《Klaroline: Capable of Love》Chapter 20


Caroline's POV


He says calmly, "I mean she isn't answering her phone and she isn't with you guys so she is MISSING!"

I ask Bonnie, "Can you do a locator spell?"

She says, "I would need something of Elena's."

Damon says, "Here.", handing her a hair brush.

Bonnie gets out some candles and set then around the room. With one swipe of her hand they all light up. She starts chanting some witchy-woo and the flames grow.

She does the spell for a while and I see the hair moving toward New Orleans, at least she is in this city. Bonnie stops and circles a place on the map. She says, "Elena is somewhere on this block, that is the best I can do."

Damon says, "Let's go."

I grab my jacket and my phone starts to ring. I answer it and say, "Hello?"

"I believe your witch friend is in trouble.", I hear Klaus say.

"And why would that be?"

"You see, she was doing magic in the quarter and Marcel will kill any witch who does magic in his kingdom."

I hear someone say, "What?", in the background, but I can't make out who it is.

Klaus sighs and says to the person, "The Bennett witch did magic in the quarter and now she is in some trouble with Marcel."

Klaus then says into the phone, "Stay where you are, Kol and I are on our way."

Klaus's POV

Kol doesn't even knock on the hotel door he just opens it and says to the little witch, "I told you not to do magic or else you would get killed, but obviously you don't care about living."


Damon says, "Look, I don't know what you two are doing here, but us three are going to save Elena and you can come if you want or stay here and argue with each other. I really don't care either way, but we are leaving now."

Damon walks out of the room with the girls following him. I follow Caroline and Kol follows Bonnie.

I say, "I am only doing this because otherwise you guys would get yourselves killed."

Damon scoffs and says, "We can take care of ourselves, thank you very much."

We walk down to the cars and get in. Kol insists on going with Bonnie so those two ride with Damon and Caroline jumps in with me.

Caroline says, "I don't get it, Bonnie comes back to life and she does something to get herself killed, she needs to stop putting herself in danger for other people."

I say, "Well love, she just cares so much about others she doesn't even think about saving herself, kind of like you."

She asks loudly, "Did I say that out loud?"

I laugh and then she joins me. After a while the laughing dies down and I ask, "Why do you think Elena was taken?"

She says, "I honestly don't know, right now the only person who is trying to get to us is Silas, but I don't know why he would want Elena unless he needed her blood for some stupid spell."

I nod and see Damon pull over his car. She lets out a shaky breath and says, "Let's go save Elena."

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