《Crossing Seventies With Space》291-300


Chapter 291

It's not that Fu Zimo didn't see what Ye Yuxuan meant, but he was thick-skinned, so he still picked up firewood around Ye Yuxuan, and the farthest was no more than four or five meters.

Another piece of firewood was snatched away by Fu Zimo.

This was the third time. Every time she was about to catch up, Mr. Fu Zimo took the firewood away with his long strides.

Ye Yuxuan looked a little annoyed and put some of the pieces of wood she had picked up into Fu Zimo's hands for him to hold. She turned around and took out the apple. She didn't hide it, and gnawed it in front of Fu Zimo. Just like Fu Zimo.

She originally wanted to take the opportunity to eat some nuts and egg rolls. Although dinner would be cooked hot, it probably wasn't very tasty.

But Fu Zimo would follow her. He followed almost wherever she went, so Ye Yuxuan didn't want to steal it, but she couldn't eat those, but it was still okay to nibble on an apple.

It's not that Fu Zimo didn't see that Ye Yuxuan was angry, but he looked at her with a smile and blocked the line of sight that might be projected in the direction of the camp with his tall body.

Originally, Ye Yuxuan wanted to be greedy with Fu Zimo on purpose, but he didn't walk away and just stood by and waited for her, so Ye Yuxuan felt a little embarrassed while eating.

He gave her dried fruit and canned meat, and she ate it like this without giving him any points. Isn't it a bit too much?

After thinking about it, Ye Yuxuan reached out and took it out. She took out an apple from her bag and handed it over: "Hey, here it is."

"I won't eat it, you keep it..."

"Take it!"

"Xuanxuan, I really If you don't eat it, you save it for the journey." If he eats it, she will be gone, and even if he has 1,800 yuan, there is nowhere to buy it.

"I'll let you eat it!" Ye Yuxuan stared, but she didn't know that not only did she not look scary, but she was rather cute.

Seeing Ye Yuxuan like this, Fu Zimo couldn't say what she refused, and nodded obediently.

Putting down the firewood in his hand, Fu Zimo took the apple.

He originally wanted to keep it and give it to Ye Yuxuan in two days. Who knows, Ye Yuxuan seemed to see his intention and said, "You eat now, it's boring for me to eat alone."

So Fu Zimo stayed at Ye Yuxuan's office. Forced to accompany her to eat an apple.

But for an apple, Fu Zimo felt as if he had eaten the best food in the world, and his heart became sweet, and the happy expression on his face could not be hidden.

If someone saw Fu Zimo's expression at this time, their jaw would drop in shock. Is this Fu Tuan? Has it been replaced?

Fu Zimo has principles, but his principles and bottom line do not include Ye Yuxuan, and he doesn't know why, as long as it is about Ye Yuxuan, he can condone without bottom line.

"Xuanxuan, aren't you mad at me?"

"Ah?" Ye Yuxuan was puzzled, angry, why?

But soon, she sank her face and hummed: "Sheng!"

After speaking , she turned around and continued to pick up firewood, and also took the opportunity to lose the core in her hand.


Although she didn't know why Fu Zimo asked this, Ye Yuxuan felt that it was better for her to express her anger. Maybe this way, Fu Zimo would stay away from her.

It's just that Ye Yuxuan didn't know that the puzzled and subconsciously tilted face she had just now was seen by Fu Zimo. Naturally, she knew that she had long forgotten that he made her angry in Pingyang City.

Fu Zimo couldn't help grinning.

Seeing Ye Yuxuan angrily heading for the sand dunes farther away, he originally wanted to stop him, but after thinking about it, he still didn't speak. He followed, nothing would happen.

Fu Zimo followed behind Ye Yuxuan, stepped on the core of the fruit that Ye Yuxuan lost, and pushed some sand with his foot to cover the core.

The two picked up several bundles of firewood, and Fu Zimo did not let Ye Yuxuan move them, but dragged them to the camp.

It's all fine sand here, and it's going down again, so it's easy to drag.

"You can also get one for Xiao Chen." Ye Yuxuan handed another one to Fu Zimo on the way back.

Without waiting for Fu Zimo to refuse, Ye Yuxuan said, "Don't worry, I have a lot with me. I still have it in my backpack. It's very hot in the desert, and it won't be stored for a while. If it breaks, it's a waste."

Fu Zimo thought about it for a while. , there is no rejection.

Chen was Fuzi ink plugs into his pocket when Apple also surprised a moment, immediately said:. "Fu group, I am a big man, not love this, you are still left to eat sister-in-law,"

a big man to eat anything, this It's better to keep Fu Tuan's fruit snacks to coax the sister-in-law. There is nothing in the desert. This will be used to coax the sister-in-law.

"Stop talking nonsense! This is what your sister-in-law asked me to give it to you. Don't yell out, otherwise, let's see how I clean up you." Fu Zimo glared at Xiao Chen and thought, if she hadn't spoken, I would be reluctant to score you Woolen cloth.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen grinned happily and said smartly, "Sister-in-law gave it? Then I'll be more respectful than obeying my life. Fu Tuan, does this mean that my sister-in-law is not so angry with you? It looks like I'll go out. Now, you can eat candy soon."

Candy? When Fu Zimo heard this, the expression on his face softened a bit, but he also knew that Xiao Chen was flattering, and snorted lightly: "Okay, steal it by yourself, and be smart at night, but don't make mistakes. a. " "

Yes, Fu group assure you. "

As night fell, fire point up, we sat around the fire, being easy to take pot burning hot, Comrade Li was holding the bread, we intend to cook hot noodle soup to eat.

There is a wall of the city to block the cold wind from behind, but it is still cold at this time. Fortunately, two bonfires are lit, and the fire is heated around the fire, which is also warm.

A few pieces of jerky boiled noodles in soup and water, although it is not so delicious in normal, but at this time, when everyone is tired for a day, it is extraordinarily sweet to eat.

Ye Yuxuan was not hungry because she ate an apple in front of her and she ate something secretly along the way. When everyone started to make noodles, she only took a spoonful and gathered three chopsticks in total.


Comrade Li was on the side and was about to persuade, but seeing Ye Yuxuan holding half a naan in her hand, she thought she wanted to eat it, so she didn't say anything.

But Ye Yuxuan was just doing it for others to see. When she turned around, she put away the naan.

After sitting down, I ate a mouthful of noodles, and immediately complained in my heart. I bought vegetables without meat and eggs, and I didn't have any seasonings, so I added a little salt.

Just when Ye Yuxuan was glad that she had the foresight to fight only a little, there was a person sitting beside her, and Ye Yuxuan knew who it was without tilting her head.

Chapter 292 Don't want to mix?

"How you play so little," Fuzi ink after seeing a little bowl of noodles Ye Yuxuan, frowning, worried and asked: "xuan, how do you, you do not feel well?"

Pot there are many, say enough to eat also If she can cook again, she beats less, Fu Zimo thought of this at the first time.

Ye Yuxuan glanced at Fu Zimo and said angrily, I'm just not feeling well!

If you hadn't followed me, maybe I would have taken the opportunity to eat a bowl of fried noodles when I was picking up firewood. The hot fried noodles had shredded pork, eggs, oily green rapeseed, and a few slices of pickled cucumbers. , the seasoning is also just right, not to mention the taste, it is definitely better than this noodle soup.

Then after eating the fried noodles, you can eat a duck leg and a few mouthfuls of pineapple.

The more she thought about it, the more Ye Yuxuan felt that the noodle soup in the lunch box was not fragrant.

"You take care of me!" Ye Yuxuan was unhappy, so she replied in a displeased way like a rebellious girl, and when the words fell, the side was quiet, and the guide couple who happened to pass by also looked back at Ye Yuxuan in surprise.

Ye Yuxuan felt that she was going too far when the two of them looked at her like that.

After all, Fu Zimo is also a (group) leader. During this journey, she didn't see how everyone's attitude towards him was, not to mention that he was respectful. .

But isn't it too much for her to show his face in public like this?

After thinking about it, Ye Yuxuan was a little embarrassed, so she glanced at Fu Zimo again and explained in a low voice, "I'm not hungry anymore!" The

low voice seemed soft and soft, and Fu Zimo couldn't help but think of her laughing at him in his dream. Yingying's coquettish scenes made her heart tremble.

Fortunately, there were still people walking and talking around, Fu Zimo quickly regained his senses, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, coughed twice, and said in a low voice, "If you are not hungry, you must not be full, the desert is very cold at night. It's cold, and heat loses quickly. If you're hungry in the middle of the night, you won't be able to sleep."

"I see, you eat yours." Ye Yuxuan was embarrassed.

Fu Zimo originally wanted to distribute some of the noodles in the bowl to Ye Yuxuan, but he just moved the lunch box over, and Ye Yuxuan cautiously shrunk her lunch box aside.

"Fu Zimo, hurry up and eat your food."

Seeing Ye Yuxuan getting up and going to another place, Fu Zimo hurriedly said, "Okay, I don't care about you anymore, Xuanxuan, don't go." After all,

it was a good position that he chose. There were stones to sit on, but there was no need to sit on the sandy floor, and with the wall behind her back, Ye Yuxuan sat down again.

In fact, Ye Yuxuan didn't know that Fu Zimo specially searched for the stone behind the city wall and moved it here.

It's not that no one wanted to hit the stone, but the male comrade naturally dared not take the stone that Fu Zimo brought, and they were not so squeamish, and the female comrade didn't talk about it, who didn't know that Fu Zimo moved the stone It was for Ye Yuxuan, if they did, it would be too embarrassing.

You will know if Fu Zimo moved the stone for Ye Yuxuan, or because when Fu Zimo moved back, everyone just saw it, Xiao Chen asked curiously, and Fu Zimo didn't mean to hide it. He said it looked good and moved it to Ye Yuxuan. sitting.

He made it so clear that even if Wang Yuanyuan had that idea, he could only pull out the waterproof mat and sit across from the fire.

Wang Yuanyuan was eating noodles, and when she looked up, she could see Ye Yuxuan talking to Fu Zimo. The two of them were talking in low voices, and there was a howling cold wind around them. She couldn't even know the content.

But, even if he didn't know the content, Wang Yuanyuan knew what he could guess from the soft expression on Fu Zimo's face.

Xiao Chen was stared at by Wang Yuanyuan, and couldn't help scratching his head, but he soon found that Wang Yuanyuan was looking at Fu Zimo and Ye Yuxuan frequently, and he immediately understood.

Isn't it normal for Fu Tuan to talk to his sister-in-law? What are you staring at me for?


I felt that Wang Yuanyuan was unreasonable, and Xiao Chen didn't answer, and chatted with others while eating noodles.

"...If you want me to tell you, that desert bighorn sheep has to be roasted and eaten. You know, sprinkle with salt, and when it is roasted, it will drip with oil, but it is fragrant."

Xiao Chen said, his face revealed Regretfully said: "But I didn't see it all the way here. Otherwise, we would be able to eat tonight." The

leader smiled and said, "Xiao Chen, it's still early, this is the first day, there is always a chance to meet . the "

." Yes, ah, that time you have to look at the skill " "

Yes, Comrade Chen, you can not time the ball dropped to ah. "

Chen:" who ball dropped ah, you mention that If the bighorn sheep doesn't show up, it's fine, but if they do, they can't escape." The

guide and his wife also said with a smile: "Comrade Xiao Chen, we don't spend too much time in and out of the desert, and we probably know the scope of the bighorn sheep's activities. Tomorrow We will pass through that area in the afternoon, but I can tell you that the big horn sheep is very agile, and it is not easy to catch."

Xiao Chen said, "That's a good feeling."

"Don't worry, I can't. And our Fu Tuan."

"Our Fu Tuan is amazing, what is a bighorn sheep, as long as our Fu Tuan

thinks , wild bulls can be caught." Of course, Xiao Chen's admiration for Fu Zimo goes without saying. Excited, like the show-off child, he couldn't help but share Fu Zimo's deeds.

"We, Fu Tuan, caught a wild boar once in the wild forest. How about a live wild boar? It's amazing."

Following Xiao Chen's words, everyone turned their attention to Fu Zimo.

Fu Zimo originally wanted to chat with Ye Yuxuan a few more words, but Xiao Chen's topic attracted everyone's attention, so he gave Xiao Chen a dissatisfied look.

Xiao Chen's body trembled, wailing in his heart, and when it was over, he accidentally disturbed Fu Tuan and his sister-in-law.

Fu Tuan, I was wrong, don't hold grudges.

Sister-in-law, please help me.

Ye Yuxuan couldn't help but feel a little strange when she saw Xiao Chen's pleading eyes, what does this mean, why are you looking at me like this?

But soon, Xiao Chen shook his shoulders a little, looked away, and stared at his lunch box, as if there was something special in it.

Ye Yuxuan didn't know that the reason why Xiao Chen was like this was because Fu Zimo saw his cry for help, and Fu Zimo gave him a dangerous look, so Xiao Chen immediately became like a quail.

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to roast lamb, okay, then this problem will be solved by Xiao Chen, don't worry, if he can't catch it, I will punish him not to eat, and can only drink water and watch us eat. "As soon as Fu Zimo's joke came out, everyone laughed, and for a while, the camp was full of laughter.

Xiao Chen wanted to make amends, and naturally agreed, and then pulled the topic aside and talked about other fun things.

Chapter 293 Fu Zimo, what are you like

After successfully diverting everyone's attention, Fu Zimo stopped talking and sat quietly beside Ye Yuxuan eating noodles.

Fu Zimo was eating noodles and naan by Ye Yuxuan's side. Ye Yu Hemerocallis ate a few mouthfuls of noodles in the lunch box. He didn't want to drink the noodle soup. Is it?"

Ye Yuxuan realized what she asked, and she couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Thinking of when she was in the last days, wouldn't she also not be picky eaters at that time, it would be good to have something to eat, picky eaters? Then wait to starve to death!

She is a picky eater now, and it's not just because she has space, she can eat whatever she wants to eat at will. If there is no space, she must have something to eat, and she has no opinion at all.

"It's okay." Fu Zimo didn't seem to see Ye Yuxuan's embarrassment, and said with a smile, "I'm not picky about food, I can eat anything."

"At least it's still hot, it's a normal meal. When I took someone to break through... In the middle of the sentence, someone happened to pass by. Fu Zimo stopped in time and smiled apologetically at Ye Yuxuan: "I will have a chance to tell you later."

Ye Yuxuan nodded, but she actually understood in her heart that at this time (the group) Chang Ke rose to the top after being born again and again. You can see how Xiao Chen admired Fu Zimo. In addition, Ye Yuxuan also felt the strong smell of blood on Fu Zimo's body.

He must have experienced all kinds of difficult dangers, and experienced countless trials of life and death.

In such a difficult environment, it's good to be alive. Picky eaters or something that doesn't exist, as long as you can fill your stomach, you can't let it go. After all, being hungry means you have no physical strength. In such an environment, no physical strength means die.

If you can, who doesn't want to live an ordinary life, without danger, without running around.

Who wants to go to the battlefield, under the hail of bullets, and don't even know how to die in the next second, he is only twenty-seven years old.

So desperate, why not to protect the people.

The early days of the zombie outbreak.

In the chaos and danger, the garrisoned troops in various places began to clean up the zombies, protect the people, and maintain the order and stability of the society.

Facing the ferocious zombies, this strange species that has never appeared before was accidentally caught and bitten and infected, becoming one of them.

Who wouldn't be afraid, but with an order, they did not stand in front of the people, and even sacrificed a lot of people in order to give the retreating people time.

Not to mention in times of peace, when an earthquake or flood occurs, it is not the group of people who are going backwards, who are not flesh and blood, who will not be afraid, but it is the one who has a firm belief in their hearts, and they will go forward bravely with a single order...

Xu Shi Thinking of some bad things in the apocalypse, Ye Yuxuan felt that it was not easy for Fu Zimo, and whispered, "Hey, Fu Zimo."


"Has anyone told you that you are the most lovely people in the people?"

Fu Zimo froze for a moment and shook his head.

Ye Yuxuan curled the corners of her mouth when she heard the words, and said in a low voice earnestly, "Then I will say now, listen carefully. Fu Zimo, you, you, you are a group of lovely people, the most lovely people of the people, you have worked hard. "

Fu Zimo knew the mission he shouldered, and he never thought that he would live up to his mission, and he never thought about getting anything in return.

Like him, no one in his regiment, or even all the people in the whole country, has ever thought about getting anything in return. It seems that this responsibility has been engraved in their bones and blood since they put on the military uniform.

However, when he heard Ye Yuxuan's sweet voice say these words, Fu Zimo only felt that his heart was wrapped in a warm current, his heart was warm, and his body was also warm.

"Xuanxuan, you, thank you!" Fu Zimo looked at Ye Yuxuan with hot eyes, his hand holding the chopsticks clenched tightly, and it took him a long time to say such a sentence.

Ye Yuxuan didn't think about it, she just said something ordinary and heard the most in future generations. Fu Zimo was so excited that she couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable.

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