《Working For My Bias || Hwang Hyunjin FF》T H I R T E E N


I took my phone and went out of the dorm. My tears fell as soon as I shut the door. I didn't even dare to look back at his face. He had his reasons but that didn't mean he could do those things to me.

I opened the door to the rooftop. The only place that I can find peace in. I went to the edge of the building, breathing in the fresh air.

The rooftop didn't have any railings, meaning I could just sit off the edge of it and dangle my legs down. And I did. I went to the edge and sat down, legs dangling. I thought to myself but it didn't really matter. It was definitely dangerous but the thrill of my legs dangling off a building made me excited for some reason. The sounds of the bustling streets was a bonus.

I looked up to the sky. The bright stars were slightly covered by the dark clouds making the stars seem faded. The honking of cars here and there. The wind blowing my long hair side to side. Everything was nearly perfect. I just needed warmth.

Well, that is until now. I felt a hand pulling me towards them. My head rested on their shoulder. Honestly, I didn't even care who it was, at the moment it felt right. The warmth that radiated from their body made me feel like home.

He said, looking down at me. I turned my head up to look at him. He smiled fondly at me. I turned my gaze away from him, rubbing my eyes. I could tell he felt bad for me. I mean who wouldn't? A young girl got scolded by a guy she was so hardly trying to please but got a cake smashed in return. I would feel bad for myself. I pouted and Seungmin giggled. He said.


Yes. Yes I am upset about the cake. He threw it to the floor. TO THE FLOOR. I legit could've eaten that but nope. He decided that it was a good decision to slam my beautiful cake to the floor.

I said, snuggling up to him. He patted my head gently.

It feels nice. Knowing someone cares. Of course other people care about me but at this moment, in his arms, I feel warm. And that's not because I like him. Mostly because he was warm and I was literally freezing but that's not the point.

Y/N let out a few tears she kept in, wetting Seungmin's hoodie in return. He stroked her back, calming her down until she stopped crying. His heart broke, seeing her in this position. He knew how harsh Hyunjin was, ever since that 'incident' but he never could've imagined Hyunjin throwing out his anger at Y/N. The girl who he felt was like his little sister even though they were the same age.

Seungmin was comforting Y/N when the door of the rooftop opened. Seungmin turned to see who was coming. Y/N on the other hand couldn't care less. She was just happy to finally feel at peace.

Seungmin released his grip on Y/N causing her to look at him for a second. He patted her back and wished her a good luck before leaving the rooftop. She smiled at him and gazed up at the stars again. Seungmin walked pass the boy, giving him an assuring nod.

She fiddled with her fingers as the wind hit her hard, making her shiver a little. Her slight gesture made the boy behind her feel bad. He took off the jacket he was wearing and put it over her small figure. Completely covering her body.

She was a little shock and turned her head to see who gave it to her. Her eyes expanded a little before quickly looking back down. He took a seat next to her, leaving a gap between them both. he said, not leaving his gaze from her. He saw her puffy cheeks and eyes. And he felt bad because he was the one who caused them. Y/N said, her eyes wandering on the busy streets.


She was trying not to look at him because she knew that if she looked at him, she would break down again. Something about his presence makes her wants to just hug him and forget about the awful memories she had. She didn't know what the feeling was exactly, but she was sure that it wasn't love or anything near that. Silence took over the both of them for a little while, making the tension in the air grow thick until Hyunjin broke it.

Hyunjin asked the girl, in which she chuckled in return.Hyunjin got shy, causing his cheeks to flare up.He said, to which he didn't get an answer from Y/N. Another wave of silence washed over them. Almost drowning them.

he asked her, trying to break the awkward silence between them. Y/N turned her head up to look at him in confusion. He nodded and gave her a small smile. The blonde put out his hand, asking her to shake his hand. Y/N couldn't help but to slightly giggle at the silly gesture Hyunjin was doing. She took his hands in hers and shook it. She smiled and he smiled with her. Not as bright as she'd seen in that picture but it didn't matter to her. They were at least making progress, which made her happy. Finally, everything was settled between them.

Y/N got ready to stand up and head back down but stopped because Hyunjin didn't stand up yet. She questioned. He answered. She took off the jacket that was hanging around her shoulders and gave it to Hyunjin. Y/N then left him and went back down.

When Hyunjin heard the door close, he let out a deep sigh. He let out another sigh and rubbed his forehead. He then got up from his position and headed back to the dorms.


Y/N opened the door to find a surprise waiting for her. The seven of them shouted in unison. They showed her the cheesecake that they 'made'. she asked, curious. Felix scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. Y/N found him cute so, she patted his head. She grinned.

Hyunjin then came back from the rooftop and saw the bunch of them hoarding around the dining table. He tip toed to see what they were doing and to his surprise they were eating cake. He wanted to join them but after the practice, and the 'fight' with Y/N, (which they already solved) his energy level was very low.

Hyunjin told them, trying to sneak his way out of the room but Chan caught him and stuffed a large piece of cake in his mouth. Chan sneered at him, as Hyunjin struggled to get out of his grip. Y/N started laughing at their silliness.

The others, shocked that they made up so quickly, just stared at them for a few seconds. Then, the house erupted into a bunch of laughter from the boys and one girl. Everything was now beginning to feel like home.

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