaven" The place where one can start a new life of Paradise. The world is suffering from a huge surge of suicides that are done in pursuit of a land called "Outer Heaven". According to a cult, if you place a brand on your arm and chant magic words, after dying you are transported to a new world of paradise. After losing his fiance in a devestating catastrophe, Lucius, an arrogant man who had never known loss comits suicide, transporting him to this new world. When he gets reincarnated as an Angel with a strange power that allows him trancend his angel form. He pledges to live his second life differently, living for others rather than himself. But as he spends more and more time in this Sanguine Paradise he begins to question whether he truly has made it to heaven, and sets out on a journey to find the truth of this mysterious place.
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Since I'm having an adventure, I decided to take the Quest Book for Pastime
A massive Meteorite had brought the world to its destruction. From the ashes of the [Old Earth] the “new world: Neagi” was created. But because of the presence of mystical energy of the Neagi, it became accessible to the [otherworlder] to open up the portal and invade the new world and prompted the war between Earthlings and Otherworlders to erupt across the globe.300 years after that, a young philosopher named Haven decided to take a tour to a certain kingdom of Otherworlder, Richfield Kingdom, Where he received a book containing 100 quests. Upon completion, a reward will be given. Since he will be having an adventure, Haven decided to take the Quest Book for Pastime. (English is not my mother language, be ready for some grammar errors) (I created this novel to plan out my manga. But I tried my best to make it look like a light novel. ) (alternative name: The Fruit of Encaria)
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The Wielder of Chains-Chronicles of a Patchwork World
Set centuries after the advent of the System, modern society has collapsed, our cities destroyed by the monsters that now dwell within their ruins. In the early days of the system there were many heroes and villains, but their time has passed and a new society has been built on what they left behind. We follow a young man as he journeys through this hostile world in the hopes of discovering what caused the system to suddenly appear in the first place.
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I Got Reincarnated as High Human with Creation Eye
Saito Haruhiro is a programmer who was happy with his daily life. But because of a Goddess fault he lost his life when he was on his way towards his workoffice, apparently he didn't put the blame on Goddess. Saito when searching his way out of the unnatural place before he met Goddess finds a mirror as it distracts his mind, enters the antique shop. That's where he meets the Universe Eye Aka Creation Eye and the Goddess. The Goddess then explains him about another world and gives him blessing and shows him the way to a different world.. Now that's where our main Protagonist story begins as he learns to control his powers given to him by Universe Eye, and creates a peaceful and some bloody story as he travels the world and after that whole universe.
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You/Katie Mcgrath and others Imagines
I'll be doing a series of imagines for celebrities or characters that you ask for. Let me know what you want it to be about and who. Also only doing f/f roles as I do not know how to write men. Most if them will be about Katie McGrath and her characters. Will be doing a second part of the book with more prompts.
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Feral Alpha - Jikook ✔️
He is an example of Ethereal beauty.His teary eyes, plump lip, brown straight long hair, slim figure, white procelain skin. There is no flaw in his beauty. His personality is so soft and kind.Every girls and women were feel offended by his beauty.This kind of beauty were born once in a hundred years.A story of a young beautiful innocent boy and a lonely feral werewolf who was cursed by the Moon goddess. And they happens to meet by fate.( very bad at descriptions 😅)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Historical AUWarning:*Agegap*Mature content ( put warning on each chapter)*Forced sex (only one chapter)*mpreg*violence*sexual harassment*triggering scenes*Supernatural act.I do not romanticized any of the content above. DISCLAIMERPictures to the rightful owner but the cover is made by me. Hats off to the owner who made this beautiful edit of Jimin in traditional dress.And english is not my language,I apologised for the grammatical error.Don't try to plagiarize,I'll hunt you!No translation allowed.Highest ranking#1- Alpha Jungkook (for a week)#4- bottomjimin#6- topjungkook#10- jikook#6- joseon#3- pups
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