🎼 The morning after 🎼
Há de ter uma manhã seguinte
Se nós conseguirmos segurar pela noite
Temos uma chance para encontrar a luz do sol
Vamos continuar olhando para a luz
Você não pode ver a manhã seguinte?
Jessy e Cleo começaram a acenar, mas eles não olhavam. Elas olharam uma para a outra e depois para a casa.
- Temos que avisa-los! - Cleo segurou nos ombros de Jessy - Agora! - Elas saíram correndo juntas em direção á casa, o mais rápido que puderam.
- Mas o que elas estão fazendo? - Daisy perguntou para Jake e Phil.
- Voltando para a casa, deveríamos fazer o mesmo - Ele começou a correr atrás das duas.
Jake e Daisy olharam um para o outro e seguiram Phil.
Jessy mal conseguia sentir as pernas de tanto que correu. Ela puxou a porta, enquanto os outros se aproximavam. Cleo entrou.
- Precisamos sair daqui agora! Ele está na casa! - Richy e Hannah olharam surpresos - Cadê o Thomas!? - Ela correu os olhos pela sala.
- Ele foi ao banheiro no andar de cima... Hannah disse, preocupada. Então eles escutaram algo rolando da escada. Richy, Hannah, Cleo e Jessy olhavam quando a cabeça de Thomas caiu no chão, quase aos pés deles.
- Corram! - Jessy gritou, virando-se para voltar quando deu de cara com Phil que correu a seu encontro.
- O que houve!? - Ele perguntou para sua irmã.
- Ele arrancou a cabeça do Thomas! - Ela disse apavorada - Precisamos sair daqui! - Ela pegou no braço de Phil puxando ele para longe da casa, e ele começou a correr com ela.
- Puta merda! - Eles passaram por Daisy e Jake - Volta! Volta! Ele matou o Thomas!
- Precisamos sair daqui! - Jake puxou Daisy pela mão. Eles todos corriam agora, para o lado oposto da casa.
- Alguém precisa pegar o carro e tentar pedir ajuda! - Daisy disse.
Hannah não conseguia andar pois estava em choque.
- Hannah precisamos ir! - Cleo a chamava desesperada, puxando o braço da amiga - Vamos! Vamos!
- Eu fui tão ruim com ele - Hannah estava com o olhar perdido - E agora ele está morto...
- Você vai estar também se não corrermos! - Cleo tentava puxa-la. Finalmente ela saiu.
- Se espalhem! - Phil disse - Assim vai ficar mais dificil para ele!
Richy foi com Hannah e Cleo, para dentro da floresta.
Jake com Daisy para o que parecia ser um celeiro.
Phil e Jessy correram até a casa do vigia.
Jake e Daisy:
A dupla abriu o celeiro e correram procurando qualquer coisa que pudessem para se defender.
- Machado? Gancho? - Daisy revirava o lugar que obviamente não tinha nada.
- Tridente - Jake pegou e entregou a ela.
- E você? - Ela perguntou preocupada.
- Estratégia - Ele respondeu, tentando pensar em algo inteligente o suficiente para parar aquele maníaco. Então ele viu um garrafão de gasolina.
Richy, Hannah e Cleo.
O trio de amigos chegaram a floresta.
- O que vamos fazer? - Cleo perguntou á Richy.
- Eu tive uma idéia que pode ser estúpida...mas pode ajudar - Ele olhou para Cleo - Eu trouxe minha caixa de ferramentas. Para o caso do carro quebrar, Jesus... antes fosse isso... mas enfim, eu trouxe minha furadeira portátil, não preciso de eletricidade para usar - Ele respirou fundo - Pode ser uma chance nossa contra ele.
- Mas suas coisas estão no carro, não estão? - Hannah perguntou preocupada.
- Sim, mas não tem outro jeito. Eu preciso ir. Eu vou ser o mais cuidadoso possivel. Fiquem em silêncio, não se mexam. Eu volto aqui - Richy prometeu - Estamos bem a esquerda do escritorio da Lily. Eu vou saber como encontrar vocês. Mas por favor, SE ESCONDAM! - Richy disse isso e cuidadosamente foi espreitando entre as árvores, até que pudesse finalmente ver os carros estacionados.
Cleo e Hannah se entreolharam e se esconderam em uma espécie de buraco abaixo da elevação do terreno da floresta, esperando a volta de Richy.
- Hannah, mas você entendeu o plano do Richy? - Cleo perguntou confusa - Ele vai pegar a furadeira e atacar o maníaco?
- Eu não sei Cleo - Hannah estava entorpecida com a morte de Thomas.
Phil e Jessy:
Os irmãos Hawkins entraram na casa do vigia e trancaram. Havia uma câmera e estava ligada. Phil então começou a abrir gavetas para procurar alguma coisa que fosse, para poder se defender.
- Phil... - Jessy o chamou, após abrir um armário.
- Jessy? - Phil estreitou os olhos - Você ainda sabe fazer "aquilo" ?
- Acho que sei.... - Ela parecia tensa.
- Então faremos. É a maneira mais óbvia de sairmos com vida - Ele concluiu. Então ele se voltou para o monitor.
- Você sempre de olho nas câmeras- Jessy brincou.
- Apenas quando seus amigos começam a causar problemas! - Ele respondeu, olhando atentamente o monitor.
Jake haviam espalhado gasolina no celeiro e ela estava com os fósforos. Ele havia subido na parte de cima e aguardava com os fósforos. Daisy ficou escondida do lado de fora, segurando uma corrente, que trancaria o celeiro no momento em que o maníaco entrasse. Jake tinha uma janela atrás dele, onde estava apoiada uma velha escada de madeira. Era por lá que ele escaparia. Se sobrevivessem, convidaria Daisy para ir ao cinema.
Como esperado, o maníaco abriu a porta do celeiro e entrou. Daisy respirou fundo ao escutar os passos dele. Ela apertou as correntes nas mãos, fechou os olhos e esperou. Então ouviu o feno estalando com as chamas. Daisy correu para a porta para passar as correntes, mas o assassino foi mais rápido e empurrou a porta, derrubando-a no chão. Ela olhou apavorada para a figura em sua frenfe, e tentou correr. Jake não chegaria a tempo.
Dungeon Core Chat Room.
This is a slower-paced "experiment and dungeon building" web novel that tries to use the idea of peer-to-peer communication with Dungeon Cores instead of Dungeon to slave monster communication to break up the detailed dungeon building. Rank 1 description: (minimum met for system initialization...detailed description as follows) Each race was given a system by the gods to make up for their shortcomings and balance their place in this world. Humans: Abysmally bad at understanding and using magic unable to use more than the lowest of magic were given the "Skill System" magic in the form of premade skills with use, study, and mastery tied to experience. Elves: Intuitively understand magic and have long lives leading to vast knowledge and skill in their chosen fields. However, as a species, they have nearly zero sex drive and less than low fertility, so they were gifted the "World Tree System" with experience gained through the care of natural areas – gifting the chance of children to increase their numbers without dirty copulation. All “natural” or “wild” monsters are given an "Evolution system" designed around killing and consuming as many creatures as possible, slowly increasing strength and, at thresholds, allowing mutations to alter them multiple times. Dungeon cores are different. Unlike humans, they can see, manipulate and live off mana. Unlike Elves, they naturally crystallize after extended periods of time in high mana level areas. However, they cannot easily move or communicate and typically go insane without companionship. As a species other than the odd eccentric they are unimaginative. Brute forcing solutions without the drive to truly innovate. Thus they have been gifted with the "Dungeon Connection System" a magical version of the internet accessible by their peers that allows them to barter and sell: bait, traps, monsters, and knowledge, as well as entertain each other with “adventure streams” using exciting recorded battles and humorous reels of arrogant chumps biting off more than they can chew to often fatal effects. This is the casual story of a dungeon unluckily spawned far from potential adventurers forced to innovate beyond its peers to find its place in this world. Rank 2 Description: Justification. I've been on a dungeon core kick for months and while I love the genre – it's sparse with entries. Often the forced conflict gets repetitive and frantic solving of threats "power levels" the protagonist to god levels to progress the plot – taking away the nice steady progression fantasy I'm looking for. (Progression in this story is linked to how strong of monsters/traps/whatever he can create not his "level"...this is demonstrated by some of his newer monsters beating his older monsters not with discrete "this monster has 10 attack this one has 40") Additionally, the focus on 3rd parties with their drama takes away from the reason I’m reading dungeon core novels in the first place – I'm looking for magical crafting, experimentation and kingdom building – not defence from higher and higher levelled enemies looking to steal/destroy/control the MC. This novel is kind of just me writing the story I wish I could read. I like thinking about the experimentation that can be done in fantasy settings using 'mana' as an excuse to make up rules and try to keep them internally consistent. IE once I define how a rule works, I'm going to commit to keeping it – no breaking hard truths I've given when it's convenient, even if it backs me into a corner. Hopefully, that should make the story interesting to read even if it's SOL and less action-oriented. There will be problems to solve and a clear progression in strength (of created monsters and knowledge) however due to not wanting to force conflict for the sake of conflict the general theme will be closer to slice of life with few action sequences and no overarching goal so please keep that in mind when picking this up as the genre is not for everyone. Finally, I have a clear goal of what I want from this story (not an endless romp but a series of arcs and then a conclusion that's a couple of dozen medium-sized chapters long) I want to commit to finishing it or at least bringing it to a point of rest. I hate all the engaging stories that stop with a “hiatus” indefinitely so in the event I lose motivation I'll work to end this even if the ending becomes rushed/unsatisfying just to give a sense of closure. I’m planning on including several polls in terms of direction and taking feedback heavily into account if I get enough readers (but may choose to ignore it if it deviates too far from the direction I want to take this as in feedback like: “The MC needs a cartoonishly evil arch-enemy that wants to enslave him and force the mc to pump out magic items” or “the MC needs to make a body and learn teleportation then live with humans” will get shot down without consideration.)
8 258The Nomads of Sol
Part One: The Fall of Humanity It was the beginning of a new age, after a century of constant war, mankind was finally at peace. Her colonies united under Earth’s military dominion, piracy was virtually extinct and the economy was thriving. Then mankind made its first encounter with an alien race, the Cathamari. First contact was a disaster, and three months later humanity was at war with an alien race. Two years have passed since then, and humanity is losing the war. Her colonies destroyed and most of her fleets gone, her last bastion is Earth itself. But hope is not lost as humanity is on the verge of completing her first ftl capable starships. With these new ships will Humanity conquer the stars and beat back her enemies or is she doomed to fail and be a mere footnote in galactic history? Part Two Rebirth Synopsis: Over seventy years have passed since the Battle for Earth. The years since than have hardened the survivors into a resourceful people. Now with only a single small fleet at their disposal, they search the far reaches of space for a new homeland from which to rebuild their civilization and prepare for their eventual return to Earth. However will their resourcefulness be enough when they come face to face with their greatest foe, a menace so alien, that no one but themselves understand their motives? Or will they be destroyed, by an enemy far more powerful than themselves?
8 183Dust
""""There are nine bald, naked men in the room with me, and they are all identical. No doors, no windows. nine of the same bald man. "This is the story of strange brothers in a world where people can change their own genetics. It is a world where imagination meets biology with often disastrous results, and where who you are is quite literally whatever you want to be - If you live long enough.expect weird body horror. Not gore, Think Frankenstein by Kubrik, at least for the first few chapters. Also, quite a few naked dudes. They'll find pants eventually.
8 175cocaine makes you boring ; ws oneshots
an old oneshot book but full of angst and wilbur-centric, not writing for this anymore
8 173SEVENTEEN'S twin sister
there's a twin sister who is joyful and always smile to every one they see and always play with their parents and her brother's but one day a tragedy happed there parents car has crash that's when thier brother doesn't care about them and the twin sister became quiet and unjoyful
8 196Behavioural Tutor
Tommy was known as the school's 'Bad Boy', the 'Troubled Kid', the 'Problem Child' and in extreme cases, the 'Psycho', all because he was different. No one understands him, until one day when he gets a Behavioural Tutor and a Therapist. He's had them before, but these people seem different. They're willing to listen to him, to learn about him, but in doing so, realise something is off about Tommy. Is he just a cool kid with an attitude, like Techno? Or is there a secret Tommy's tried so hard to hide. One that would explain his behaviour and frequent injuries. One that would make Tommy a victim and not a culprit.So... this got derailed so uhm... it's now a gang book! I have no idea why people like this monstrosity but wooooooo angst!Im not really going to go into too much details with TWs, (I don't want to spoil the plot) so read at your own risk. I'm really sorry! But as for the ones that I know of: SHpanic attacks Weapon useWeapon description Death Swearing(Pls tell me if there are more I should include)This is a lot like Flower_Blooms's book called Behaviour so please go and read theirs as well :]Cover by kait kait on twitter.(Yes, I'm English so we put the month after the day)1 on tommyinnit --> 11/10/211 on behaviour --> 8/10/211 on tommy --> 14/10/212 on tubbo --> 14/10/213 on angst --> 17/10/2150on philzaminecraft -> 3/12/2169 on sleepyboisinc -> 10/11/211 on sbi --> 14/11/212 on angst --> 18/11/213 on wilbursoot --> 26/11/211 on sleepybois --> 27/11/21200 in fanfiction --> 29/11/2143 on technoblade --> 3/12/214 on ranboo--> 6/12/2112 on tutor --> 25/12/211 on tommy - -> 4/07/22
8 109