《Road to Minimalism》Chapter 7 : Me VS Social Media


Nowadays, it's a MUST to have a social media account. It is also being asked for when you are applying for a job! Almost everyone is on social media and you can do your stalking there without getting out of your house --- not that I recommend stalking. All your old friends, relatives and maybe an old acquaintance are on social media. Yes, even people from Timbuktu.

I used to have active social media accounts. It's as if I need to put myself out there. Then, I grew out of it. I used to bare everything on social media: whenever I'm happy, angry or sad. It's as if I'm screaming to the entire world "Notice me!" Actually, we don't need social media to exist. But why can't we stop being on social media?

The need to connect to someone, anyone or everyone makes us want to be on social media. We use it to make connections. To be with the crowd. Everybody is looking at the picture that was posted and everyone in the office is talking about it by commenting on it and you will surely feel left out if you're the only one who doesn't. It's good. Social media can also bring people together even when they are not on the same country or continent.

Social media also have a negative side.

I really wondered why a lot of cases of depression increased through out the years. Unfortunately, most of them are undiagnosed and usually leads to a very unfortunate end. The only difference then and now is social media. They didn't have any platform back in 1950s that's like social media. It's not like they send letters to companies and have their selfies printed on newspapers and quote "Woke up like this".

Social media is very polluted by all sorts of people. There are people who posts their "perfect life" on social media but in reality, it's all for show. Their happiness is based on the likes, hearts or comments on their posts and their happiness is not the one they post. There's also the people who lurks and sees this "perfect life" posts on social media and makes them think that the one they are seeing on social media is the bases of what a "perfect life" should be.


I used to have all sorts of app on my phone. Most of them useless, but I just like seeing them there. You see, it's also like physical clutter. So now I make sure I only have important apps on my phone. Although we cannot deny that Facebook is very useful, I delete it from time to time. I keep my messenger though. Scrolling mindlessly through the feeds of Facebook sometimes makes me feel envious of those who seem to have the time of their lives. I'm working remotely so I cannot actually share the same experiences as my previous colleagues like having a team dinner or hanging out together during lunch.

There are things that we can't have but it makes it harder for us to look at the things we have and appreciate their important if we keep on mindlessly looking through other people's business that are only important to them. What's important to them, may not be important to you. You just think that you need it or you have to because you see how they enjoy it.

Shutting myself away from social media for a week made me feel lighter and more productive. I didn't think about how that new outfit or shoes may look to me because it looked good on my friend's post on social media. I didn't think about how great it would be if I have that car because almost everyone I know on social media owns one.

I don't mean to sound so anti-social. We should use social media in moderation just like everything else. Don't live in social media.

Contentment comes happiness. Contentment is finding your core, your balance. Like a mantra, always think to yourself, do you really need it? Always think if that will bring you joy. When you say you are a minimalist, it doesn't stop there. You do that mantra all day, everyday. As humans, we always crave for more. And that is why there is no such thing as "Oh, I'm a fulfilled minimalist. I don't need to think about that because I've mastered it." Remind yourself everyday, surround yourself with motivation, positivity, inspiration and love.

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