《Silent Voice》Chapter 10: Overcome


Chapter 10: Overcome

“She's going to wreck us.” Ilia said completely unhelpfully as Dallas placed Tina's hands on the wheel of their boat.

“Shut up, Ilia.” Tina told her while Dallas continued to smile.

Tina, driven half mad by boredom, had finally demanded that someone teach her how to do something. Dallas had agreed to teach her to steer so that he and Kai no longer had to work in twelve hour shifts.

The boat was mostly stationary at the moment, bobbing up and down in the water as it waited for a command from its helmsman. Tina was angry that they were sacrificing time that they could be using to reach the next port but she agreed that her learning to steer would be very beneficial.

Kai certainly was enjoying the day off. No sooner had Dallas told him that he would teach Tina than Kai was rushing towards the side of the boat, throwing off clothes along the way. He jumped into the water with a rather impressive splash and hadn't come back up since. Joe had laughed and assured them he was probably close by. Despite being on a boat for over three weeks, he hadn't really had a chance to stretch his fins and swim. He was a creature of the ocean, he needed the break from solid ground.

If part of Tina thought they were wasting time, she consoled it by telling it they needed the break after the excitement of the last port. Besides, it didn't matter how much time it took now. Victor would know she was chasing after him.

They hadn't killed the men in the last port, Crispin hadn't even wiped their memories. Those five men, who had obviously been on alert for anyone that wasn't invited, would have told Victor about those who had attacked them. Description of his voice would be enough for him to guess that it was Crispin. Knowing it was him would make guessing who was with him that much easier.

That was fine, Tina didn't really care about the element of surprise. Some sadistic part of her wanted him to know. She wanted him to realize that, no matter what he did, she was going to keep getting closer and closer to him. He would start off cocky, sure. But she wouldn't give up until he was dead at her feet.


She turned over to Dallas and realized he had been calling her name for the last few minutes.

“Sorry.” she smiled. “Guess I was kind of lost in thought.”

“That's why you should stop thinking.” Ilia said automatically. “It's not something those who don't have much practice at it should attempt.”

“Don't you have something to do?” Tina asked her sharply.

“No.” Ilia smiled happily. “I'm pretty much free all day.”

“Girls,” Joe said, climbing up the ladder, “do I have to separate you two?”

“Can't you do something about her loud mouth?” Tina asked Dallas.

He laughed. “Let's just focus on steering.”

Down below, lounging at the prow of the boat, Crispin was watching what he could see of Tina as Dallas began describing the instruments and panels before her, how to read them and how to operate them.

“Our first day off in three weeks.” Warren said, leaning back comfortably. His easy pose was contradicted by the scowl on his face. The sun was high in the sky, cooking the pair of them. Before long, they would have to go inside or risk sun sickness. “And I thought Jack could be a slave driver.”


“She's obsessed.” Crispin signed. “Besides, were you expecting much shore leave?”

Warren laughed. “Ignore me. I'm just cranky because I haven't seen Brook in a while. I feel like I'm missing a leg. I'm all off balance, you know.”

Crispin smiled just a bit.

“It doesn't help that Ilia and Dallas have been going at it like rabbits lately.” he grumbled. “At least Kai and Joe have the decency to pretend they're not and keeping it quiet when they do.”

“Jealous?” Crispin guessed accurately.

Warren chuckled a bit. “What about you? I've seen the way you look Tina. Is this like a proximity thing or are you actually interested?”

Crispin's smiled widened. “She's fascinating to me.”

“To each his own.” Warren shrugged. “If you two start doing it, don't rub it in my face like Ilia.”

Crispin laughed silently. “You won't hear a sound out of me. Tina? No promises.”

“Ass.” Warren said without heat.

The boat jerked to a start as Tina finally began moving it. They were going slowly but steadily. The two of them remained silent for a while as Dallas talked Tina through turning, speeding up, slowing down, and turning at full speed. Crispin had to admire how quickly she learned. It didn't take long at all for her to start speeding off towards the next port with Dallas leaving her alone at the helm.

“Did you leave Ilia and Tina by themselves?” Warren asked as Dallas joined the two of them at the prow.

“I trust them not to kill each other.” he shrugged.

“You have more faith in them then I do.” Warren laughed.

“Joe's still up there to moderate.” Crispin reminded him.

“You know who they remind me of?” Warren asked, looking up at the bridge. “Ozera and Jack. Those two used to fight all the time, too.”

“What are you saying?” Dallas asked sharply.

“Not a thing.” Warren assured him quickly. “Just noting the resemblance.”

“You compared Ilia to Ozera.” Dallas accused him.

“Warren was just making an observation.” Crispin said calmly. “And it's not at all similar anyway.”

“What do you mean?” Dallas asked him.

Crispin stood up. “It's simple. Ilia doesn't make Tina's nose itch.”

He left the two of them puzzling over that and climbed up into the bridge.

“What's up, Crispin.” Ilia greeting him happily. “It's a good thing you're here. I was just about to remind Tina that we're leaving Kai behind.”

“He's a merman, he is perfectly capable of keeping up or catching up.” Tina growled. “You won't be so lucky if I push you overboard.”

“I no longer have a fear of water.” Ilia promised her with a wide smile. “And your threats are empty.”

“Having fun?” Crispin asked Joe.

“I feel like I'm a mother.” she told him. “You watch them for awhile, I'm going to get inside. I think the sun is starting to get to me.”

“Are you okay?” Tina asked her as she moved over towards the ladder.

“The bridge is shaded.” Ilia reminded her, pointing up at the ceiling. There were no walls but the top did provide excellent cover from the heat and direct sunlight.

“I know.” Joe smiled at them to assure them that she was fine. “But I've been out here all day. I'll just go rest in our room.”

“Don't overexert yourself.” Crispin told her. “This revenge isn't worth your health.”


“Hey!” Tina looked at him angrily.

“What?” Ilia looked between them. She didn't read sign language and didn't know what Crispin signed.

“I didn't mean anything by it.” he told her peaceably.

“Like hell you didn't.” she grumbled as Joe descended the ladder and made her way towards the compartments.

“By the way,” Ilia spoke up, “great and exalted leader, you should know that we're fifteen degrees off course.”

Tina rolled her eyes and began adjusting the wheel.

“Wrong way.” Ilia laughed.

Crispin had to step in to break up the ensuing argument.


“Now this is a port.” Dallas said appreciatively as he pulled into the dock.

This port wasn't on their list of places Ozera might stop at but they needed to resupply, refuel, and rest for awhile.

This port, Puerto Placer, was more of a tourist's destination. The beaches were long with beautiful white sand and were peppered with bright spots that were beach towels. It seemed that everyone on those towels were beautiful people. Bikinis were everywhere showing off bronzed skin and sensuous bodies. All of the buildings were freshly painted, there was electricity and running – if dubious – water.

“Alright.” Tina called out to everyone after they had paid the docking fee and were tied up. “Lets split up and get this done quickly. Dallas, you take care of refueling Eden. Warren, you help him and replace anything that the boat needs. Joe, Kai, you two handle food. Ilia, you are grounded and are not to leave the boat.”

“Watch you stop me.” she stuck her tongue out at her.

Tina sneered back. “I don't have to do anything. Crispin is staying here to watch you and the boat.”

Ilia cried out in protest. “No fair.”

“I'll handle medical supplies and any other odds and ends.” Tina continuing, smiling at her victory. “Any questions?”

“Yeah,” Warren raised his hand, “can't we enjoy the beach for five minutes?”

“No.” she told him. “We have work to do. You can have a day off when we return to Paradise Falls. Until then, you've been given your assignments. Make sure you're back at the boat before sun down, I want to be out of here before then. Alright? Move out.”

Dallas shrugged and left first followed by Joe and Kai.

“Slave driver.” Ilia complained as she turned and walked to the back of the boat.

“Anyone get the feeling that she needs to calm down for awhile?” Warren asked no one in particular after Tina had already jumped off the deck and began walking into town. In a town like this, everyone would be able to speak English to accommodate the tourists.

“She's determined.” Crispin signed. “It's not altogether a bad thing.”

“She hasn't slept since we left the last port.” Warren told him.

Crispin sent him a questioning look.

“I mean, she slept that night.” he explained. “I saw you two sleeping at the back. But ever since then, she's been up all night. I sleep up here, you know. She goes down at bedtime but she always comes back up. She's not sleeping.”

Crispin looked back towards Tina's retreating form thoughtfully. Jack had told him to protect her from things like this, from her own determination outpacing her common sense. Maybe it was time to step in.

“I've asked her what she's doing,” Warren continued, “she just says nothing. Sits at the back and just thinks, I guess. Must be pretty deep thoughts because she ends up there all night with this really concentrated look on her face.”

Crispin let out a deep breath and shook his head. “Thanks. I'll take care of it. You go get supplies, I've got to speak to Ilia.”

Warren nodded and hopped from the boat while Crispin turned to the back to go ask Ilia to make sure the boat was empty tonight. He hadn't wanted to do it like this but sometimes a man had to do what a man had to do.


“Welcome back.” Crispin signed as Ilia came up to the boat. He held out his hands for the bags she was carrying.

“Thanks.” Tina handed them over and waited for him to step out of the way so she could climb aboard. “They have some pretty good stuff here. I splurged on a bottle of tequila but I want to save it for a special occasion. Where is everyone?”

Crispin had to wait until he set the bags down onto the deck, out of the way, before he could sign simply, “Out.”

“Out?” Tina repeated like the word didn't make sense. Her brows furrowed in anger. “What do you mean 'out'? Where did they go? I told them I wanted to leave before sunset. The sun is starting to set!”

“Calm down.” Crispin signed. “As far as I could tell from Ilia's explanation, they're enjoying the beach, drinking mai tais and 'living it up'.”

“They're what?” Tina cried as if he had told her they had gone ashore to pillage the town. “And you just let them? I expect this kind of crap from Ilia but not from you. I gave you an order! Isn't is your thing to follow orders?”

Crispin laughed silently. “I act on my own when I think it necessary.”

“Oh, so this is your idea?” Tina asked him angrily. “Well you better hope I find them quickly because if it takes me a long time I might just abandon you here.”

Just as she turned to leave, she felt Crispin's arm on her shoulder, stopping her.

“What?” she asked him, turning back. She had no patience. She had made it very clear that she wanted to be back on the water quickly. What right did he have to let everyone run off?

He gestured with his finger that she should follow him.

“This better be damn good, Crispin.” Tina growled but she followed him down into the ship.

He led the way down the stairs and slid open the girl's cabin door. He then gestured for her to enter first.

Tina did so and looked around quickly. She had been expecting to find within a reasonable explanation for why everyone had abandoned ship though she couldn't think of what that might be. To her annoyance, the cabin was exactly as it had been when she left it.

“What is going on here?” she demanded to know, turning back.

Crispin had followed her into the room and was shutting the cabin door behind him. He threw the small lock into place. It wasn't going to keep her in, it was symbolistic and her eyes narrowed at the action.

“Crispin, you unlock that door this instant.” she told him softly, dangerously.

The only response she received was an inoffensive smile and a simple shake of the head.

She snarled and made a move to walked past him. He stepped right into her path. Her surprise lasted only a second before she tried again and again. Each time she made to move by him, he blocked her. Each movement was made with that easy, calm nature of his.

Finally, she stepped back in frustration. “What are you doing?”

“I'm forcing you to stay here and go to sleep.” he signed like what he said wasn't completely crazy.

“You are not.” she told him. “You're being a pain. Now move! If I can find those traitors quickly, we might still be able to get out of here in good time.”

He shook his head again. “We'll be staying here for the night. I've already paid to let us remain here.”

“Well, you better hope it's refundable.” Tina snapped.

“You haven't been sleeping lately.” he signed, changing the subject suddenly.

“What does that have to do with anything?” she asked him, irritated.

“You're becoming too focused on your revenge.” he signed.

Tina shook her head in wonder. “You're jumping subjects, Crispin. Pick one before I strangle you.”

“Warren told me that you don't sleep at night anymore.”

Tina rolled her eyes. “Really? That's it? Warren needs to mind his own. I sleep just fine. Now let me pass.”

“He says you stay up all night.” Crispin continued, not moving an inch. “You're sacrificing your health to focus on your revenge.”

“Not that it's any of your business at all,” Tina told him, “but I have not.”

“You're not staying up all night?” he asked her rhetorically. He had a witness, he knew he wasn't wrong.

“I'm not focusing on my revenge when I'm up at night.” she told him triumphantly. “So, ha!”

“Than what are you doing?” he asked, clearly not believing her.

“I'm-” Tina cut herself off quickly.

She couldn't tell him. There was no way she could say that she had been awoken thi last week because thoughts of him kept her up. She managed a few hours of sleep at night but, always, his face would appear in her dreams and she would wake up.

The first night it had happened, the night after she had fallen asleep in his arms, she had tried to go back to sleep but sleep had only evaded her. It had been far easier to just go up on deck and watch the stars pass by then to lay in the dark listening to Ilia or Joe breath.

And while she was up there, it had been impossible to not think about Crispin.

The thoughts had all bee centered on one question: Did she really love him?

It was an incredibly simple question that proved horribly difficult to answer because it only spawned more questions. How did one define love? How did she know that was what she was feeling and not something else? How did she know it wasn't just lust mixed up with affection and the desire she had to be able to overcome his voice?

While struggling to answer those questions, a new one popped up. Did he love her back?

How horrible it would be, she had thought a few times, to be in love with someone and have them not love you back. If she did love him, would he love her back? If he didn't, could she make him? Was it love if you were forced to feel it? Didn't they say that you never chose who you love? So wouldn't that mean that all love was forced? But they also said you couldn't force someone to love you. Who are these people saying all these conflicting things anyway? And what made them such experts?

Deep, philosophical thoughts were not Tina's forte. She didn't like them, she didn't want to have them. That didn't keep them from buzzing endlessly in her brain.

Those were the things keeping her up at night. Thoughts of Ozera and her revenge didn't even come back to her until day broke and someone crawled up from below or Warren woke up and asked her why she was still awake.

But she couldn't tell Crispin that. If she didn't have her thoughts in order, how could she voice them? If she wasn't even sure she was in love, what good would it do to tell him she might be?

She shook her head. No. It was better to keep those thoughts to herself for awhile.

“What I'm doing is my business.” she told him, crossing her arms defiantly. “I'm allowed to have my own private thoughts.”

He nodded once, agreeing with that. “Of course you are. Just as I am allowed to act on my own when I feel that my captain is not performing her duties well.”

“Since when has my work been anything but flawless?” she asked him, narrowing her eyes.

“Part of your job is to care for the welfare of those aboard this boat.” Crispin signed patiently. “You are aboard this boat, your welfare must be cared for. However, you are not doing that.”

“So I'm not sleeping a full eight hours, get off my back.” Tina snapped. “And I'm certainly not going to just lay down and go to sleep because you say so.”

“I didn't think you would.” he smiled, pleased. “I was going to...persuade you to lie down.”

Tina's body froze as she considered the words. “What do you mean by 'persuade'?”

He smiled as if he knew the directions her thoughts had taken. “I'm not going to hold you down and make love to you until you can't stay awake any longer, don't worry. Unless, of course, you want me to.”

Tina tried not to blush. She let herself be angry. That was easier to handle. “Of course not, you male pig!”

“A shame.” he signed, laughter in his eyes. “Unfortunately, I was thinking of other, less fun ways, of putting you to sleep.”

It only took a moment of consideration for Tina to understand him.

She gasped and took an automatic step back. “You are not! I mean it Crispin! Don't you dare!”

“I would apologize, except that I'm not sorry.” he signed, not bothering to come closer to her. It was a tiny room and he was blocking the only exit. She didn't have far to run. “I'm doing what's best for you.”

“What you decided was best for me!” Tina yelled, looking around for something to throw at him. She couldn't, she absolutely couldn't, allow him to put her to sleep. She felt like an animal, trapped in a corner.

He drew a breath and her heart raced. She tried to gather her strength of will about her.

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