《Dark Percy One Shots *NOT ACCEPTING NEW REQUESTS AT THE MOMENT*》The Snake and the Owl


Perseus Riddle and Annabeth Chase was an intimidating couple to behold.

Nobody saw it coming, the students of Hogwarts thought that the competitive nature of both would lead to them being arch nemesis or something. They were always the top two when it comes to grades and performance in class and they couldn't be any more different.

Yes they were both smart but Perseus was the sarcastic, cold, ridiculously clever bastard who people either loved or were afraid of. Although she was intimidating in her own way, Annabeth was kind and her curiosity boundless, she loved learning and her no bullshit attitude has lead more than a few bullies ending up in the hospital ward.

The blonde was determined and strong, while the Slytherin was relentless in his ambitions.

Others thought that if the two cross paths it would lead to some sort of showdown. Him simply waving the Ravenclaw off as some goody two shoes bookworm obstructing his path to being number 1 and her thinking he was some cocky asshole.

But somehow, what actual happened was worst.

They started dating.

Riddle just one day sauntered up to the Ravenclaw table uncaring and nonchalant, sitting himself down besides Annabeth with her group of friends and throwing his arm over her shoulders. Instantly, whispers were running wild and by the end of dinner the entire school knew. The both of them could be seen having animated discussions and debates in the library surrounded by Ravenclaws and the Slytherins weren't stupid enough to ask questions when they see Annabeth hanging around their common room with Riddle and his circle of friends.

And then when things couldn't be worse for everybody, they started teaming up.

They partnered up in all their classes together, getting incredible grades after incredible grades to the point that they were leaps and jumps away from their classmates and the professors had to split them up more often than not. He was better than she was in potions, and she was better than he in arithmancy.


They balanced each other out from their weaknesses to strengths and they made each other more sharper, more ruthless in their goal of what exactly? Taking over the school? Getting everybody under their thumb? Well they were doing a fucking good job at it.

With her wisdom and his cunning, nobody ever stood a chance.

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