《Those Who Love Us... (Sequel to Best Served Cold)》Tense Date


I don't much time to tell you what happened right now, Jessica, but I will explain later.

I think I found out what really happened three months ago.

Wait, "what really happened?" What are you talking about? We all know what happened....

Just trust me. I have to wait until you finish your date with Matthew.

See you later.

And one more thing, do NOT tell Matthew I texted you. I'm serious!

Then Jake went offline. What the hell was on about? And...how did he know Matty was coming today?

I get shaken out of my deep thoughts by a knock at the door. That's Matthew.

What am I supposed to do now? Jake just got me worried right before my date, and told me not to say anything to Matty.

He was helpful before for us...He wouldn't be plotting something now, right? I'll trust him, but he owes me a big explanation.

I went to open the door and surprise! It was my lovely boyfriend.

"Hi Jessy." He greeted me with his cute smile and hugged me. I reciprocated. "Hey, you big oaf." It's a good thing Matty's mere presence calms me down. I might be able to forget my panic over Jake's message until later.

"Oafs aren't welcome in The Black Swan restaurant, Jessy. I guess we'll have to cancel our date tonight." Matthew shrugged jokingly.

I giggled. "Just get a move on. I'm already ready to go."

We went out shortly after and rode my car. "When are you gonna get a car?" I asked him.

"So you mean you object to me leeching off you for the rest of our lives?"

"Yes. Yes, I do."

"You're a meanie."

"Takes one to know one, Matty."

After conversating the whole way to the restaurant, I pulled over, we got out and I locked the car.


"Come on Jessy, a fun night is what's awaiting us." Matty started walking ahead of me as he spoke.

"I thought you weren't the excitable type."

"Trust me, everyone is excitable. One way or another." He gave me a wink that made me slightly blush, and I shook it off.

We walked into the restaurant and eventually got to our reserved table, awaiting our orders. I was quiet for a while.

"Jessy? You okay? You've been quiet since we got here." Matt brought me out of my thoughts. Jake's words still bugging me a little.

"Yeah, I'm just...thinking."

"Well, I am here so we can finalize a major decision in both our lives."

"I guess you're right..." Thank God he said that so I can just go along with it.

"Well, feel free to tell me anything. I'm here for you." Matty smiled sweetly at me and reached with his hand for mind. I smiled back and nodded.

After having our dinner, we headed back to the car and went home. We were both tired and yawning.

"Too bad I'm yet to move my bed in." Matthew commented.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I know my couch is not the comfiest." I looked at said couch sheepishly.

"Don't worry about it. I'll manage. Are you going to sleep straight away?" He asked.

I contemplated the question and had a feeling I won't be, thanks to a certain someone.

"I'll probably stay up for a bit. Have sweet dreams, Matty."

"Goodnight Jessy."


Now I was awake in my bedroom looking at my phone. I guess I should send him a message now.


We're back

Matty's asleep

Two seconds after I pressed send...

Hello Jessy.

So like I promised you, I'll tell you why I decided to come back now

Or more accurately, who I suspect to be the true culprit.

But I can only do that if you promise to listen to me and trust me.

Okay fine. I promise. I don't see how you could come to such a conclusion but if Matty trusted you before and something good came with it, then I guess I can do the same


I can't bear to see or hear that name now.

What are you talking about? Just tell me! Why are you so mysterious?!


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