《Friends With Benefits (SouDam)》1



Kazuichi sat on the bench waiting for his friend to arrive.


"Damn... This is the first time he's late, his mom probably baked tons of breakfast-" He thought.

He lifted his head, only to see Gundham in front of him, "GYAAH!" He screeched, falling off the bench, "you fucking-... Ugh! Just forget it! Don't scare me like that!" He groaned, gripping onto Gundhams shoulder, helping himself up.

"Hey! Gundham have you heard there is going to be a new student?" He smiled, holding the others scarf.

"... Hm? No, I don't recall on being informed on a new mortal presence" He murmured, moving his hand close to Kazuichis.

"...ooh!" Kazuichi giggled, moving his hand, "she's a girl too!"


"... How... Delightful..." Tanaka huffed.

"Yeah!" He continued to giggle, holding onto Tanakas scarf even tighter, "I love girls! They're so pretty!"

Kazuichi just chuckled softly and grabbed Gundhams hand, "it's fine...i won't ditch you for some girl..." He smiled.

"..." Gundham nodded his head, "of course my love-"

"Your love? Gosh, We're having nicknames now? Aha! People might start to think we're a couple Gungun!" He laughed, gripping tighter on the others hand.

"..." Tanaka just blushed and fiddled with his scarf.

"Anyways! Let's hurry up and go inside!"

Tanaka nodded his head and followed from behind, Kazuichi dragging him.

-in class-

"Okay class! Today we will be choosing partners for our short project!" Chisa shouted.

Kazuichi instantly turned to Gundham, knowing him and the other are going to be partners.

Once Miss Yukizome finished explaining on the hope project, everyone got up to look for their partners.

"Gundham!! Gundham!" He cheered, getting out his seat.

"... As expected, of course I would end up partnering up with you..." Gundham chuckled softly, "though, I don't seem to be complaining about it"


"Yeah yeah! You shouldn't complain about it in the first place" Souda whined.


Tanaka grabbed Kazuichis hand and pulled him to the very back of the class.

"... Being here is much more comforting for me..."

"Its fine Gundham! I know how you can get with people..." Souda smiled.

They started taking notes on their paper, Kazuichi reading the book as Gundham was jotting it down.

"Miss Yukizome! We're finished!" Kazuichi cheered.

"Shh! The others are still working" She hushed.

"... Man... This stuff is so easy..."

Gundham scoffed and rested his head on the desk, staring at Kazuichi.


"How can someone such as him be so stunning, yet so hated..." He thought, still keeping his eyes on the other.


"He's precious..."

"Hey, Gundham! Why are you staring at me like that?!" Kazuichi complained.

"... It cant be any harm for me to merely look at your very existence... Correct?"

"... Gundham, stop!" He continued to complain, "I hate being stared at!"

"Ah... My apologies, I didn't know you easily get uncomfortable, I dearly apologize..."

"... I-Its fine... Just don't do that again" He grunted.

Tanaka nodded his head and looked away, "... Gundham.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap like that, it just makes me really uncomfortable when people stare at me for a really long time..."

"It's fine Kazuichi, no need to apologize.."


Souda chuckled and slouched in his chair, "do you think the new students gonna be cute?"

"..." Tanaka huffed and crossed his arms, "no... Humans are despicable"

"... Ookaaay" He sighed.

-the next day-

Kazuichi sat on the bench, waiting for Gundham.

But instead, a voice...

"... Greetings! I'm new here, can you show me the way?"

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