《Working For My Bias || Hwang Hyunjin FF》E I G H T


I asked him, curious as to who she is. Chan then sighed. With that, he wished me a goodnight and went back to his room, shutting the door.

He's right, it's not really my business to know who she is. I'm not even that close with them. After all, I've only known them for two weeks. Sigh. I'll just mind my own business and go to sleep now.


I woke up early again to make breakfast for them. This time round, the theme changed to Western. So, I made a simple American breakfast that includes of bacon, ham, eggs (sunny side up), sausages, baked beans and fries on the side. For something a little healthy, I made a fruit salad out of apples and yogurt.

After finishing, I checked the time and it was almost time for class. I frickin hate morning classes. No, scratch that, I frickin hate school in general. Why does it exist? We can just learn stuff from Google or something.

Either way, I paid for the tuition so, I had to go. I didn't have another choice. I walked into class and the first thing I see was Hyunjin? Isn't he sick? And how did he come earlier than me?

Questions ran through my head but got interrupted when the professor walked into the classroom, asking everybody to take a seat. Hurriedly, I took a seat near the back of the class where Hyunjin was because I wanted to talk to him. He seemed distant from me. So, being the friendly neighborhood girl I am, I wanted to get closer with him. In terms of friendship, that is.

He didn't answer and looked at his phone. OK... He isn't saying anything? I think he's addicted to his phone. He stares at it everytime, like it's his lover or something. I tried to ask again, really hoping that he would answer this time. Nothing. No words came out of his mouth. Not even a nod.


Y/N was getting frustrated because Hyunjin wasn't replying her. Just as she was about to cuss him out, something caught her off guard. The girl looked in shock as Hyunjin turned to her, taking off the AirPods that was very well hidden under his long, blonde hair. He asked her. She smiled back, quickly turning her head back to the professor's lesson.

In that moment, Y/N regretted everything that she thought of him. Her face was flushed in embarrassment as she hid her face in the palms of her hands. Hyunjin on the other hand, looked confused as to what she was doing but ultimately decided to ignore the flustered girl next to him.

Time passed and now they finished the class. Y/N stretched her back as she stood up, going to leave the classroom. Hyunjin close behind her, also going out. When she got out, Seungmin walked over to them. His class ended five minutes earlier, without any other thing to do, he waited for them to come out.

Before Y/N and Hyunjin could both protest, he had already held her wrist and forced her to come with them. She had no choice but to agree with it. Y/N asked, as Seungmin let go of her wrist. Hyunjin was infront of them, walking to the nearby restaurant that Seungmin and him always go to after classes.

They walked inside the nicely decorated restaurant. The design was very simplistic, making it look like a very casual spot for students to dine at. There were small plants that decorated the gray walls and candles that smelled heavenly.

When the three of them sat down, two girls came up to them. The girls asked. The two boys smiled and said that they were. Then, the girls gave them a notebook and asked them if they could sign on it. Of course Seungmin and Hyunjin agreed. Afterall, they were always grateful to their fans. Every single one of them.


Once the girls left, eyes were on them. Well, mostly Y/N's pair of eyes. She had totally forgotten that they were actual idols in the industry. She forgot that they were famous for a second. Who could blame her though, she'd seen all of them playing around like a bunch of five year olds in the dorm.

To give three examples on what she'd seen...

1. Minho stuffing Hyunjin's mouth with tissues of all kind. Wet and dry. And when she saw that, she just walked away, pretending that she was blind. She honestly didn't want to know what happened.

2. Seungmin running around the house, saying "Ggaaahhhhh". A sound which came out of his mouth everyday. Every single day till the point Y/N was immune to the sound coming out of his mouth.

3. Felix hugging everything. Everything, not everyone. One time, Y/N saw Felix hugging a pot. Once again, a pot. But, Y/N didn't seem to care at all. She did not give a damn about what was going on in his mind the moment he decided to hug a pot for comfort. The members themselves were already weird even she knew that she was weird. So, she just walked past him like nothing even happened.

And that was only three of the many, many things she'd seen in her two weeks stay there.

The three were now eating their own meals in silence. The only thing that she could actually hear were the clings and clangs of the trays the waiter uses to serve food on. Other than that, nothing was heard. The tension in the thin air grew louder and louder until Y/N couldn't stand it anymore.


I asked, looking at him. Really hoping he would give a long answer so that it wouldn't be quiet. Please be long. He answered. Well, not the answer I was exactly hoping for but hey, it's long. Seungmin turned his head to me. Wow, this dude. No words. No words at all. " I laughed, along with Hyunjin. But he gave a small giggle instead.

Hmm... I guess we're getting closer? Maybe? Maybe not? Well, him laughing at my jokes is an improvement so... I guess we are.

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