《Seven Zero Days with Space》Hoarding Supplies


Li Momo first gave the information about the house to the intermediary, and then calculated the existing property of two million five hundred thousand.

She didn't plan to resign either, and her work is pretty leisurely now, and she may not have the end of the world, so she has to make a two-handed plan.

I planned the materials to be purchased and the shopping time, and then rented a large warehouse near the wholesale market not far from home, and rented several large warehouses in the suburbs.

On Monday, she went to work and had a regular meeting, and it was all right. She wholesaled some spices, sanitary products such as tissues and sanitary napkins, toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrush and shampoo, quilts and bedding, clothes and socks all year round. .

She also wholesales some special packaged foods and snacks on the Internet. For other foods, she plans to take a long vacation or take a leave directly and then go to a place rich in grain to buy some, by the way, buy some common medicines at a passing pharmacy.

Her space is not too big, it is a vertical cuboid with a base of ten square meters and a height of twenty meters.

She simply bought a lot of containers and planned to sort the materials and store them one after another. It would be nice to leave a space between the containers so that she can pick up things with her thoughts.

Purchasing materials online while checking for missing or filling vacancies according to the planned schedule.

From Monday to Friday, I continued to buy daily necessities online, and on the weekends, the express delivery also arrived one after another, and they were placed in remote suburban warehouses.

Just one month later, all the materials for online shopping have arrived. They will be stored in the warehouse near home on weekdays and in the suburbs on weekends.


During the period, the house was also sold. Because of the urgent need and the money paid to the intermediary company, the school staff house only got 450,000, and the house in the city was 750,000.

So she put the stuff of her parents and most of the furniture into the space, rented a house near the company and moved there.

At the end of the month, I went to the warehouse on the weekend to divide all the materials into categories.

On Monday, she asked the leader for a month's leave, because the unit is free or asks for leave, and can go back after completing the handover procedures.

She first went to the northeast to buy grain and oil, and also bought a bunch of native chickens in the old village; then went to the grassland to buy a bunch of beef and mutton; finally transferred to coastal cities to buy a batch of seafood, and finally the money was about the same. Now, she plans to have a good time and go home.

Li Mo's heart has been hanging these days, guessing that after the end of the world, she will not sleep well at night, and hurriedly buy supplies every day. Not sure when the end times will come, Li Momo is afraid that the world will change when she wakes up one day.

Only when the money was almost spent, and the space was full of supplies, did Li Momo feel relieved.

It is best if the last days do not come. If the last days come and there is a space of supplies, Li Momo believes that he can continue to live.

In this case, Li Mo decided to slowly wait for the end of the world to come, and leave the little money left for himself to wander around and see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

Thinking about Li Momo was so much more relaxed, she decided to go to some places she wanted to go for a long time to play casually.

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