《Crossing Seventies With Space》161-170


Chapter 161 What's Going on?

After getting to know Ye Yuxuan later, Gu Yanzhe's medicine cabinet added a lot of medicine. Especially the last time Ye Yuxuan got burned, he prepared a lot of scald medicine. He didn't want to let Ye Yuxuan have a chance to be useful, but he was prepared. He didn't expect to use it so soon, but fortunately, it wasn't Ye Yuxuan.

"Yuxuan, I'll do it for him, you can boil some water for later ." Ye Yuxuan wanted to follow up, but when she heard this, she hurriedly responded and turned around to catch the water and boil it.

The cotton-padded jacket on Xiao Tong's body has been burned out of shape. Gu Yanzhe will naturally not be polite. With a few clicks of the scissors, his cotton-padded jacket turned into rags.

As the footsteps approached, Gu Yanzhe didn't know his head, and said, "Yuxuan, you don't need to come in."

Although the little boy is still young, he is always a boy. Moreover, men and women are seven years old in different seats. How old can Ye Yuxuan look at her.

Ye Yuxuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and still asked: "Do you need me to beat you?"

"No, I can do it by myself, but I can't concentrate on handling you when you come in."

Gu Yanzhe refused to let Ye Yuxuan in. It was Xiao Tong. Boy, it is impossible to wear clothes if you have to deal with the injury. She saw that it was inappropriate. Secondly, she was so worried about the little boy. If she saw the injury on his body, she was afraid that she would be sad.

Ye Yuxuan naturally wouldn't go in as soon as these words came out.

After a while, Ye Yuxuan said: "The hot water is ready."

"With the water basin, put it at the door!"

Two minutes later, Gu Yanzhe came out to get the hot water, and ignored Ye Yuxuan's talk, so she went in again, and the door was blocked again. close.

After half an hour, Gu Yanzhe pulled the quilt and carefully covered Xiao Tong, took off his gloves, and left the second bedroom.

"Yanzhe, how is Xiaotong ?" Ye Yuxuan had been walking anxiously outside, and when Gu Yanzhe came out, she hurriedly asked.

Looking at her anxious appearance, Gu Yanzhe couldn't help feeling a little strange. Every time he came out of the operating room, the patient's family members would always ask this question. Every time, he could answer truthfully without hesitation.

But when the subject of the question was Ye Yuxuan, he hesitated somewhat that could not be said.

"What's wrong? Isn't it serious?" Ye Yuxuan couldn't help tightening her hand holding Gu Yanzhe's arm, and opened her mouth. Two seconds later, she said, "It's okay, you tell me the truth, what's the matter with Xiaotong? "

Yuxuan, don't worry." When Ye Yuxuan looked like this, Gu Yanzhe hurriedly comforted: "He is okay, the scald on his body is not particularly serious, I have taken care of it."

Ye Yuxuan nodded, but soon looked up. He started to look at Gu Yanzhe and said, "What do you mean?"

"Is there anything more serious than a burn?"

Gu Yanzhe sighed softly, and said in his heart that, sure enough, even if he had already used some lighter words, she still let her hear other things. problem.

I originally planned to wait until tomorrow to talk about it, but this will depend on Ye Yuxuan. Gu Yanzhe also knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to say: "The burn on his body is actually fine, the problem is not serious, and the serious one is actually his internal injury."


When he was dealing with the scald just now, the child vomited two mouthfuls of blood, but Gu Yanzhe didn't plan to let Ye Yuxuan know about hematemesis.

"Internal injury?" Ye Yuxuan was puzzled: "What do you mean?"

"I brought him here, there was no bumps along the way, also... Is it?" Ye Yuxuan remembered the scene when Xiao Tong hit the door and entered, could it be because he hit the door and fell. A falling relationship?

I don't know what Ye Yuxuan thought of, but Gu Yanzhe felt that since he had said it, there was no need to hide it, so he said: "He has the smell of gunpowder powder on his body. He should have been blown up first, and then burned."

"Blow up?" Ye Yuxuan remembered the muffled thunder before, and it was instantly clear.

Was it the internal injuries caused by explosives? !

"I see." Ye Yuxuan said, and asked again: "What about him now, is he seriously injured?"

"It's fine." Gu Yanzhe pulled Ye Yuxuan to the sofa and let her sit down, and brought the iron stove closer. , So that she will not be cold.

Don't look at Ye Yuxuan's clothes seem to be very thick, but Gu Yanzhe knew that she came in a hurry. Her lower body was pajama pants, which looked fluffy, but it wasn't necessarily cold.

It's okay again.

If the person in front of him was not Gu Yanzhe, Ye Yuxuan would have been angry a long time ago.

"Yan Zhe, don't choose a good one, tell me the truth." Ye Yuxuan asked helplessly.

Gu Yanzhe looked at her with serious eyes, and said: "Yuxuan, I just told you the truth. He has internal injuries besides burns. The internal injuries made him unconscious, but they are not very serious. They just need to rest in bed. time around it. "

bed rest also called okay? Can it be said that it is not serious?

He clearly said that internal injuries are more serious than burns.

One will be serious, and the other will not be serious, how serious is it!

"I didn't lie to you. Although it's a bit serious, it looks okay. Don't you believe my medical skills?"

Ye Yuxuan was angry. It was obvious that Gu Yanzhe looked serious. After thinking about it, it was just bed rest. Nothing else. Compare the previous situation. , Isn't it much better.

Seeing Ye Yuxuan's expression eased, Gu Yanzhe said again: "I won't ask what happened, but you have to tell me if you are injured."

He just wanted to ask, and wanted to show her first. Yes, but Gu Yanzhe also knows that even if he mentioned it just now, Ye Yuxuan would not say even if she had injuries on her body, so she hurriedly dealt with Xiao Tong's injuries and asked her.

Ye Yuxuan shook her head: "I didn't hurt."

When it caught fire, she was in the center, far away from the fire. After covering her mouth and nose, she put on asbestos clothing, and then rode out on a heavy motorcycle. She was out of the courtyard in just a few seconds. The fire had asbestos clothing. Isolate, and did not burn her to the slightest.

Gu Yanzhe was still uneasy, so Ye Yuxuan had to take off the coat she put on, raised the sleeves of her nightgown, and shook her white arms twice, indicating that she was really not hurt.

Seeing her wearing a nightgown, Gu Yanzhe was stunned for a moment. She didn't change her clothes. In such a hurry, although Xiao Tong was injured, there should be other things that prevented her from changing her clothes.


Putting on Ye Yuxuan's coat again, Gu Yanzhe began to inquire.

"What happened?"

Ye Yuxuan let herself lean on the sofa and said lightly: "As you can see, something happened to my small courtyard." What happened to the small courtyard?What's wrong with the small courtyard?

Yeyu Xuan Tong know that a small moment in a coma, and the rest, and it will not be in a hurry to go look, see Gu Yanzhe eyes urging, had continued:. "I'm actually not very clear, in short, my yard was on fire."

"If it is not small Tong, the person lying in it may be me now."

Chapter 162 I Don't Understand

Ye Yuxuan's words were a bit serious, even if it was Gu Yanzhe, she didn't want to tell him too much, she didn't want Gu Yanzhe to be involved.

Sometimes, knowing too much is not a good thing!

The small courtyard was on fire, so Xiao Tong was burned. This is not surprising, but what about the smell of explosive powder on Xiao Tong's body?

Also, Ye Yuxuan's body also smelled of explosive powder, but it was much lighter than Xiao Tong's body. I don't know if it was because of passing through the explosion zone that it brought the smell of gunpowder in the air, or when Xiao Tong came here with him. Stained?

In short, Gu Yanzhe knew that things were not as simple as Ye Yuxuan said.

"When the courtyard was on fire, were you at home?" Gu Yanzhe asked.

Ye Yuxuan was silent for a while and nodded: "Little Tong saved me."

Although she was suspicious, when Ye Yuxuan nodded and admitted, Gu Yanzhe's anger was instantly ignited.

Fire again, bomb again, what does her small courtyard look like now?

Gu Yanzhe was very angry, and at the same time rejoiced, fortunately that the injured person was not Ye Yuxuan.

Although it is possible that Xiao Tong suffered the Wuwang disaster, in Gu Yanzhe's heart, as long as Ye Yuxuan is okay, it is okay for Xiao Tong to be hurt more severely.

Don't think that he is cold-blooded, and the human heart is inherently biased. Compared with relatively strangers, it is natural that the safety of the people you fancy is more important. Besides, Gu Yanzhe never felt that he was not a cold-blooded person.

"You have a good rest here, I'll call the police for you."

Ye Yuxuan grabbed Gu Yanzhe and shook her head: "No. When I came to your place, my fire was too big to be extinguished. I guess the neighbors are right. She already knows it, someone should have called the police a long time ago."

"I'm sorry, Yan Zhe."

She doesn't know how dangerous it is to bring Xiao Tong to find Gu Yanzhe, maybe it will drag Gu Yanzhe, but here, besides Gu Yanzhe, Ye Yuxuan doesn't know who else she can trust.

In addition, Xiao Tong was injured again, and she couldn't handle his injury at all, so she hesitated and sent someone here.

Gu Yanzhe frowned and said displeased: "Yuxuan, you don't have to say sorry to me. I'm very happy. The person you are looking for is me the first time."

Ye Yuxuan curled her mouth and said, "Because I only trust you. . By the way, I told the guardian uncle that

Xiaotong was uncomfortable, so I brought him to see you." Without any extra words, Gu Yanzhe responded simply: "Okay, I know."

"Excuse you to rest." Ye Yuxuan Twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Don't say that, do you want to see Xiao Tong?"

Ye Yuxuan nodded: "Can you?"

"Yes, he is in a coma, you can feel at ease if you look at it." In the second

bedroom, Xiao Tong was in a coma, but because Pain, her face wrinkled tightly.

This is the first time Ye Yuxuan has seen Xiao Tong like this, and she feels very uncomfortable. His face is pale, his lips are not bloody, his soft hair is a little scorched, there are scratches on his face, and there are burns on his arms... I made dinner for her in the afternoon and sent her back to the courtyard in the evening.

At this time, Ye Yuxuan still remembered that Xiao Tong came in by slamming into the door. There was a raging fire on the door. There was already a big fire walking around the house. Instead of running, he rushed in to rescue her.

He was only ten years old when he went retrograde in the face of the fire.

The one who was bombed suffered internal injuries, and had to bang open the door with his body to find her.


Obviously, she and him are just meeting each other, so it's worth his life?

This little kid is a bit silly, he just feels guilty to people casually, Ye Yuxuan looked at Xiao Tong who was in a coma, a corner of her heart softened again, and her heart said, do you know it's easy to suffer this way?

No, this can't be said to be a loss. This will lose his life. Isn't he afraid of death?

Gu Yanzhe was standing next to Ye Yuxuan. He didn't feel much about whether Xiao Tong was hurt or not, but after knowing that Xiao Tong was hurt like this for Ye Yuxuan, Gu Yanzhe looked at Xiao Tong two more gently, but it was only two points. It's just points.

At this moment, Gu Yanzhe seemed to be angry, but he was furious in his heart, but in order not to frighten Ye Yuxuan, Gu Yanzhe suppressed the anger in his heart.

No matter who the attacker is, if it is found out, he will surely make the murderer pay the price.

"Okay, Yuxuan, I'm here, don't worry. It's already late, and you're terrified. You wash your face and sleep, what's the matter, get up tomorrow, eh?"

Although it was a question However, Gu Yanzhe's next words clearly expressed his meaning.

"I watched him at night. You have a good rest. I have to be in the clinic tomorrow morning, so you have to watch him a little bit tomorrow." The implication is that you need to rest and you will have mental care tomorrow.

Ye Yuxuan heard this and naturally wouldn't refuse.

She will guard this, and can't do much. It's better to let him watch and leave professional things to be done by professional people. If there is any complications such as high fever at night, Gu Yanzhe can also find out and deal with it in time. .

"Go wash your face and sleep in my room tonight. I'll change your bed with a new bedding."

Ye Yuxuan wanted to say no, but Gu Yanzhe had already left the second bedroom and went to tidy up.

Although there was no scald, Ye Yuxuan did smell of gunpowder smoke and fireworks, so Ye Yuxuan had to clean up and take a bath in Gu Yanzhe's house.

When she came out of the bathroom, Gu Yanzhe had replaced the bedding in the master bedroom with a new set of washed ones.

"Don't think too much, get a good night's sleep." With persuasion, Gu Yanzhe urged Ye Yuxuan into the bedroom to sleep, but he stayed in the hall after seeing Xiao Tong's situation.

Occasionally looking at the door of Ye Yuxuan's sleeping master bedroom, Gu Yanzhe's eyes flashed with worry, Yuxuan, don't worry, I will do my best to protect you.

The newly changed sheets were light blue, Ye Yuxuan took off her nightgown and lay on the bed in her pajamas, her eyes open without any sleep.

Didn't Xiaotong go back long ago? Why is he suddenly in her small courtyard again?

It's not that Ye Yuxuan suspected Xiaotong's mischief. After all, the situation was so dangerous. When the fire burns, he doesn't care about the slightest affection, let alone recognize people. He is going against the fire, if she doesn't care about him when he faints. Regardless, he was about to be burned into a charcoal corpse along with the small courtyard.

He must have found something.

Obviously he noticed the danger but he was still approaching, and he was safe after avoiding, but he accidentally injured himself. Ye Yuxuan didn't know if Xiao Tong was a fool or something.

It's so stupid! Ye Yuxuan was annoyed in her heart.

In fact, even if Xiao Tong does not show up, Ye Yuxuan will be fine.

But Ye Yuxuan couldn't say anything. Seeing Xiao Tong now like this, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

He was recklessly stupid, which made Ye Yuxuan angry and annoyed, but also distressed.

Chapter 163

As Ye Yuxuan had guessed, the fire could not be extinguished at all. When the person who called the police returned with the police, the small courtyard was burnt with broken tiles. Occasionally, the charcoal fire spattered with a crackle or two.

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