《Silent Voice》Chapter 12: Siren


Chapter 12: Siren

“Well that was a total bust.” Tina grumbled as she climbed back aboard the boat.

Dallas laughed. “You can't expect all the ports to be like the last one.” Behind him, Crispin nodded his agreement.

They had arrived at the next port on their list. Unlike the last place which had been pretty much nothing more than a dusty village, this was a bustling town. It was so big, in fact, that they blended in pretty well. It wasn't a tourist destination like Puerto Placer but it was still a decent sized city. Nothing had happened, no one heard about a sub that might visit the docks and no one had heard about Victor Ozera.

It was, Tina grumbled as she rubbed her neck, a complete waste of her time. The port was so big that a sub could easily slip in undetected. If Ozera did stop here, no one but his people would know about it and there was no way they would find them in such a big city filled with so many people.

“Who says I can't?” Tina complained as Ilia climbed down from the bridge.

“So, next place?” she asked, judging by the look on Tina's face.

Tina nodded. “We'll have to resupply between here and there which is fine, it will give us a chance to get Joe back to Paradise Falls.”

“Without her around, who's going to referee fights between Ilia and Tina?” Dallas asked Crispin who shrugged with a smile.

“I am an adult, you idiots.” Tina snapped at them. “I don't need a mommy. Now, Ilia? That's a different story.”

“Hey.” Ilia crossed her arms. “Admit it, without me here you would be lost.”

Tina said nothing. Instead she just smiled and walked down to the compartments to check on Kai and Joe. Joe, as promised, was sticking close to Kai even now while he slept until his next shift.

“Unappreciative hooker.” Ilia stuck her tongue out at Tina.

“Stop trying to pick a fight, my love.” Dallas grabbed her from behind and kiss her neck tenderly.

“Never!” Ilia proclaimed, relishing in the word.

Crispin walked around the pair of them and climbed up to the bridge. Dallas had promised to show him how to pull off of a dock here and he couldn't wait to get started. He knew Tina would appreciate the speedy departure.

A few minutes later, Tina climbed up after him and looked around. “Where's Dallas?”

“Necking with Ilia at the stern.” Crispin signed with a smile.

Tina rolled her eyes. “Can't those two keep it in their pants?”

“Even you have to admit that Ilia is doing much better than she used to.” he pointed out.

Tina nodded reluctantly. “I suppose that's true. I've never seen her stick to one man for so long. I guess she's serious.”

“Love is in the air, Tina.” he winked at her.

“I thought I smelled something fishy.” Tina sneered. She may be in love but she refused to be a fluffy headed romantic who spewed mush like vomit.

Crispin laughed silently. “You've no romance in your soul, my dear.”

“You have no idea.” Tina grinned wickedly before walking across the bridge and yelling down, “Hey, Dallas! Get your tongue out of Ilia's throat and get up here! We're pulling out.”

“Bitch!” she heard Ilia yell up a moment later.

She turned with a nod of satisfaction back to Crispin who was laughing silently again.


“No romance at all.” he shook his head sadly but it was offset by his smile.

“Where's Warren?” she asked, pleased with herself. Her primary source of entertainment these days was ruining Ilia's fun.

“Sleeping in the girl's cabin.” Crispin told her as he started up the boat. Lately, girl's cabin and boy's cabin were just names to separate the two rooms. They were just starting to sleep in whatever room was emptiest or wherever someone wasn't having sex. Life on such a small boat mean they had very little privacy. It reminded Tina of her trip through Egypt. The tents on the sands hadn't provided much in the way of seclusion either. She was already used to just doing whatever she needed to do and just not bringing it up. The others had finally reached that point as well.

A moment later, Dallas was climbing up into the bridge. He looked put out by her interruption. “You really don't believe in breaks, do you?”

Tina grinned. “Nope. If you have free time, you have time to work. Let's get going.”

“How do you put up with this, Crispin?” Dallas asked him.

Crispin shrugged, smiling still. “Working doesn't bother me at all. I'm used to it.”

“You two are inhumane.” Dallas grumbled.

He began showing Crispin how to pull the boat out of dock. Crispin had volunteered to be helmsmen that night so that Kai could have more time with Joe. They were in the middle of trading positions so that Kai was starting to take over food preparation in the closet that passed as a kitchen. Since Tina had second shift after Dallas, she, and the others, would be sleeping while he drove.

Once Crispin had pulled the boat out of dock, Dallas took over and began steering them through the water. He went back down to the compartments to sleep until it was his turn to drive.

Tina traded places with Ilia. She came up and navigated again while Tina went down to the stern to call Brooklyn and update her on what was going on.

The connection wasn't all that great at such a distance and Tina had to use a satellite phone that more resembled a briefcase than any phone she had ever seen but it worked and she didn't complain. She had used them many times on her trips through countries that didn't always have the best connection to the modern, technologically advanced world.

A few minutes later, she heard Brooklyn's slighty muffled voice coming through the speaker.

“Tina? That you?”

“Hey, Brook.” Tina smiled. It was a shame that Brooklyn was the one that was pregnant and not Ilia. Tina wouldn't have had any trouble leaving Ilia behind and she was sure that the much more pleasant Brooklyn could learn navigation in no time.

“How is everyone?” she asked.

“Fine, we're all good.” Tina promised. “Warren is sleeping right now but I felt I should call you anyway.”

“That's okay.” Brooklyn promised but Tina could still detect a hint of disappointment in her voice.

“I do have good news though.” Tina smiled. She told her about Joe's pregnancy and Brooklyn, who's emotions were kicking into overdrive, cried.

Tina had Brooklyn promise to look up flights at or near the next port they were scheduled to stop at and Tina would call back in a few days to get the flight time and number.

“This is so exciting.” Brooklyn said. “I'm not the only one.”

“Yeah. I hope it's not contagious.” Tina joked. “At this rate, me and Crispin are going to be the only two left on this boat before long.”


“You only have one port left in South America.” Brooklyn said thoughtfully. “Why don't you just check it out with Joe then you can all come back up here together before you have to ship off to Russia or Australia. Wherever it is you're going next.”

“I was thinking Australia next.” Tina shrugged. She would cross that bridge when she came to it. “But Kai wants Joe home yesterday so I'm trying to get her there as fast as possible. Warren and Kai might end up staying in Paradise Falls when we come back. I don't want to separate them from their kids for too long. I just hope Ilia doesn't catch it next.”

“Or you.” Brooklyn laughed.

“Not even close to going to happen.” Tina promised. “Unless the second immaculate conception is due and I'm the unlucky lady.”

“You mean you and Crispin aren't together?” Brooklyn asked, surprised. “Warren said you were.”

“He's got hearts in his eyes.” Tina rolled hers. “There's nothing between me and Crispin. At least, not yet.”

“So there is something.” Brooklyn said.

“It's nothing at the moment.” Tina couldn't help but smile and relent a bit. “That's not to say there won't be soon. He is pretty interesting and I can't say I'm not intrigued. Still, on a boat with five other people isn't the most romantic of settings.”

“Beggars can't be choosers.” Brooklyn quoted. “Anyway, we can't waste the money it takes to use this phone on gossip. I'll find Joe a way back and we can talk more when you return.”

Tina smiled. “Alright. I'll see you in about a month or so.”

They said goodbye and Tina hung up the phone.

True, a boat wasn't the most romantic of settings but Brooklyn was right. This was the only place they would be for quite awhile. Crispin wasn't unwilling and she didn't care about the others knowing. Why not?

Tina nodded and stood up with a stretch. It was decided then. She couldn't possibly decide if she loved Crispin or not if she didn't even know how he performed in bed. She was sure he would be amazing but she wouldn't know until she got him there and experienced it for herself. It would help her thinking and, if nothing else, it would be a great deal of fun on this trip.

She didn't know why her father and Crispin were worried about her becoming obsessed with her revenge. She wasn't going to stop until she had it, sure, but she was by no means consumed by it. She still knew how to make time for family and friends and lovers.

The latter of which she was going to have to make time for rather soon. She had gone quite awhile without a man's touch and she was beginning to crave it.

Not just any man though. Just Crispin.


Later that night, Tina found herself once again being unable to sleep.

Kai and Joe were in the next room with Warren. All three of them were up and going over the plans for getting Joe to an airport once Brooklyn called back with the details. Warren had been quite upset that Tina had called her and not told him but she promised to wake up him next time if only so he could say hi. She thought he was a little too attached. The one they should worry about being obsessed wasn't her.

Then again, Warren was a haltija. Being obsessed over Brooklyn was expected.

Dallas and Ilia were in the boy's cabin with her. They were sleeping on the floor because the cots weren't wide enough for the both of them even wrapped up in each others arms like they were.

Tina wished dearly to be able to join them in their peaceful sleep but it eluded her. Like always, thoughts about Crispin were keeping her up.

Crispin was up on the bridge, the only one not actually in the boat. He was driving and navigating by himself.

He was all alone. Tina could go up there and sexually distract him from his duty and no one would ever have to know.

That was what was bothering her. Crispin was alone as he was likely to get aboard the Eden. All she had to do was go up there and they would be alone together. If he wasn't working, they could embrace and kiss the night away. It was frustrating though because he was working. Tina wouldn't give her crew permission to slack off like that and it wouldn't be right for her to.

She sighed and sat up. Still, there was no point in laying down here not sleeping.

She crept quietly around Ilia and Dallas and slid open the door just enough to step into the tiny hall. Through the other door, she heard Warren and Kai and Joe laughing and talking. From what she could hear, they had stopped discussing plans and had instead broken out a deck of cards and were playing poker.

Which was fine with Tina. Despite what she told Dallas, she did understand that people couldn't work all the time.

She could go in there, she thought. She could waste her time playing cards and trying to forget about Crispin and it would probably work. But she didn't really want to.

Instead, making sure to walk quietly so she didn't disturb anyone, she climbed up on deck.

The beauty of the ocean at night still took her breath away after all this time.

The stars in the clear, dark sky reflected perfectly in the equally dark water. It created a perfect bubble of stars all around them. They could have been sailing across the galaxies for all she could tell. The only thing that broke the illusion was the comforting scent of salt water that surrounded her.

If it weren't for the gentle rumble of the engine, the night would be still and quiet.

Tina looked towards the back of the boat where the long sofa waited for her. She had spent many a night there at this point, she should be used to going back there. Still, somehow, the thought wasn't at all enticing.

What was, though, was turning to the front and climbing the ladder into the bridge. She didn't have to sexually distract Crispin, she thought to herself. They could just talk – sign – that's all. There was no reason they couldn't do that.

It was a good idea and she turned her feet that way instead. She made sure to keep her footsteps light though. She knew that you could hear every footstep down in the cabins below and she didn't want to alert the others to her being awake. That might send them up to the deck and it would ruin her privacy with Crispin.

It was when she reached the bottom of the ladder that she first heard it.

It was soft, almost undetectable over the sound of the engine and the waves it made in the water below them. However, she definitely heard a sound. It was familiar but unrecognizable at the same time. She knew it, still she had never heard it before.

Making sure to keep quiet so she didn't disrupt the sound, Tina slowly climbed up the ladder. She knew without being told that that was where it was coming from.

She stepped onto the bridge, being as still as possible and so quiet that she didn't even hear herself.

Her heart was beating fast, falling to her feet. Falling to Crispin's feet.

He was standing at the wheel, he hadn't noticed her yet.

And he was singing.

It was soft, even this close she had to work to hear it. There were words there, he wasn't just humming, and she knew what they were but they meant nothing to her. He looked so peaceful, so calm and easy.

And his voice, God help her, his voice...

It was nothing like she ever heard. Angels wished they could have such a voice. It called to her, wrapped around her. There was no sound in heaven or earth that could match the sound of his voice. It was the sound of a thousand angels in perfect harmony, but sweeter. Infinitely more beautiful.

Tina was hooked on it. She stood there, letting his voice wrap around her. While listening to it, she had no worries, she had no fears. There was nothing to fear with that voice ringing through the air. It eased her muscles like an expensive message. It made her lose pains she didn't even know she had leaving her feeling refreshed and renewed.

He was singing in her language, singing a song she was sure she heard before, still it was nothing she had ever heard before. It was more glorious than anything humans could create. This was a song from the original songsters, this was music how it was never meant to be heard. The forbidden fruit of songs, ecstasy to her ears.

Her heart trembled at his feet with each note he carried.

Of course she was in love with him. Why wouldn't she be? This perfect man with the voice of the God's. Hearing his singing, clearer than heavenly bells, it all made sense to her. She hadn't been able to analyze her feelings because they couldn't be analyzed. She hadn't been able to pick them apart because they were too complex to fully understand.

His perfect voice just cut through it all and was like a balm to her heart. She understood love in that moment. She understood everything. His voice contained the knowledge of the universe and, just by listening to it, Tina knew it as well.

She loved him.

It swelled in her chest so big it felt like it might burst forth. It rushed through her veins taking her higher than any drug. The feeling was only compounded by his singing.

His voice filled her brain, filled her soul, with light and love.

She needed more. She needed to get closer. If she could only get closer, get more, this feeling would go on forever. Such beauty. Such wonder. It filled her, lifted her. She needed to have more!

Then the voice stopped.

It took a few moments for that silence to register in her brain. Crispin's singing continued echoing on into infinity around her and through her. But, when it cut off, she was left wanting only more. She felt empty somehow.

She blinked a few times and the world reformed around her. She hadn't even realized it had been lost to her. Without knowing it, she had taken a few steps forward. Her hand was reaching out for Crispin, reaching out for his voice.

She had gotten closer to him since she had heard him sing and he had finally noticed her there.

Her eyes focused on his face and she expected to see his usual smile. Of course he would be smiling at her, probably apologetically. He hadn't meant for her to hear him sing, to trap her in his thrall. He would be apologizing for that and, as the thrall faded from her mind, Tina would get angry at him and herself for falling so easily.

Except that wasn't what happened.

Tina felt only the desire to hear him sing again. She needed to hear more of it. She felt like a limb had been cut off when he stopped singing. If only he would do it again, she would feel whole once more.

And it wasn't his usual smile that was on his face. It was a look of horror.

“Crispin?” she blinked, trying to clear her head. The voice wouldn't truly leave her. Even the memory of it ached. “What was that?” she meant the song, she wanted to know what he had been singing.

Crispin didn't tell her. Instead, he said, out loud, “I'm sorry.”

He quickly turned off the boat and practically ran around her. He didn't bother with the ladder, he jumped down to the deck below.


Desperate to hear him again, she was sure she would die without hearing his voice, Tina scurried down after him.

He was halfway to the stairs to the compartments when she caught hold of his arm. She stopped his movements but he refused to turn to look at her.

“Crispin.” she practically begged. She needed to hear him sing again. She loved his voice, she loved him. “Please, sing for me.”

He shook his head, he didn't sign a word.

“I love your voice.” she told him. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him, her face pressed into his back. “That was so beautiful. Sing it again.”

His muscles were tight, tense. She could feel him trying to pull away from her but she tightened her grip.

“Let me go.” he said. He actually spoke the words aloud.

The order had no effect on her. His speaking voice couldn't break through the power his song had over her. It urged her forward, it urged her to seek more.

“I won't.” she shook her head. She loved the smell of him, she loved the feel of him. He was so strong, she didn't realize how much she wanted that until now. Of course she needed someone strong. She needed someone with a steel will to match her own. If they didn't have one, she would break them in half. Crispin was strong like her. He was perfect. Why had it taken her so long to realize that? It was so obvious now.

“Tina, please.” he pleaded desperately. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.”

“Don't be sorry.” she frowned. Why was he sorry? “Sing for me again, Crispin. Don't stop.”

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