《Klaroline: Capable of Love》Chapter 34


Klaus's POV


He says, "I understand where you are coming from brother, but we can't do anything if we don't know where they are."

The doorbell rings and I flash to the door. I open it and see a box with a bow on the top. I bring it in the living room, part of me wants to throw it out thinking it could be a bomb, but the other part of me wants to open it as it could be a clue leading us to Caroline and Rebekah. I finally tear open the box and I see a letter. I pull it out and read out loud,

"Dear Mikaelson bunch,

I don't really want Rebekah, so I had some of my guys drop her off somewhere. Once you are out of town I will tell you where she is at, and then I will consider letting Caroline go. If you choose to remain in New Orleans, I will kill her at midnight.



I look at the clock and it reads, 6:00 p.m. I say, "Let's go kill Marcel. We have until midnight to be out of town, I say we use our time wisely."

Elijah says, "If we kill Marcel we will have no way of finding Rebekah."

"We can have a witch do a bloody locator spell. Rebekah can only be killed with the stake so she can just take a nap for now while we focus our time on Caroline."

Elijah takes a step forward and says, "Rebekah is our sister and we will find her first."

The door swings open and I hear, "Don't worry about her, I've got her, just go find Barbie."


I sigh and ask, "Damon why would Marcel give you Rebekah?"

He says, "Used to have a thing for her, just go get Blondie and I will give you guys back Rebekah."

Elijah says to him, "If you are lying to me I will burn Mystic Falls to the ground with everybody in it."

"Look, I understand why you don't trust me I did try to kill you guys bunches of times, but I will not let anything bad happen to Rebekah. I also found Bon-bon and had her do a locator spell on Caroline. Here is the address."

He hands me a piece of paper and I look down and say, "I know where this is, let's go."

We all use our vampire speed to get there. Kol asks, "So what's the plan?"

I say, "Simple, kill Marcel and rescue Caroline."

Caroline's POV

I wake with a start. I look into Marcel's eyes and ask him, "Are you done snapping my neck?"

He says, "For now, yes."

I ask, "Why do you even care about what Klaus does?"

He says, "This city used to be his and now it is mine. He wants it back and I can't let him have it. Simple, really."

I ask, "And what am I leverage for?"

He smiles and says, "To get Klaus out of the city."

"Klaus will kill you."

"I would rather die than give control of my city to Klaus."

I smirk and say, "It is like you have never even met Klaus. Do you know who you are dealing with. This is the original hybrid. I hope he kills you."

He says, "I don't have to sit here and talk about this with you."


I ask, "Then why are you? Why are you talking to me Marcel?"

The door bursts open and I see Elena storm in. She snaps Marcel's neck and asks, "Are you hurt?"

I say, "No he just snapped my neck a bunch. What are you doing in New Orleans Elena?"

She says, "I heard that you got yourself in a situation. Let's go before they send more people. Stefan is waiting in our getaway car."

I say, "Yeah let's go."

We walk out of the building and I see a car, but it isn't Elena's or Stefan's. Suddenly, my whole body feels like it is on fire. As I slip out of consciousness I hear, "I am not Elena Gilbert, bitch I'm Katherine Pierce."

A/N: Thanks for reading and voting everybody! I have got like a lot of reads right now about 6.1k, so thanks for all of the reads and votes you guys! You guys are amazing and I love y'all! (Sorry-not Southern just wanted to try it out)

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