《Working For My Bias || Hwang Hyunjin FF》O N E


You never know what's going on in your life until it all comes crashing down. Hi! My name's Y/N and this is a story about how my life had hit rock bottom but soon turned into the best thing ever. Or so I thought...

Today was the worse day of my entire life. The landlord of the apartment I'm living in is threatening to kick me out. And why you might ask? Well, I got fired one month back and I thought I would have enough money to at least live in my apartment for half a year. But someone used that money and still have yet to give it back!

And you're wondering who? Easy, my older sister! I had nearly 10k left in my bank account but since she needed it at that time, I had to give it to her. I had to because she told me that if I didn't give her the money, her boyfriend would break up with her. What type of bs is that?! I told her that I would lend it to her for one month but during that period of time, she had to pay me back.

Needless to say, she didn't give me a single note of money. And of course, I would've complained to my parents but I didn't want them to think that I made a mistake in getting my own apartment. I left their house as soon as I got my first job because I had always wanted to get my own house to live in. Whether it was a small apartment or a large one with many roommates, I didn't mind it. I wanted to feel the thrill of living independently for once.

But all my hopes and dreams came crashing down when I lost everything. My apartment, my job and my love life. With myself of course. I don't need no man to support me.


Anyways, I was now going around the neighbourhood trying to find a job offer for something that I could do. I went around for a few hours, trying to find something but I found nothing. Not even a cafe was hiring. Just as I was about to walk away, a flyer caught my eye.

I stared at the flyer in my hands, long enough to read through every single detail on the piece of paper. This job is exactly what I need. I can have a job as well as a place to stay for the time being. And also, the job pays well. It's $20 for 12 hours a day which means I would earn... $240 in a day! $1200 in a week and $4800 in a month. It pays better than the last job I had.

The only problem is that I can't cook and clean. I would clean but, I'm a little lazy. And I don't know how to cook, but I could always follow recipes I find online right? Either way, this job was meant for me and I had to make sure I have it. No matter what! I don't care if I'm going to have to be productive! I need this job!

I quickly took out my phone and dialled the number I saw on the flyer. Beep, beep, beep... " The person on the other side of the phone answered. I told the person on the other line. The man said. Even before I could answer, the call ended.

Sigh, I think someone was hired already. Oh well, there goes my luck for today. I shrink my shoulders and went on my way. Back to my home which I soon had to say good-bye to.

Oh, that's surprising, someone actually tried out for the job. I asked the lady on the phone to wait for a little. I had to inform my boss first. I said. He asked me. I told him, anxiously waiting for his answer.


I went back home, took a shower for the last time there, and started packing my stuff up. I'm planning to move back to my parent's house. I would've gone to my friend's house but, they all either had a roommate already or a boyfriend. Besides, I would just have to deal with my parents mocking for a little while right? Hopefully.

As I was lost in thought about what I was going to do when I got back home, my phone rang. Wonder who it is? I checked the number and at first, I thought it was some type of spam call or something but, I suddenly remembered the number on the flyer and I had to answer.


I looked at the clock and the time was 10 minutes till 5 pm. I better get going if I want to land the job. I took the nicest thing in my closet and quickly got dressed, smoothing down any lines on my white blouse and skirt, I had to look at least presentable right? I also wore my sneakers so that I could run faster. I checked the address and ran to the place.

When I got there, my eyes widen again. I checked the address once again and make sure that I was at the right destination because I couldn't believe my eyes. It was almost 5 pm and I had no choice but to just go inside. There were guards blocking the gate but I heard one familiar voice.

That mans voice! The one on the phone call! I ran up to him and quickly told him my name and asked him where I was supposed to meet at. He led me there and I waited in the empty room. Once the clock hit 5 exactly, the boss came in. And when I tell you my eyes went wide, it went WIDE! I couldn't believe that I was standing in the presence of this person. I rubbed my eyes, again and again, hoping that I wasn't seeing wrong.

What is he doing here?

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