《I have so much to say, but you're so far away (Synyster Gates sequel)》Chapter 14



“Matt, Val and I were in an accident.” Kate said. My heart just about stopped and I couldn’t breathe.

Brian saw something was wrong and put his hand on my arm.

“Matt, what’s up?” He asked. I shook my head and closed my eyes.

“Val, is she? The baby?” I asked. I couldn’t get my brain to form a complete sentence.

My brain told me they were both dead, but my heart couldn’t believe it.

“Val’s okay, Matt they have to do a C-section right now. They said something about the baby being in distress so they have to deliver it now.” Kate said. All of her words were rushed together. I could tell she was just as worried as I was.

“Right now? Kate, it’s too early.” I told her. They couldn’t deliver the baby now could they? It’s not time yet. It’s still too early, wasn’t it?

I put my hand to my head and Brian helped me into a chair. He motioned for Zacky to bring me water, but I pushed it aside.

“I know I know. The doctors wanted to give her meds but they were too dangerous. Matt, you need to get here as soon as you can.” She said seriously.

I couldn’t respond. I had to think. I needed to be with my wife, with my unborn child. But what about the band? I shook my head slightly. I made up my mind.

“We’re on our way.” I told her.

Kate seemed to sigh in relief before we hung up. When we did, I slowly put my phone in my pocket, then everything it me at once. My wife was in a car accident and was about to have our baby. I had to leave. Now. I jumped out of the chair and grabbed Brian’s arm.

“We’ve got go get home, now.” I told him. I saw the color drain from his face.


“Matt, what happened? Who was that on the phone?” He asked me. I shook my head and started pulling him along.

“It was Kate. Her and Val were in an accident. Val’s having the baby and we’ve gotta go.” I told him. His eyes grew wide and we started running.

“What? Is Kate okay?” He asked me. I stopped and tilted my head.

“I don’t know, I didn’t ask. I’m sorry.” I told him honestly. He nodded and we saw Zacky walking back into the venue.

I ran over to him and grabbed his arm.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” He said.

“We’ve gotta get home, there’s been an accident.” I told him. He nodded and pushed us off to the bus.

“No problem, I’ll take care of things here.” He said. I sighed gratefully and jumped on the bus.

Brian was on the phone with the airlines, getting us tickets for home as we drove to the airport. Since we didn’t have luggage, we didn’t have to waste as much time waiting. I tried calling Kate’s cell phone, but each time it said the number was disconnected. It must’ve broken in the crash. Brian was a nervous wreck the whole time we were waiting for our plane. He was completely silent. His face was pale and his hands were shaking. He started picking at his stitches and I gave him a slight push.

“Hey, I think she’s okay man. I mean, she called me after all.” I told him. He nodded but said nothing.

I knew he cared about Kate, but this was the first time that I could actually see that he was afraid to lose her.

“Flight 177 to Huntington Beach is now boarding.” I sighed in relief and Brian and I ran to get on the plane.

One grueling hour later, we pulled into the hospital by taxi and ran through the doors. I went over to the nurse’s station and practically jumped over the desk.


“Excuse me I’m looking for-“

“Matt!” Kate shouted from down the hall.

I apologized to the nurse and ran down the hall. Kate was standing against a wall, hugging herself when I got to her. Her face and hands were cut up, but she looked okay.

“Where is she?” I asked her. Kate closed her eyes.

“There were complications. She lost too much blood during the surgery and they’re still working on her.” She said in a small voice.

Everything started to fade to black. I felt a hand on my shoulder that brought me back to life. It was a doctor.

“Mr. Sanders?” She said. I nodded, unable to speak. When I looked up, the woman was smiling.

“Would you like to see your son?” She asked me. My head snapped up and I stared at her.

“My, my son?” I asked. She smiled and nodded.

“That’s right. He’s okay and right through here.” She said.

“What about my wife?” I asked. Her smile fell slightly and I felt like my heart was being squeezed.

“She’s stable, for now.” The doctor said. I let my head fall for a moment, then picked it back up.

“ I need to be with my son.” I said. She nodded and started walking down the hall.

Kate squeezed my hand and then let me go. Before I walked into the room where my son was, I looked back and saw Brian slowly making his way to Kate. She ran over to him the rest of the way and threw her arms around him. I smiled for them then went inside to see my son.

“Mr. Sanders, here is your son.” The doctor said.

He was lying in a little incubator and was hooked up to a monitor. I smiled and let some tears fall as I touched the plastic.

“Is he okay?” I asked her. She smiled and nodded.

“He’s perfect. We just need to keep him in here for a day or two to make sure.” She said.

I couldn’t believe it. I was so happy. I fell to my knees and started crying. The doctor bent down beside me and put her arms around me. After a few minutes, when I could gather myself together, I stood up and looked at my child again. His eyes were open and he was wiggling around in the incubator.

“So did you and your wife pick out a name?” The doctor asked me. I smiled and nodded.

“Yeah, Elijah James.” I told her. She smiled and pulled out a piece of paper.

“Okay, Elijah James Sanders. And can I have your name to put on the birth certificate?” She asked.

“Matt.” I told her. She nodded and jotted it down.

“Okay, here is Elijah’s birth certificate. Are you going to be alright here or do you want me to take you to see your wife?” The doctor asked me.

I looked down at Elijah, then back up to her.

“Please, can I see my wife?” I asked her. She smiled softly and nodded.

“Come with me then.” I looked one last time at my son, my beautiful, perfect baby boy, and then followed the doctor out of the room to see Val.

God I hope she’s alright. I don’t know what I would do without her. The thought of losing her scares me to death.

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