《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 19 ❌


A/N: OH MY GOSH I realized that I haven't updated since HALLOWEEN, LAST YEAR! I'm really, really sorry I started high school and I've been busy so I haven't had time, but here is the update


Recap: After meeting up to go to the mall, Carmen and Rebecca have an argument, Carmen shows Becca how she feels about her not spending enough time together, since Alex came along,

and under the strong influence of anger, Carmen speeds very dangerously resulting in you probably guessed it: a car accident.


I try to open my eyes but I see black and hear yelling voices, they sound familiar but I don't know who they are and then I hear a slight heart monitor?

Where am I? What happened? I still faintly hear yelling and crying and I have this throbbing pain in my head and most of all my ribs and limbs.

I try to focus on the voices and one sounds like Ashton? Maybe Alex? The crying and muffled speaking sounds like Carmen? and I put the pieces in my head with three, possible scenarios: I'm in a hospital, I'm dreaming, Or I'm dead, definitely dead.

But what explains the pain, dead people, don't feel pain, or do they?

The yelling makes my head hurt worse.

"You wrecked the car and nearly killed her because she didn't have much time for you, your lucky if see even lives to look at you."

That sounded awfully a lot like Alex, then I hear crying, Alex continues "But look at you, you walked, away with a few bruises and you caused the damn acciedent! I might never hear my girlfriend's voice ever again because you put her in a fucking coma!"

Yep definitely Alex, I've never heard him this livid before.

"Dude, just leave her alone I'm angry because I might not ever see my sister again but you don't see me yelling at Carmen like that, and it's not good for Becca's health."


That's Ashton. No doubt, but it all came back to me I was in a coma, caused by Carmen.

"Guys can you give me a minute alone with her, please?"

Alex asked and I heard mumbles of reply then a door close. I felt pressure on my hand and soft lips on my forehead.

"I'm so sorry baby, if you had to hear that, it's just that, it pains me to know that I might not ever see your beautiful eyes again, or hear your soft voice, I love you and I can't let you go, please wake up baby."

I feel a wetness on my cheek and it occurred to me that Alex is crying, and it pains me more than my probably broken ribs.

I try to do something to show him that I'm here but I can't and it pains me.

"Rebecca, do something show me that your here, that you hear me."

I try to move my hand that is placed in his, I hear a laugh.

"Rebecca, open your eyes for me, sweetheart." I do and it was worth the effort because I get the reward of his beautiful eyes, staring at me. "I love you too Alex, more than anything."

He kisses me, and then I feel it, the actual love he has for me in that delicate, sweet kiss.

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