《I have so much to say, but you're so far away (Synyster Gates sequel)》Chapter o9


When Chase and Kate finally returned to Val’s house, Kate was half asleep. Val was sitting on the porch, sipping some tea.

“Thank God, you found her.” She said in relief. Chase nodded and Kate stirred in his arms.

“It’s not like I ran away Val. I went to Brian’s house.” Kate said. Val raised her eyebrow.

“Don’t you mean your house?” She asked. Kate shrugged and Chase let her down.

Val shot a glance at Chase and he just shook his head. Kate walked in the house and went straight to the guest room that she was staying in. She took her cell phone out of her pocket and flopped down on the bed and dialed Brian’s number.

‘Hey this is Brian, leave me a message fuckers.’ Kate sighed and closed her eyes.

“Brian, it’s Kate. Look, I just called to hear your voice but like always you’re too busy for me. I miss you Brian. But I can see you don’t miss me. I wish you would call me or at least send me a text message, anything to let me know that you remember I exist. Okay well, goodbye I guess. Love you.”

Kate hung up the phone and threw it across the room. It landed on the floor and slid out to the hallway. Pinkly, who was under the bed, shot out and went to retrieve the phone. She pushed it back to Kate’s foot with her nose.

Kate sighed and picked Pinkly up and held the dog close.

“You still love me right?” She asked her. The dog yipped and licked her cheek.

Val knocked on the door frame and Kate looked up.

“Everything okay?” She asked. Kate took a deep breath and plastered on a fake smile.

“Yeah Val, I’m fine. I just called Brian, now I’m just waiting for him to call back?” She said.

Val looked at her long and hard for a moment then she smiled.

“Okay. Because I need you right now.” She said. Kate patted the spot next to her on the bed and Val sat down.

“What’s up honey?” Kate asked.

“I’m scared about when it’s time to have the baby. Matt won’t be here. What if I can’t do it Kate?” She said.


Kate smiled and hugged her tightly.

“Oh Val, honey. You can do it. Trust me and I’ll be right there with you I promise.” Kate said.

Val sighed and rested her head on Kate’s shoulder.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you Kate.” Val said. Kate kissed her temple.

Kate thought back to the night before Brian left for tour. He told her the same thing. She closed her eyes and laughed in her head.

‘Yeah.’ She thought.

‘Looks like you’re doing pretty well without me.’

Val sat up and started to walk out of the room.

“I’m going to turn in. Are you gonna be okay?” Val asked. Kate nodded.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Goodnight hun.” Kate said.

Val smiled and went to her room and closed the door behind her.

Kate sighed and went to have a cigarette. Just as she lit it up, her phone rang. It was Zacky.

“Hey Zack.” She said disappointedly.

“Baby?” Kate’s eyes just about popped out of her head.

It was Brian.

“B-Brian?” She said breathlessly.

“Yeah, it’s me.” He said. Kate could hear the smirk in his voice.

“Why are you calling from Zacky’s phone?” She asked.

“Mine is MIA at the moment.” He said.

Kate didn’t believe him. But she didn’t press it.

“Oh, I see. Brian, how come you haven’t called me once since you’ve been gone?” Kate asked. She heard him sigh.

“Kate I’m really sorry about that. It’s been hard enough to play every night without Jimmy, let alone call home.” He said. Kate started to get angry.

“Matt calls every day. Sometimes more than once. How come you can’t?” She asked him.

“I’m not Matt.” He said flatly. Kate closed her eyes and let a silent tear fall.

“I didn’t ask you to be. But I would like to know that you haven’t forgotten me or that you haven’t replaced me with the first blonde bimbo that walks by.” Kate spat at him.

Thanks to Johnny, she knew exactly what Aubrey looked like.

Brian was quiet. Kate shook her head and sighed. Finally, she heard him take a deep breath.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Kate. No one could ever replace you. You know that.” He said. Kate sniffled.


“Do I Brian?” She said quietly.

They were both silent for a while. Kate heard voices in the background. She could hear Zacky and Matt and a voice she didn’t know.

“Syn?” She heard someone call. It was a woman.

“Baby, I gotta go.” Brian said. Tears spilled from her eyes and she could hardly contain her sobs.

“Sure. I love you Brian.” She managed to choke out.

Brian’s heart ached. He bent his head down and closed his eyes.

“Love you. Goodbye.” He said quickly.

Kate hung up the phone and collapsed into a chair. She sobbed hard, so hard that she could hardly breathe.

“Syn, are you coming?” Aubrey asked from the door.

Brian shook his head.

“No, I think I’m gonna stay in.” He said. His voice was very distant sounding. Aubrey pouted.

“Come on Synyster, I got all dressed up for you.” Aubrey said.

Brian looked up at her and tried to contain his lust.

She was wearing a tight black leather skirt, with knee high boots and a black sequin halter top. Her hair was kinked and she had black eye shadow and eyeliner on. Aubrey could tell she was turning him on. She turned and wiggled her hips and hung on the door frame.

“Please come out with me?” She asked quietly.

Brian was about to answer when his mind flashed back to the last tour. He thought about when Kate dressed up to make him pay attention to her. He remembered how sexy she looked. He looked at Aubrey and closed his eyes.

“No, I’m staying here.” He said more firmly. Aubrey shrugged and turned around.

“Suit yourself.” She said as she walked out. Johnny came and took her place.

“Please tell me that you’re not going out.” He said. Brian shook his head and laid back on the bunk.

“I’m not.” He said. Johnny sighed in relief.

“Good.” He said. Brian shifted and Johnny leaned over.

“Did you talk to Kate?” He asked.

Brian closed his eyes and sighed. Johnny took that as a yes.

“Did you guys fight?” Johnny asked. Brian shrugged.

“I’m not sure.” He said with a sadness in his voice.

Johnny sat down on the opposite bunk.

“What do you mean? What happened?” Johnny asked.

Brian groaned and sat up.

“She thinks I’m trying to replace her.” He said.

Johnny wasn’t fazed.

“Well it seems like you are. I mean you do spend an awful lot of time with Aubrey.” Johnny said.

Brian wrinkled his eyebrows together in thought.

“But Kate wouldn’t know that unless…” He stopped.

He put the pieces together and looked up at Johnny. Johnny was looking him dead in the eye.

“Son of a bitch!” Brian shouted.

He pulled his arm back and punched Johnny in the face. Johnny did nothing except push Brian off of him.

“Why the hell would you do that, you bastard.” Brian shouted.

Johnny rolled his eyes.

“Because I’m not going to let you hurt Kate. She’s been through enough. I’m not going to keep her in the dark.” Johnny said.

Zacky walked back and stood in the door.

“Everything alright here?” He asked. Zacky looked at Johnny and saw the huge bruise forming on his face.

“Shit man, what happened?” He asked.

Johnny looked at Brian, whose head was in his hands, and then to Zacky.

“A misunderstanding.” Johnny said. Zacky nodded slowly.

“Right, Brian are you done with my phone?” Zacky asked.

Brian nodded slowly and handed it to Zacky.

“Thanks.”He said.

Zacky nodded and walked back to the living area and Johnny gave Brian a hard look before getting up and leaving.

Brian slammed his fists off the bunk and shouted into the air. Kate thought he was cheating on her. He could tell something was wrong when they talked. She knew she was upset and he didn’t know why. Now he knew. How was he supposed to prove that he wasn’t cheating? He loved her with his whole heart, and now he probably lost her.

Brian reached under his bunk and picked up a bottle of Jack Daniels and started chugging it down.

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