《We Have Hope - Klaroline Story》Back to New Orleans


I make my minions prepare Caroline's room very early, because I didn't know exactly what time was she coming, after that we eat the breakfast.

Rebekah went to meet Marcel, her new boyfriend and my protégé. Ansel was talking with Elijah, I think Elijah is afraid of talking with Haley, she now that is married for 5 years with that Jackson guy, make the things between them very awkward. Kol is with Davina try to catch up or whatever and I am in the living room talking with my sweet daughter.

"Daddy I need to confess something..." Hope said.

"What is it?" I asked

"One day when I was in that prison or whatever I was... I felt afraid, and I felt sad because I know that you told me that I didn't need to be afraid and I shouldn't"

"Sweetheart..." I tried but she cut me off

"I talked about it with Caroline because she is my friend and was the one I talk about everything... You know what she told me?" Hope asked me and I choked my head.

"I said: There's no shame in being afraid. Hell, we're all afraid. What you gotta do is figure out what you're afraid of because when you put a face on it, you can beat it. Better yet, you can use it." () Caroline said behind me.

"Hello love" I said smiling

"Caroliiiiiine!!!" Hope said running to her arms and hugging her.

"Hi Hope! How is to be back at home?"

"It's good, but now it's better because you are here too."

"You're so sweet." Caroline said hugging my daughter once again.

"Am I interrupting something?" Haley asked coming.

"No Haley. Of course not."

"Hey mommy!" Hope said smiling, Haley gave her a small smile and then looked to Caroline.


"What are you doing here?" Haley asked.

"She is living here now." I said.

"I don't want my daughter with her."

"But mommy I love Caroline" Hope said making me and Haley look at her surprised. "She was the one who gave me faith that I was going to see you again when I thought that we would be stuck in a prison forever. She is a good person."

"Okay. But just because Caroline protected you." Haley said. "Are you ready to spend the day with your mommy?"

"Yes!" Hope said and she went with Haley outside after saying goodbye to us...

"I am sorry for Haley..." I said.

"It's okay Klaus. She is a protective mother, is normal, especially after what happened..." She said.

"Caroline what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing. Why?"

"Because I know you and I can see when you are not okay..." I said and she sighed.

"My boyfriend, or better ex-boyfriend, cheated on me with Elena." I said fighting the tears and Klaus hugged me.

"I am so sorry. Do you want to do something to this guy?" He asked.

"No. Klaus, do you think I am exaggerating? I mean, they all thought that I was really dead..."

"That's not true."


"I told Elena that you were stuck in a prison... I didn't tell anyone else because I thought that she would tell everyone, I thought she was your best friend."

"You and me both" Caroline said. "It's enough about me. How are you?"

"You just got out of a prison with Mikael and you want to know how I am?"

"Dah... We never really talked after I babysit Hope when she was a baby."


"I know. I am sorry, I just thought that you wanted space."

"It's okay. But tell me. How is the feeling of being a daddy?" I asked mocking the word daddy.

"It's good but a little tired. I am always thinking that something is going to happen to her or stuff like that. I know that I am paranoiac but I can't help it."

"It's normal, it's called being a good father." I said smiling.

"You really think I am a good father?" He asked and I nodded with a smile "Sometimes I don't know if what I am doing is okay or not. I never have a really good experience in relationship father and son..."

"I know..." I said sadly just thinking about how bad Mikael treated him.

"But thanks to you. Now I can get to know my real father, Ansel."

"I'm happy for hearing you say that." I said smiling then I added "Can you show the room I'll be staying, just to know where I should put my bags."

"No way! I am the one who's going to carrying the bags." He said smirking.

"You don't need to do that."

"It's not open for discussion." He said and smiled.

"Okay..." I said.

We got in I stared to the amazing room that is now mine.

"Thank you. Not just for letting me live here or for the room but for everything you done to me. Thank you for always being there when I needed you and call me when you found out when my mother passed away. Thanks to you I never turn it off... Thank you."

"I am happy for you never turning off your emotions. You have a light inside of you even after everything. You..." He was saying when he got and sms cutting him off "I need to go. Sorry. By the way, welcome to your new home."

He kissed my cheek and then speed away to somewhere...

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