《Silent Voice》Chapter 21: Ten


Chapter 21: Ten

Tina put down the last man on the second deck hard and, panting heavily, looked around for any more.

Bodies were thrown about wantonly, blood trailed from more than a few holes on each of them.

Even the three of them had collected their share of wounds.

Dallas had a beautiful bruise blossoming on the side of his head from a pipe that had grazed him, he had barely been able to move out of its way. He also had multiple scratches and scrapes across his arms and face though he couldn't pin precisely where he got them.

Tina knew she had more than a few of those herself. She felt a couple of them on her skin where the blood had welled up but never accumulated enough to drip down. The shot to her side that she had taken on the first deck was aching now. She couldn't see it but she knew if she looked it would be a nice, fist sized bruise probably in ugly purples and blacks.

Crispin had sustained the least amount of damage but he still had score marks across his cheek from a fist that had had a ring attached to it. He was simply too fast for his opponents to keep up with much less strike.

Dallas rotated his shoulder, trying to work out a kink that had developed there, as he joined Tina as she walked towards the ladder that led down to the next floor.

“I'm in the mood for a nap.” he said, looking down unhappily.

Luckily for all three of them, they couldn't hear any sounds coming from below. The crew had been stationed on the first and second decks. The third one, where Ozera stayed, was not for such commoners as them.

“You can sleep when you're dead.” Tina told him mercilessly. She didn't want to admit that she was feeling the effort of their fight too. She refused to be tired, not until she had Ozera's head.

She didn't wait to ask them this time, she just grabbed the ladder and slid down to the next floor. She turned quickly but there was no one there to greet her.

This time, instead of ending up in a long hallway, she found herself in a simple room. One door to her left had the word 'engine' written across it. That plus the sounds that echoed from beyond left her in no doubt what was there.

It was the second door that interested her.

Unlike the engine room door, this one wasn't metallic and sealed. It was made of a very nice cherry wood and had the words 'Captain's Quarters' emblazoned on it in gold. It was ostentatious and obvious, she was a little disappointed.

“He doesn't do anything halfway, does he?” Dallas rolled his eyes as he stepped up beside Tina. Behind him, Crispin was just finishing climbing off of the ladder.

“He's such a...” she couldn't find the right word and just scoffed in disgust instead. She could practically see Crispin smiling about that behind her. “You're making faces again, aren't you?”

His response was to lean forward and kiss her cheek.

“Would you two like a moment?” Dallas asked them as he checked his gun. He hadn't fired a single shot yet, he hadn't really needed to and he wanted to conserve bullets. He was familiar with the 9mm handgun he possessed, it only had ten bullets in its magazine and he didn't have any extras.

Tina swatted Crispin's face away from her with a glare. “Be serious. Come on. Let's go.”


Confident, she walked up the to captain's door and reached for the knob. To her surprise, it turned easily in her hand. She was a bit disappointed. She kind of wanted to bust in.

Still, this way was easier. That's what she told herself as she walked in.

The sight that greeted her was a disappointing one. It wasn't Ozera waiting for her in the room. It was a tall, dark man who was leaning against the desk inside, reading a book.

“Alin.” Dallas growled.

The man lifted his finger to tell them to wait and Tina snarled.

This wasn't the captain's quarters so much as the captains study. It was beautifully furnished. Were it not for the fact that there wasn't a window inside and that she could still hear the engine from across the hall, she could convince herself that it was a normal office.

The rug looked antique, the desk was enormous with a sleeping computer on it. There was even a bookshelf that held more than a few thick volumes that Tina cared nothing for. There was another door directly opposite the one they had walked through. There was no identification on that one but it did have an ornate golden handle. It was all rather opulent considering they were aboard a submarine.

Patiently, like he wasn't at all worried, Alin bent down the corner of the page to mark his place then set the book gently down onto the desk. He smiled over at them.


“Really?” Tina crossed her arms angrily.

“It's a very good book.” he assured her.

“Too bad you won't get to find out how it ends.” she stepped forward but Dallas hand on her shoulder stopped her. She turned her glare on him. “You have a problem?”

“All you want is Ozera, right?” he asked, his expression dark. “Then let me have this guy.”

Tina raised an eyebrow but shrugged and stepped back. She wasn't one to deny someone revenge. And that was what was clearly in Dallas's eyes as he stepped towards Alin.

“How are you, Dallas?” Alin asked like they were old friends.

“Better now that you're about to die.” Dallas said, cocking his gun. “Before I do, tell me, is Ozera here?”

Alin nodded. He looked over at the door. “He's beyond that room. If you can get past me, you're free to go after him.”

“If that's all...” Dallas lifted the gun and let off a quick shot.

A marksman through and through, he didn't miss. A spurt of black, tar like blood erupted right where Alin's heart was.

Alin, however, seemed completely unaffected. He didn't even flinch.

It took a few seconds for Tina to realize that he was a mythic. The only mythic on the crew. A rarer cousin of the vampire mythic, he was a moroi. They were highly impervious to pain, terribly difficult to kill, and each had a fondness for pain and death in other creatures. They were sadistic, they were classified as dangerous, and they had no love for humanity.

“Why are you working for Ozera?” Tina couldn't help but ask. Moroi didn't normally associate themselves with other creatures, human or mythic.

Alin smiled at her pleasantly. “He pays well.”

Tina was confused for a moment. It took her until Crispin snarled at him, an action so out of place in his normally peaceful face, that she realized that Alin wasn't referring to money.

Ozera paid in bodies. He paid in the pain and misery of others. Ozera wasn't the only sadist aboard this vessel. His right hand man was clearly one as well.


With them watching, Alin reached up and reached into his chest with his thin, pale fingers. Tina couldn't help but flinch as he dug around inside the wound Dallas had inflicted on him.

When he pulled his hand back with a sickening squelching sound, he had the shinning silver bullet in between his two long fingers.

“That makes nine.” he said, dropping it. It thudded softly on the rug leaving the black blood sticking to it grotesquely. It didn't even act like a liquid. It acted like half dried glue.

“Gross.” Tina understated “Dallas, kill him quickly. Crispin, go upstairs and give Warren an update. Deal with the unconscious too. I don't want them waking up and storming us or Warren.”

“What are you going to do?” he asked her.

“I'll be Dallas's second. And witness.” she told him, leaning back against the wall to watch. She would give Dallas his revenge for whatever crimes Alin had committed against him. But, if he failed or started to fail, she would step in. She couldn't risk losing now, not with Ozera so close.

She considered just going around Alin and heading through the door but she had a feeling that he wouldn’t allow that. Moroi could be quick.

Fine. She had faith in Dallas anyway and she had been patient this long. What was another hour here or there?

Crispin nodded and stepped out to follow her order, shutting the door behind them and sealing them inside.

“Hurry up, Dallas.” Tina told him. “I've got things to do”

Dallas didn't respond. He and Alin were staring each other down.

“How's Ilia?” Alin asked sweetly.

Dallas growled. “She'll be happier when I bring her your head.” He wouldn't ever be able to say anything to Tina about her revenge. He understood. Just seeing Alin brought back all those dark memories.

Seeing Josh dead on the ground, hearing Ilia shriek in agony as her arm was broken, watching Alin grin over it all; he hadn't even realized he had been carrying this hatred for the moroi all this time.

Now, looking at him, he was grateful for his chance. Ilia had had nightmares for weeks over what had happened. It had put a darkness in his otherwise light and happy fairy girl. Alin would pay for that, he was determined.

He lifted his hand and let off another three rounds into the moroi's chest.

Alin rode the first one out but the next two forced him back just slightly. He frowned. He may be highly impervious to pain but that didn't mean he was immune. The three shots and the blood that poured from them still hurt. It was irritating.

“That's six.” he snarled.

Alin didn't give Dallas another chance, he jumped forward, reaching out for him.

Dallas got off another shot before Alin reached him but it sailed over his shoulder, just scratching the skin, before embedding itself in the wall of the sub.

Then Alin was on top of him, knocking the gun from his hand. It skidded across the floor and Alin grinned.

“Five. Not much good without a weapon, are you?”

“When did you get so damn talkative?”

Dallas jumped after the weapon. Alin was ready for him. He tackled him in mid leap and they both rolled away from it.

They struggled against each other. Their limbs tangled together. Dallas was landing punches but they fell like soft caresses on the moroi's strong skin.

Alin's hits weren't as strong as Dallas but they did proportionally more damage.

Dallas needed his weapon back. He was a weapons expert, in hand to hand combat he was at a distinct disadvantage.

But every time he tried to go for the gun, Alin was there to stop him. His hits couldn't faze him and Alin clung like a vine.

When he did finally release him, it was of his own volition.

In their twisting and turning, Dallas hadn't noticed how close to the gun they had gotten.

But Alin had.

He jumped from Dallas and had the weapon in his hand before Dallas could get back up.

The gun went off with a bang.


Ilia shivered on her bed causing Joe to look over at her.

“Is something wrong?” she asked softly.

They had both been sitting in the room all day. They said very little, they didn't eat or sleep. They were just waiting.

And it was the most horrible thing Ilia had ever been through.

“Just a cold chill.” Ilia answered, her voice weak and thready.

A knock on the door had them both looking up.

“Should we answer it?” Joe whispered.

“We're not expecting anyone.” Ilia answered. It wasn't precisely a no.

They hadn't been warned about what to do if someone came knocking. Neither of them were sure about whether or not they should even tell whoever it was to go away.

The knock came again and, before they could decide, the door was opened.


The rug had ripped where the bullet skidded across the steel floor. It landed into the wall of the sub beside Tina and her glare intensified on the pair of them.

Alin got off another shut as Dallas made a desperate dive for the gun.

Alin wasn't the shooter Dallas was and the shot went wide. Dallas knocked it from his hands. It bounced off of the bookcase and onto the floor.

Dallas continued running at Alin until he had him pinned against the bookcase.

Alin just smirked. “You know, he would still love to get his hands on your little fairy.”

“After today, he'll be dead.” Dallas promised as his hands wound themselves around his throat.

They tightened cruelly, cutting of air and blood flow but Alin just continued to smile. He was a moroi. It would take a great deal more than that to kill him.

Dallas snarled and turned his eyes to the side.

The gun was sitting there menacingly, gleaming darkly in the light of the room. His only chance at killing Alin.

But the only way to get to it was to let him go. He couldn't ask Tina to interfere. This was his fight.

Alin followed his gaze and easily and grinned. It would be a test of who was fastest and they both knew who that was.

“Only three left.” Alin gasped almost unintelligibly with that horrible grin on his face. Even now, being suffocated, he felt little pain. It was more of an annoyance than anything.

Dallas didn't bother to respond. He threw Alin to the side and leapt for the gun.

Alin was right behind him, only on a moment's delay.

They were both reaching for the gun. They were neck in neck.


Crispin led the captives from the submarine up onto the dock where he put them all to sleep. The one that Dallas had sent up early, according to Warren, had gone up stairs to wait. Since they already had Ozera in their hands and the men up there wouldn't wake for hours more yet, Warren wasn't worried about letting him go. He didn't even care if the man ran, which he mostly likely would. Warren certainly wouldn't blame him.

“And what are we supposed to do with these guys?” Warren asked as the last one collapsed, onto the pile of the others.

“They'll wake up with the ones upstairs.” Crispin signed. “We'll either be dead or gone by then and don't have to worry about it.”

“That's cheerful.” Warren said dully.

Before he could say anything else, a splash off to the side signaled Kai's arrival.

“Nice of you to join us.” Warren greeted. “Where's the kraken?”

“Gone.” Kai said, satisfied as he pulled himself up to sit on the submarine. The foot or so of water was deep enough to keep his gills under. He was already starting to change back. “Have I missed much?”

“Only all the fun.” Warren smiled as Crispin jumped back onto the sub.

“I'm going back down.” he told them both. “You two stay here and guard the door.”

“No problem.” Warren have him a mock salute as Crispin walked back inside. He looked over at Kai. “You hungry?”

Kai sent him a dry look back and Warren shrugged.

“I was just asking.”


Dallas landed on the gun mere inches ahead of Alin.

He scooped the weapon into his hands and rolled away. He bounced up on the ball of his feet and let off two quick shots.

He didn't have enough time to aim properly. The first shot hit Alin's left shoulder, shattering the bone. The second flew into his chest with the others.

Dallas pulled the trigger a third time but nothing happened.

He looked down and cursed at seeing the cartridge of the previous shot stuck in the ejector of the gun.

Even as he was reaching down to dislodge it so that he could take his last shot, Alin was running.

He didn't stick around battles he was losing. He headed quickly to the door.

Tine jumped in his way and glared him down. “You're staying.” she told him.

Alin lifted his fist to strike at her.

Tina ducked and kicked him back. The blow didn't do much damage but he did fall backwards into the room, into Dallas.

He turned quickly and pushed Dallas's arm up and out of the way so he couldn't take the shot.

They grappled there for a moment. Dallas was the stronger.

He ripped his wrist from Alin's grasp grabbed the gun from his other hand.

He then lifted the butt of it and knocked Alin over the head.

The moroi fell to the side and onto the floor. He quickly turned over and was met with the barrel of Dallas's weapon.

“One left.” Dallas told him coldly.

He pulled the trigger.


Crispin heard the gun go off as he hit the floor of the third deck. He paused there but only silence followed.

Cautiously, uncertain of what he would find, he approached the captain's door. He opened it carefully and looked around.

Dallas was moving Alin's body out of the way. It was still and, as Crispin looked, he could make out the bullet wound in the moroi's forehead.

“Why didn't you just do that to start with?” Tina was asking him grumpily.

“Because normally a heart shot is sufficient.” Dallas responded testily as he stowed the body behind the desk. He didn't really want to keep looking at it.

They both looked over as Crispin walked inside.

“Well, now you know better.” she told him before addressing Crispin. “So?”

“The crew is sleeping on the dock.” he told her. “Kai has returned and Warren is still watching the doorway. I left them both there.”

Tina nodded, satisfied. “Alright, let's move on then.”

She walked briskly over to the next door and grabbed at the handle. Unlock before, this one didn't turn in her hand. Frowned, she turned it again and gave it a few more jerks. She sighed and released it.

“It's locked.” she told them both unhappily. “Look for the damn key.”

They began going through the room while Tina grumbled about a stupid locked door. Dallas checked the desk while Crispin and Tina looked over the bookshelf.

“In a minute, I'm going to make you knock it down.” she told Dallas over her shoulder.

“Why me?” he asked unhappily.

“Because you killed the guy who knows where the key is.” she told him. She just wanted to be unhappy with someone. She knew Ozera waited just beyond. That a stupid key was all that was preventing her from seeing him was frustrating.

“Well, how was I supposed to know-” Dallas cut off.

Tina and Crispin both turned to see him reaching down and grabbing at Alin's body. A few moments later, he stood back up the key shinning in his fist.

“Catch.” he said and tossed it over to her.

She snatched it out of the air and was walking over to the door, grinning happily. Crispin and Dallas were just a step behind her.

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