《Klaroline: Capable of Love》Chapter 36


Caroline's POV

Once Katherine was off the phone with Klaus we pulled off to a little diner. We sat on some stools and I ordered some waffles with whipped cream. No one else was in the diner so I compelled the waitress to give me some of her blood in a glass and forget about it. I have been drifting from my regular diet lately, I don't drink from blood bags as often. I promise myself that as long as I don't kill anyone, I can continue.

The waitress comes back with two glasses of blood, my waffles, and Katherine's eggs and bacon. She says she got scrambled because 'any other type of eggs is just wrong'. I basically inhale my waffles and down my glass of blood. I compel the lady to wash the glasses herself so nobody sees the blood. I also make her put a band-aid over her wrist to cover the mark. I compel her to tell people that she was chopping onions when the knife slipped.

Katherine says, "Listen Forbes, I can hear Klaus racing down here in his car right now so don't try to run to him. You are just going to sit down and let me and him work it out."

I say, "You are crazy he will take you easily and you know it. He doesn't want to admit it, but he will do anything to protect me."

Katherine smiles and says, "Let's hope so."

Just then, the door bursts open and Klaus walks in and heads straight towards us. I try to read his face to see what he is feeling, but there are too many emotions going on right now. I can make out relief and anger. He goes up to Katherine and puts a hand on her throat and marches to pin her against the wall.


I see him tightening his grip on her and I drop to the floor holding my own throat. I realize then that Katherine had a spell done to bond her life to mine, clever bitch.

Rebekah's POV

I wake up and all I see is a girl, standing there right in front of me. I flash to her immediately and drink every last drop of her blood. Once I have gotten my fill, I take in my surroundings. I am apparently in some hotel room somewhere. I look around and don't see anybody near me.

The door opens and I see Damon walk into the room. He says, "You know that whenever you get daggered my compulsion wears off. Now, usually you just compel me to forget you, but this time I took vervain so you can't compel me to forget that we were in love Rebekah."

My breathing quickens and I say, "I will just have to bleed it out of your system then."

He says, "Rebekah, can we at least talk about what happened between us?"

I say, "Sure, we fell in love a long time ago and you told me you couldn't be with me so I compelled you to forget."

"Rebekah", he sighs, "you don't understand the reason I couldn't be with you was because I was sired to Katherine. I had to do anything to make her happy and I realized that she didn't like sharing. I had to focus all of my energy to try and get her out of the tomb until I shut off my emotions and the sire bond was gone."

I say, "I don't believe you."

He says, "Just let me finish. Every time you were daggered my compulsion wore off. I was constantly looking for you. I tried to have witches do locator spells, but I didn't have anything of yours for them to do it off of. Then, when you were undaggered the first thing you always did was compel me to forget you. Not this time Rebekah, not this time."

Then he walks briskly towards me and crashes his lips to mine. He pulls back and says, "I have been wanting to do that for a long time."

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