《Where's Waldo x Reader》Chapter 3


You stand there for a moment, shocked and flushed before you finally begin to stammer.

"W-waldo! You caught me by surprise there, I wasn't expecting you to-" he chuckles quietly and shakes his head.

"Oh , have you played many games before? The same thing over and over again gets old after a while, no?" He says. You can feel the crowd of people around you move as if you weren't there at all. Perhaps you and Waldo were now in your own little world, one where those who couldn't understand couldn't to enter.

"I suppose not.. but you tend to be the one hiding. What's changed this time?" you ask him. Waldo stays silent for a moment and bravely grasps your hand. He begins to guide you through the crowd, at first you fear running into others since you are walking against the current, but Waldo manages to weave you through the crowd.

"I've got something I need to tell you " he says, when he speaks his voice is not as laced with confidence as it is normally, this time it's shy and timid. It was actually kind of intriguing to you, Waldo always has this air of confidence, you suppose it comes from the fact that Waldo can almost disappear at will if he so pleases. What exactly could Waldo want to tell you? Perhaps to confess his feelings? You shake your head at how silly the thought was, Waldo wouldn't ever just tell you outright now... would he? Waldo likes to play games, it's how he's always been in the time you've known him. He doesn't like for things to be easy, he wants everything to feel difficult yet winnable somehow, he doesn't play games to win.. he plays games for the sport of the whole thing.


"Look.. I need to explain something to you" his voice was soft and didn't seem to have the same commanding presence as before.

"What's up Waldo?" You respond.

"Well.. you see.. you're the only person who's ever seen me before." He rubs his head sheepishly "I'm actually not sure how this happened, considering I never let anybody actually find me. You're the first to really see me , and I didn't even mean to let you" He leans on his cane for a minute and looks up at you, waiting to see your reaction.

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