《Everything Im Insecure About (SouDam)》5



"Eh... Blegh!"

"K-Kazuichi, hold it in..." Gundham whispered, holding a bag for his new friend.

"Ergh! Dammit! I always told myself to stop..." Souda groaned...


This was new for Gundham...

He never knew Kazuichi would drink so much...

"Heey~ are you stuck in the clouds or something?? You're so quiet- oooh~ now that I think about it, your always quiet, like a tiny little bunny"

"Don't refer to me as a bunny" Gundham grunted.

"I think bunnies are cute"


"You can hold that, kay?" Souda smiled.

Tanaka snarled,"Fine..."

He didn't want to hold the bag full of the others barf, but he had no choice, if Kazuichi held it, he would probably pour it all over the driver-...

Speaking of the driver.

"Ah, I do apologize for this dismay we have caused, I never have expected him to be so out drunked"

"...mhm, your stop is here" They said, stopping the car.

"Thank you"

Gundham picked Kazuichi up, giving him a piggy back ride.

"Weeee!!!" He cheered, drool escaping his lips and landing on Gundhams head.

"... Kazuichi, close your mouth this instant, your disturbing saliva is getting on me..."

Kazuichi rolled his eyes and closed his mouth, "yes sir..."


Gundham stopped walking and realized, "... Where do you prefer to stay tonight?"



"..." Tanaka felt Kazuichis head rest on his...

"Is he asleep?"

Tanaka just sighed and held onto Kazuichis hands, making sure he doesn't fall.

-at Gundhams house-

As soon as Gundham went inside, he went towards his room, making sure to not make too much noise..

"... Gundy? Why are you here so late...?" A voice asked.

"... Ah, I do apologize, but..." He narrowed his eyes down to the floor, "... I must take care of my new... Friend..." He blushed.


"Oh! I see" She smiled, "take good care of him then"

-Gundhams room-

Tanaka placed Kazuichi on his bed and covered him with the blanket, "..."

"..." He stared at the pink headed boy and chuckled, he looked adorable...


Kazuichi gripped onto a pillow and squeezed it tight, curling up onto a ball...

"Why are you doing that? Do mortals of such a thing?"

He slowly placed his hand on Kazuichis arm.


"Is he harmed there?" He murmured, slowly lifting his hand towards Kazuichis arm again.


He just shook his head and scoffed, "no...i am just imagining things..."

He got in the bed and turned the other way, avoiding Kazuichi....

-during their SLUMBER-

"... Keh!" An arm wrapped around Gundhams chest, leaning closer to him...

"...Kazuichi... What could you possibly need at this time?" He sighed, turning to the other, placing his hand on the others head... oh...Kazuichi was asleep...

... He looks pretty when his eyes are calm...

...he felt his face redden... Not only was Kazuichi inside his house, but he was in his bed too... Gosh, just the thought of their skin against each other's is making Gundham get flustered..


"...Gngh..." Kazuichis soft breath was hitting Gundhams chest, as he leaned even closer, using him as a stuffed animal, squeezing him as if his life depended on it.

"...Ah his... Skin is soft..." Tanaka thought as he touched Kazuichis cheek...


"Hm-" Gundham flinched and immediately started to pretend he was sleeping, trying not to seem weird...


He started panting and slowly let go of Gundham, "... Wha-what happened last night, dammit, I don't remember.." He whined, scratching his head, "... Psst... Gundham, are you up?" He asked, shaking the other.


Gundham, being himself, acted like he was just waking up, "hm? What is it?"


"U-Uhm.. What happened last night? Nothing happened, right?"

"No... Nothing happened, you see... You got... Too drunk and I decided to... Bring you here where it was safe, I do apologize, here, I can drop you o-"

"No... It's fine, I can stay over, I guess..." Souda sighed, "I'm sorry... Like, so sorry... I didn't want you to see that... Ugh! I feel so embarrassed!" He groaned, letting his head hit the pillow, "man... And I can't sleep anymore..."

"...how about we take a stroll outside the domain?"


Kazuichi got up and stared at Gundhams jacket that was in the closet, "... Uhm.... C-Can I maybe... Wear your jacket? It's chilly out side and I don't w-"

"Of course you can..." Gundham grabbed the jacket and wrapped Kazuichi in it, "thanks man!" He smiled.

He slowly made his way out of Gundhams room...

"... He slept on my bed..." Tanaka blushed as he fixed his covers.

"Gundham, you coming?" Souda asked, peaking inside the room, "hurry"

Tanaka nodded his head and walked towards Kazuichi, "I apologize..."

-the park-

Kazuichi started walking towards the tree, rest in his head against it.

"... Gundham, have I ever told you-... Who am in kidding, of course I've haven't told you yet... " He chuckled nervously, "the reason why so many people are around me... It's kinda a really weird reason..."

"Why is that?"

"You see, uhm.. I don't know why, but people always get along with me because they've heard that I was bisexual...."

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